Master of life in the last days

Chapter 167 The Semi-Gamified World 26

Chapter 167 The Semi-Gamified World 26
Back in the living room, Ling Xue put away her excitement, and must hurry up to collect various materials, otherwise she might not have materials to upgrade after regenerating two levels.

Although the wood on the opposite mountain has been taken away by herself, there are still a lot of stone materials on the two mountains next to her, which is enough for her safe house to be upgraded to the full level ten, and the excess can be exchanged for wood and iron ore.

Lingxue is a man of action, she immediately packed her things and set off early in the morning.

This time Lingxue started collecting stone directly from the top of the mountain. Anyway, she now has no hope of mining ore from these two mountains, so she simply started collecting from the top to the bottom, so as to avoid hollowing out the bottom of the mountain and causing landslides.

Lingxue started collecting non-stop, and by noon, 5000 cubic meters of stone had been collected.Calculated in this way, if it gets dark, Ling Xue can collect half of the mountain.

This speed is no one else, expect players to dig with a pickaxe one by one, but they don’t know how long it will take to dig until the year of the monkey. It’s no wonder that the price of stone in the channel remains high, almost comparable to ore.

It is no wonder that this is the case, stone and ore are dug out by the player one by one, and the physical strength of the player is equal, but the ore is more scarce.

At noon, Ling Xue took out a serving of braised pork ribs, a serving of sweet and sour fish, a plate of stir-fried cabbage sum, a serving of seaweed and egg drop soup, two meat, one vegetarian and one soup, plus a serving of white rice, and she ate everything.

I have to say that Ling Xue's food intake has increased by a lot compared to when she was weak, and Ayong will be very relieved if she sees it.

In the eyes of adults, the more children eat, the happier they are.

Among other things, eating a lot proves that you have a good appetite, and a good appetite means that you are in good health.The health is good, what is there to be dissatisfied with as a parent?

When Lingxue was sick when she was a child, his father told Ayong countless times, "As long as Xiaoxue is in good health, I don't ask for anything. It doesn't matter if she is incompetent or capable, as long as she is healthy."

Ah Yong was fine with other things, he remembered this sentence very clearly, and he also acted according to this sentence.

As long as Ling Xue is healthy and her life is not in danger, he doesn't ask Ling Xue to do anything.

In a word, as long as Ling Xue is happy, she can do whatever she likes.

This is also the reason why Ling Xue's peers are so jealous of her and exclude her.Why do we have to suffer every day to be asked this and that by adults, but you just need to have fun all day long, they refuse to accept it!
After finally waiting for Ling Xue's father to pass away, but there is still A Yong taking care of her, Ling Xue's quality of life has not changed at all, and they feel even more uncomfortable.

After all, he was a child, and he couldn't think of any way to deal with Ling Xue, at most he would scold Ling Xue behind his back.

After talking too much, Ling Xue's reputation spread in the base. Even though she often stayed at home and didn't go out, the base still knew that there was someone like her.

After growing up, these peers also knew that although Ling Xue didn't lack anything in life, if she couldn't arouse her abilities, she would have no future.

They may think that their jealousy when they were young is naive, or it may be out of sympathy for Ling Xue that almost no one says anything bad to her anymore.

Ling Xue sometimes thinks about her childhood, but those memories are like watching a movie for Ling Xue, and she can't empathize with them.

Gradually, Ling Xue's eyes are on the present, and also on the future.

The past is always the past.

It's meaningless to think too much!
(End of this chapter)

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