Chapter 161 Missing an Explanation

"Wow, my opinion of Jiang Yi is even worse when you say that! Disrespecting teachers and being disloyal and unfilial are on the same level. Every time he is on stage, he is so affectionate!"

"You talk about the feelings of a great country, but you can't even respect your teacher, but you talk nonsense there. What is it not a hypocrite?"

"That's right, as the saying goes, if you don't sweep a house, how can you sweep the world? My own teachers don't respect me. What's the use of being far-sighted?"

"Let's just say, it's gradually getting a little bit lower."

"Actually, I think, whether or not to add the teacher's name mainly depends on how much the teacher participated in the creation."

"Right, right, right! It's harmless if you just put forward a little bit of your own opinion, and it's not the one who paves the emotional tone of the whole song. If that's the case, you need to add a signature."

"I thought it was a big deal, so that's it??"

"Why do I feel that you are all so picky now?!"

"Is this the same as writing a thesis?"

"When you were young, your parents would still teach you how to do the questions, and sometimes even your parents would correct the whole book, and then teach you to correct them one by one. Don't your parents participate a lot?! In the homework book I don’t see you writing your parents’ names either.”

"That's right, I'm doing this to my son now! I have to check my homework every day and watch him correct it."

"Isn't the teacher's role in pointing out the maze? I will give you a little bit of advice, but you actually did it yourself! Why do you think I need a teacher?"

"Thesis guidance is different. It is more of a sense of ritual and respect for intellectual property rights."

"Actually, I think it mainly depends on the content of the guidance. If you just give some suggestions for revision, there is really no need for it, and you don't need to be so picky. After all, isn't the same principle between teachers and students?"

"I'm willing to be your master and apprentice, and the teacher didn't put forward any opinions. Netizens don't want to. It's really laughable."

"I also think that this session of netizens is really lenient."

"When I first heard about Jiang Yi's plagiarism, I was wondering which other songs in the entertainment industry could be copied."

"The key is that being able to surpass this level is not an adaptation of another level?!"

"Why are the netizens so angry? Could it be that Mr. Liu He lied in your ear last night and said that he wrote the entire lyrics?? It can't be!"

"Even if he is really guided by his teacher, and the teacher participates in it, that is his own ability. Do you think Mr. Liu He accepts all kinds of apprentices?"

"That's right, being favored by a famous teacher is also a manifestation of strength."

"I carry the banner for Jiang Yi, let's see who dares to be his enemy, enemies are everywhere! You fake fans! When a new song was released before, one of them cried and howled with gratitude. Now I see you through! "

"I understand why Jiang Yi refuses to enter the entertainment circle at a deeper level. I should have understood this a long time ago, so I have always only devoted my emotions and energy to the works, which is really chilling!"

"I'd be disappointed if it were me. I guess the capital must have figured out the urgency of these netizens and fans, so they dare to monopolize the entire market in such an open manner! It's nothing more than knowing that you are all brainless waste!"

"The scolding upstairs made me laugh so hard! But it really makes sense, what others say is what they say, and it's easy to be led by the nose!"

However, at this time, Mei Rou also explained the ins and outs of the matter to Jiang Yi clearly, Jiang Yi turned on the loudspeaker and went to Weibo to see the current development of the matter after listening halfway through.

"The method is fine, it's almost useless."

He browsed the screen, watching the netizens come and go, arguing like elementary school students, he almost wanted to laugh.

Seeing Meirou's anti-criminal operation afterwards, she almost laughed out loud!

It was also an eye-opener. The other party asked the navy to lead the rhythm, and she also invited the navy.

It's so simple that it's mainly used for one use, without any fancy operations.

But let alone, the effect is quite effective. From his point of view, it has given those netizens who are not so clear-headed a heavy blow.

These netizens are also in a hurry, doing nothing all day long, just clinging to such a small point.

Fortunately, he never asked Liu He to guide him in terms of creation, otherwise, he would really not be able to clean up even if he jumped into the Yellow River.

But just by looking at the style between the two, it can be seen that they are completely different.

However, it is very picky to worry about whether it is completely original, and he can't agree with it.

So what if you really give pointers.

After listening to Mei Rou's explanation, and then browsing through the matter by himself, he understood the details, so he was a little puzzled.

"Is there anything else to deal with? Hasn't this subsided?"

Hearing this, Mei Rou gently rubbed the center of her brows.

"No way, brother."

"The current situation is just that the two sides have their own words and seized one side's base area respectively. The situation is not so imminent for the time being, but when things happen, there is always an explanation and explanation for the majority of netizens."

"And it must be clean and tidy, without leaving any future troubles."

"How else can I say it?"

"It's as if you keep this spot on your body all the time, like a tattoo, which can't be washed off no matter what. What we want is to prevent future troubles forever."

Otherwise, although it seems to have calmed down for the time being, as long as there is any trouble, others will step on you again with this point. "

Mei Rou explained painstakingly, breaking apart every point and explaining to Jiang Yi.

He didn't know it was so complicated, and he had a headache for a while.

"So there's something I need to cooperate with."

He asked key points.

Judging from the situation, it seemed that he was halfway through the process, and there was almost something to come to him.

Or if there is any concern, I have to say that he is indeed very sensitive, Mei Rou laughed and felt emotional after hearing it.

"You see things are really sharp."

"I have many ways to completely extract you from here, but isn't this matter still involving Ling Shi?"

"None of the methods on my side can preserve the reputation of the two people, which is a bit troublesome, so I want to ask you for instructions."

After all, when the incident only involves one person, it can be resolved, but once it involves two things.

Netizens will greatly reduce the credibility of postings.

This is also the hardest part.

When talking about this, Meirou also nodded her head.

Perhaps the other party's cunning lies in the fact that Liu He's reputation has to be taken into account, and the difficulty has suddenly increased, and she has not thought of a suitable solution until now.

Jiang Yi pondered after hearing this.

(End of this chapter)

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