Master of life in the last days

Chapter 539 Blue Star 1

Chapter 539 Blue Star 1
Blue Star, Lingxue's exclusive secret room!
Ling Xue and Feng Shishi both opened their eyes, and the detection instrument started to "buzz—"!

The accompanying guards rushed forward, testing the physical fitness of the two of them one by one.

"everything is normal!"

The Blue Star executives waiting outside the door all heaved a sigh of relief. These two are precious eggs, and they can't afford to pay for any far so good!

After resting for a day and a night, the two got up and walked out of the secret room.

As soon as Ling Xue walked out of the secret room, she saw Uncle Yong waiting outside.

"Uncle Yong, I'm back!"

Ah Yong choked up a little and said, "It's good to be back, it's good to be back!"

Ling Xue also felt very uncomfortable seeing Uncle Yong look a bit haggard. Uncle Yong was the one who worried her most when she was suddenly taken away by Feng Shishi. Seeing that Uncle Yong had gray hair on his head, it showed how much he was suffering. .

Uncle Yong can feel relieved when she comes back, otherwise he will still suffer.

"I want to eat Uncle Yong's cooking, it's not good to eat outside!" Ling Xue still acted like a child, trying to divert Uncle Yong's attention.

Sure enough, when she heard that Ling Xue wanted to eat his cooking, she immediately dragged Ling Xue home.

Feng Shishi, who was left behind, could turn her lips to her ears. She is so grown up, and she is still acting like a child, so she is not ashamed at all.

But in her heart, why doesn't she envy Ling Xue!
Every time she finished her mission and went back to Fengxing, no one worried about her!
After Feng Shishi was sore for a while, she stopped thinking about these things, anyway, she was like this all her life, so what if no one cared about her?She feels sorry for herself!
After walking out of the gate, Ling Xue and A Yong could no longer be seen.

She planned to wander around the Blue Star by herself. Anyway, this is a new planet joining the alliance. Even looking at Feng Shisan's face, the elders in the clan would not let the Blue Star fall into the treatment of the lower planet.

Blue Star is lucky!
Yes, because Lan Xing raised Feng Shisan, a young lady, she has become extraordinary since then.

Ling Xue went home with A Yong, and no one disturbed her at this time, she had to recover before reporting to work.

We all know that Ling Xue was dragged into the mission world by Feng Shishi this time, which is very different from the previous body entry, so these people dare not take it lightly, for fear that something will happen to Ling Xue's body again.

"Uncle Yong, you don't know, this time we entered the ancient world of missions. I even pretended to invite the immortal master to spread the clouds and rain, and the common people admired it. In fact, it was the immortal master disguised by Feng Qi. It's just pretending, she just came back from a mission in the world of cultivating immortals, so she is a real fairy teacher."

"Is that so? You've become the emperor now? Xiaoxue is amazing!" Ah Yong was very appreciative of Ling Xue's words, and he was very interested in Ling Xue's affairs in the mission world.

Ayong is like a comedian among cross talk actors, when Ling Xue was talking, he would add words like "What?", "That's it!", "Amazing!"

The two started talking as soon as Ling Xue came out, and they didn't finish talking until the two had finished eating, which was also very vigorous.

In the end, it was Ah Yong who was afraid of delaying Ling Xue's rest and forced her to go into the room to sleep. In fact, Ling Xue had just slept for a day and a night, so how could she sleep?

But she was afraid that Ayong would be worried, so she closed her eyes and rested for a few hours. This time, Ayong felt relieved.

He just said, in such a tense place in the mission world, how could it be possible not to be tired?No matter how good it is outside, can it be better than at home?

(End of this chapter)

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