Master of life in the last days

Chapter 284 Arid World 86

Chapter 284 Arid World 86
Wang Bo and Liu Feng also heard about Ling Xue binding a flower spring, and they were finally relieved. With this flower spring, it doesn't matter if there is no harvest in the future.

"Xiaoxue is back? Do you want to act with us tomorrow?" Wang Bo looked at Lingxue with a smile and said.

Of course Lingxue would not agree, she simply refused: "No need, I'm not as fast as you guys, you can do whatever you want, I'll just walk around the camp."

"That's all right!" Wang Bo didn't try to persuade her, she didn't care how much she got, and there was no need for him to work hard behind her.

The team next to them gnawed dry pancakes while paying attention to Ling Xue's movements.They found out that Ling Xuehai really wanted to continue to go out alone to look for Huaquan, and they made complaints about Ling Xuehai's stupidity in private.

Ling Xue didn't say much, and went straight back to her tent to rest.

Not to mention that the tent is really useful, living in it is extremely comfortable.

In order to avoid conflicts, these teams are looking for Huaquan in different directions. The place is so big and there are so many Huaquan.

Ling Xue didn't join them blindly, and these people thought she was quite interesting.They felt that although Ling Xue wasn't capable, at least she was honest, doing less would save them a lot of trouble.

Regarding their attitude, Ling Xue didn't say much, anyway, it was more convenient for her to act alone.

After five days, everyone's harvest generally decreased, and the camp began to move.

Ling Xue also walked in, physical labor was out of her turn, and she was happy to be at leisure.

But she carried her own tent on her own, and the equipment she used was not easy to bother others. Another point was that she was afraid of being confused with other people's tents.Although they are all new tents, I always feel a bit awkward to use the things I use for others.

This time everyone marched another two kilometers, and then continued to set up camp.

The same operation, Ling Xue is already very experienced.

After setting up camp, everyone started a new round of hunting for Huaquan.

Few people came to look for the flower springs in the desert, so they gained a lot.This kind of rich harvest has greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of everyone. Everyone is racing against time to find the flower spring, and no one is going to gossip about other people's harvest.

Ling Xue was also very happy in this situation, and finally no one paid attention to her.

It may be that the news that there are many flower springs in the desert was passed back, and they encountered many teams from other places in the desert one after another.

Everyone came to Huaquan, so it can be said that they are competitors, so they rarely communicate with each other.

Ling Xue has also become more cautious when acting alone, who knows if she will be crazy to see her alone and want to attack her!
Thinking like this is purely due to Ling Xue's own overthinking. Just because of her posture of keeping her head down, others think that she didn't search carefully, so there is still something to gain?

So the other teams didn't approach Ling Xue when they saw Ling Xue. They all knew that she was a careless person. They also knew that there would be no big gains, so no one cared about her little gains.

It may also be that everyone is looking for Huaquan with all their heart, so Lingxue is really quite safe in this situation.

Her search speed can be said to be the fastest of all, and one person can basically top several teams.

Once Lingxue saw a team leader holding a metal stick in his hand, and when he encountered Huaquan, the stick actually screamed, and she realized that he had a professional tool!

(End of this chapter)

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