Master of life in the last days

Chapter 168 The Semi-Gamified World 27

Chapter 168 The Semi-Gamified World 27
Lingxue calculated her own inventory. There are about [-] square meters of wood, which is definitely not enough. She must continue to collect or exchange it with others.

In terms of stone materials, there are about [-] square meters from these two mountains, which should be enough. Even if there is a shortage, there is not much. She just collects it slowly.

The ore must continue to be exchanged with the players in the mining area, otherwise she will not even have enough ore for the next upgrade.

However, the matter of exchanging ore and wood will be moved to night, and she needs to complete the collection of stone materials first.

Ling Xue walked out of the safe house with a large glass of happy sparkling water, and she went to see the harvest of the fish basket first with elegant steps.

Each fish basket has five fish weighing two catties each. It seems that five fish per basket is the upper limit of what she can catch, and her basket will not be able to hold any more.

After absorbing the white energies of these ten fish, Ling Xue's ability has almost reached the fourth level.

While reminiscing about the ecstasy feeling she had when practicing, she checked the two fish baskets.

These two baskets have been used almost ten times, and they are already damaged. It is estimated that they will be scrapped after being used again.It seems that she needs to prepare more fish baskets!
After reloading the fish basket, Lingxue continued to collect materials.

However, thinking of the power that was about to be upgraded, Ling Xue remembered that the wild monsters hadn't been killed yet, maybe she could upgrade her power to level four after absorbing the energy of those wild monsters.

Therefore, before going to collect stones, Lingxue went to kill the wild monsters that were refreshed today.

Sure enough, the ability has risen to level four.

The feeling of upgrading is good, Lingxue happily went to collect stones.

In a good mood, Lingxue's collection speed became much faster.

By the time it got dark, two-thirds of the stone had been collected.

Ling Xue returned to the safe house satisfied.

The sweet potatoes and sweet potatoes in the vegetable garden have grown lush and lush. Ling Xuepa pulled two plants to check. The potatoes and sweet potatoes are not too small. It seems that they can be dug in two days.

It seems that the game world has accelerated the growth of these plants. Ling Xue thinks that the game is still very friendly to plants.

The fruit trees are also growing very well, but they don't seem to be blooming yet. I don't know if it's because the time for transplanting is too short or for some other reason. Ling Xue plans to observe for a while.

When Ling Xue visited the regional channel again, she found that there were many strange props on the channel, and many of them were still very useful.

A player who lived by the sea killed sea monsters and actually spawned water-avoiding beads. Of course, he has a huge amount of seafood in his hand, and each one is fresh and big, which is very attractive.

This player doesn't want to change anything else, he just wants to change some food, he can't get enough of seafood alone!
Ling Xue immediately paid attention to this player, and she planned to contact him for a deal after browsing the channel.

Another player is a forest guard who guards the forest. He also has too much wood in his hands. He wants to find someone to exchange, and Ling Xue also pays attention to him.

In addition to having a lot of wood in his hands, this forest guard player also has various saplings and tree species, but no one trades them.

Others don't like saplings and tree species, but Ling Xue likes them. These are rare or nonexistent tree species on Blue Star, and she can take them back to the researchers for cultivation.

And the player who sells meat, Jinshi, continues to sell meat, and there are many more varieties. This big guy is probably running around to fight monsters, right?

This man's force value is super high, it's not impossible to pick monsters specially!
(End of this chapter)

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