Chapter 104
This is the wrong response!
If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, and all the ministers are vigilant.

I saw the corners of the emperor's mouth raised, outlining a playful smile, and his crimson lips parted slightly, like the rising sun.

But the words he spoke were like ice drops falling to the ground, carrying a bone-piercing chill, each word shocked everyone's hearts, making one's scalp numb.

"I have never experienced reviewing memorials in front of the ministers."

"Sure enough, God and my ancestors have blessed me, otherwise, how could I have such a fresh and refined idea in a flash of inspiration."

"Face-to-face approval saves time and effort, improves efficiency, facilitates corrections, increases communication between the monarch and his subjects, and shortens the relationship between the monarch and his subjects. It really serves multiple purposes."

"I even admire my own whimsy."

In the next second, Wang Bao took out a bunch of stamps from nowhere and placed them in front of Cui Canwen.

Ministers: !?(_;?
face approval?

This is the court, not the school!
How could His Majesty have the audacity to say such high-sounding words.

Face-to-face criticism is to kill them. What is the difference between this and public execution?
"Don't worry, I will read all the painstaking efforts of the gentlemen one by one."

Anyway, since I was a child, I have exercised the ability to summarize the key points at a glance and ten lines, so it is useless.

Cui Canwen pointed to the seal at hand, and her smile became brighter and brighter, "Do you know what this is?"

"It's the rating seal."

"Excellent is the best, good is the second, and average is the last."

"I will comprehensively consider the memorials of your beloved ministers from the six aspects of conception, writing, structure, writing style, hot spots, and practicality, and give them a grade."

"Those who are excellent will be exempted from the three-day memorial."

"The one who gets the last one will add another one a day."

"For three consecutive excellent performances, half a month's exemption will be granted, and an extra day of rest will be added every ten days."

"As for those who get the last score for five consecutive days, there will be no rest and bath within three months, and a monthly salary of one month will be fined."

"Diligence can make up for one's weakness. I also worked hard for the good of all of you with good intentions. I think you will understand."

"The rewards and punishments are so clear, you are really lucky to meet me."

The brighter Cui Canwen's smile and the more joyous her words, the heavier the hearts of the courtiers.

These few words are like a big knife hanging above the head.

They are there day and night, giving them a rare moment of peace.


No one is lucky anymore.

Your Majesty is simply messing around, but they can't refute it by themselves.

Once you refute it, you will be labeled as a lazy, lazy, and greedy for pleasure.

Don't doubt, the current His Majesty is a real dog.

If you can't help yourself, you can only ask for help.

The best candidate, Empress Cui!
It's just, who will tell them what happened to Empress Cui's fiery eyes like a wolf seeing a sheep.

Liang Shaoyuan said that it was too novel, he liked it, and he also wanted to go to India.

As Cui Canwen slowly opened the memorial, the hearts of the courtiers became higher and higher.

Looking at ten lines at a glance, he took a quick look at the flowers, and then pressed the stamp.

Sometimes frown, sometimes more tightly, only very occasionally the brow can be slightly stretched.

The courtiers can only judge by their micro expressions.

"Qin Yi."

The right servant of Shangshu who was named shot Qin Yi, and hurriedly said, "The minister is here."

This feeling, dreaming back to the school, the moment when the master holds the power of life and death.

When the pen starts and the pen falls, his fate is decided.

He also knew that there was no need to be too nervous, but he couldn't control it.

"You are very good."

"The memorial is written in words and sentences, so I won't repeat the praises."

"After all, your handwriting is hard to find in Chang'an City."

"What I want to praise is your benevolence of worrying about the country and the people. After reviewing so many memorials, you are the only one who mentioned the actual facts."

"You mentioned that a hundred miles away from the capital, there are thugs occupying the hills and making troubles, and they have made a statement about the harm and disadvantages. I am very pleased."

Qin Yi: !?(_;?
Small things like bandits deserve special praise?
How watery is the content of the memorials of other colleagues?

Originally, he just heard a few more words from the servants at home, so he sent someone to inquire about it, and it was true, so he wrote this memorial with more than a thousand words in one go.

Does he have to thank his colleagues for letting him take the lead temporarily.

Let him carefully recall, His Majesty's standards and rules just now.

Excellent once, free for three days.Three consecutive times, half a month free.

Moreover, there are three more days to rest and bath every month.

Suddenly, this is also a good thing.

After all, there are many such trivial things as bandits.

"Your Majesty, this is what I should do."

Qin Yi, who had passed her forty years, bowed her head and said hastily.

"I am more optimistic about you!" Cui Canwen praised without hesitation.

If you want the horse to run, you have to let the horse eat grass.

She had to work hard for the officials to see the hope of being rated as excellent, and then began to involve wildly.

Rolling, rolling, either the quality is improved, or the rolling is tired, obediently obey her.

It's not the third way to go, the third way is to go all the way to the black, rely on the old to sell the old and die, and then return to the hometown to provide for the elderly.

"Qin Yi, the proposal in your memorandum is very good, and the implementation is very high. I agree."

"It will be done according to your report. The Ministry of War, Jing Zhaoyin, and Jingji Wei will cooperate with you to suppress the bandits."

"I'm waiting for your good news."

Qin Yi, who was overjoyed, took a blow to the head.

Is he a civil servant, the right servant of Shangshu, commanding the suppression of bandits?
Is this not appropriate?
"It's done, and I'll make an outstanding contribution for you."

Qin Yi, who was about to refuse, shut up.

The mere banditry is wiped out with the flick of a finger.

A good start is half the battle, another excellent one, and he won't have to worry about making troubles for half a month.

Conscience of heaven and earth, it's really not every day that something happens.

"The minister leads the order."

Cui Canwen didn't speak any more, but continued to bow her head to read the memorabilia, and the people in the hall became more and more panic-stricken.

It's hard!

It's really hard!
There are no other words to describe their mood.

"Master of Dali Temple!"

Cui Canwen threw the memorial on the desk heavily.

Dali Temple Qing, who was already in a panic, shuddered suddenly, "Are you a memorial?"

"As the Minister of Dali Temple, there is nothing wrong with writing criminal cases in memorials."

"But are you deceiving me to be ignorant and ignorant?"

"There are so many cases in Dali Temple throughout the year, even if you want to make up a story, there are plenty of facts for reference, how about you?"

"The majestic Dali Temple minister plagiarized folk supernatural stories?"

"Are you looking down on yourself, or on me?"

Dali Siqing's face turned pale, so biased, so no one cares about the scriptures handed down from the previous dynasty, does His Majesty know?
Cui Canwen looked at Dali Siqing and sighed in her heart.

Well, she admitted, she was putting on airs.

She hadn't read this storybook, but the style was not what Dali Siqing always looked like.

If Dali Siqing's thoughts are really so delicate, I'm afraid she will have to be happy.

Copying is not good!

"I've worked so hard to train you, but the Dali Temple Minister actually treats me like this."

"My heart hurts."

(End of this chapter)

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