Master of life in the last days

Chapter 540 Blue Star 2

Chapter 540 Blue Star 2
There is a kind of suffering that makes your uncle feel that you are suffering!
Of course, this mission world trip did make Ling Xue suffer a lot.

Because it's not her own mission world, she can only be regarded as an incidental staff of Feng Shishi's mission this time, so don't even think about rewards or the like.

This time, Ling Xue is doing free work for Feng Shishi.

Ayong knew that Lingxue had no harvest this time, so he comforted him cautiously: "As long as you come back safely, we don't have extravagant hopes for anything else."

Ah Yong is the most stupid, he can only comfort Ling Xue in his own way.

In what way, it is a food guide!
The two worked together, and all kinds of high-grade ingredients were taken out for backup.Ling Xue can choose whatever she wants to eat, and Ayong is not ambiguous at all.

These high-grade ingredients are collected by him little by little, and it is not easy to collect these ingredients with Ah Yong's ability.

Ling Xue was also very happy to see these ingredients, meat, river fresh seafood, vegetables, and fruits, etc., all kinds, which opened Ling Xue's eyes.

"I don't know many ingredients?" Ling Xue picked up a flower-like ingredient and asked curiously, "Is this a flower or a fruit?"

Ayong stretched out his head to take a look, and said to Lingxue: "This is a kind of food that the tasker brought back from the mission world. It can be regarded as a spiritual food. It has no other effect, but it is delicious. After eating, it can make people feel better. People feel better!"

Lingxue studied this ingredient curiously. The crystal-like petals are one centimeter thick.
"There are still such ingredients, it's really a big world, there are all kinds of wonders!"

Ayong nodded in agreement: "There are not many ingredients like this, and they are not easy to grow. We only got them for your sake. Others have no way to get them if they want them!"

Ah Yong looked proud, as if Ling Xue's face was too high.

Ling Xue was not modest either, she just laughed out loud!
Ah Yong looked at Ling Xue dotingly, in his eyes Ling Xue was still a child.This time Ling Xue was accidentally brought to the mission world by Feng Shishi, which really frightened him. Fortunately, Ling Xue came back soon, otherwise, he didn't know if he could survive.

"What's the matter with the little girl from the Feng family? Why is she so impulsive?" Ah Yong couldn't hold back and asked.

What Ah Yong wanted to say was not that Feng Shishi acted impulsively, but what if Feng Shishi went crazy again?It's just because Ah Yong is more kind, he can't say that Feng Shishi is crazy, what if Ling Xue is not happy?
Ling Xue thought about it, and finally explained the cause and effect of this matter to A Yong.

At first, Ling Xue didn't know, Feng Qi told her when she arrived in the mission world.

"This Feng Shisan was originally Feng Shisan. After the Feng family found out about me, her ranking was moved and changed to Feng Shisan. Feng Shisan's name was taken by me. She must be unhappy, right?"

Ah Yong was a little angry: "Just because of this?"

Ling Xue affirmed helplessly: "It's because of this!"

Ah Yong was angry for a while, and asked Ling Xue: "Then what is their family's plan?"

What Ayong didn't say is that Ling Xuebai can't be at a disadvantage, right?

Ling Xue shrugged, and said to A Yong indifferently: "Then who knows? It's just to punish Feng Shishi, and give me some compensation?"

Ah Yong was a little dissatisfied. Fortunately, there was no accident this time. If something happened, it would be useless to kill Feng Shishi.

(End of this chapter)

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