Master of life in the last days

Chapter 285 Arid World 87

Chapter 285 Arid World 87
Ling Xue also passed the news to Zhang Enhui and Zhou Kai that there are a large number of flower springs in the Magic Stone Desert, but they haven't arrived yet, and they don't know what happened.

What else could be going on, everyone wants to come, and they are all vying for transportation.

They couldn't compete, so they drove over by themselves.

In this way, their speed will be much slower.

By the time they came over, it had been 10 days since Ling Xue and the others arrived, which shows how slow their speed is!

They were also the first batch to come, and there are still many people on the way.

Zhang Enhui and Zhou Kai have already changed to a high-tech tent and a spring-seeking instrument in the research institute. The spring-searching instrument is the metal stick Ling Xue has seen before, and their equipment is also very complete.

After everyone met, Ling Xue followed Zhang Enhui and the others to act together.

Although they are acting together, there is still some distance between them, in order to widen the search range.

Ling Xue was also assigned a Spring-seeking Instrument. Although she didn't need this Spring-seeking instrument, it was Zhang Enhui and Zhou Kai's kindness, and Ling Xue didn't refuse.

Everyone's gains are also separated, that is to say, whoever finds it belongs to whom.

Ling Xue thinks it's better this way, lest it's difficult to divide things when they are mixed together, and it will be bad if conflicts arise again.

After Zhang Enhui and the others came over, they temporarily separated from Liu Feng and the others.However, the tents they had previously distributed to Ling Xue and Wang Bo were not taken back, they were all given to them.

Ling Xue didn't refuse either, it was Liu Feng's kindness, and besides, they also had a deal with Zhang Enhui, so there was no need to make such a clear distinction.

Lingxue didn't have any objection to the fact that they didn't give her the Xunquan instrument before. She probably didn't even have this thing in her hand, so she had nothing to say.

If Liu Feng had a Spring-seeking Instrument in his hand, Wang Bo would definitely not hide it from Ling Xue. This time Liu Feng was so generous, probably because Zhang Enhui and Zhou Kai gave him a Spring-seeking instrument.

Compared with Zhang Enhui and Zhou Kai, they have gained more, probably because they have better luck.

Zhang Enhui didn't want to go in after advancing forward again. Although there might be more rewards in it, the risk is also greater there.

They began to search in circles around the desert, and encountered many teams that continued to go in along the way. It seemed that there were quite a few people who were not afraid of death.

Anyway, Ling Xue and the others were searching the edge of the desert, and no one had any objections.

They are not fools, and they don't know what's going on inside, so why go in and take risks?
It is also good to harvest in the periphery. In such a large desert, even if there are many people coming, there are still many places that are missed. This is enough for Ling Xue and the others to search.

They stayed in the desert for a month, and then they were called back by a message.

The news came from the people of Liu Feng's family. The sun has changed, and there may be huge changes.

Everyone didn't dare to delay, and immediately set off to return to the West Market.

Along the way, I met many teams going back. It seems that everyone has received the news.

Although most people go out of the desert, there are always some people who don't care about it and are driven by interests to continue walking into the desert.

Ling Xue sighed, why can't people control their greed?
Everyone returned to Xiaogouzi with their harvest, which lasted seven days!

"I'm back, I'm back!" Aunt Zhang's family waited for them at the entrance of Xiaogouzi.

Ling Xue also felt very happy seeing Aunt Zhang and the others. How could she not miss them after not seeing her for a long time?After getting along for such a long time, Ling Xue has long regarded them as family members.

After some intimacy, everyone went back to their own homes to rest.

(End of this chapter)

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