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Chapter 162 Prepare a plan, Liu He goes crazy

Chapter 162 Prepare a plan, Liu He goes crazy

The key point of the matter is actually how to convince netizens of this fact.

It can't be a simple clarification, it needs to be convincing enough to make the other party speechless.

After all, netizens are not the ones who believe what they say.

Especially this kind of black material that has been hotly searched.

To a large extent, in the hearts of many netizens, it is already an established fact.

Although it looks simple, it is indeed difficult in practice.

The key is to maintain the reputation of the two people, and if one hit hits, there will be no future troubles and the possibility of being overturned by the opponent, which greatly increases the difficulty.

For a while, he also felt worried.

Both sides remained silent, Meirou said suddenly with a flash of inspiration.

"This matter still involves another teacher, why don't you ask Mr. Liu what he thinks?"

When Jiang Yi heard this suggestion, he frowned subconsciously: "Ask him?"

"What can he do?"

"Besides, this matter itself is implicated. I can't solve the matter caused by me, so I have to ask him for it, and trouble him to find a way?"

He only felt that this approach was absurd, and it didn't seem like something he could do, so he subconsciously resisted.

And asking the teacher's opinion before the matter is dealt with will inevitably make people misunderstand that he means to abandon his home to protect his handsomeness.

After repeated questions, Meirou fell silent for a while.

"What you said is also reasonable, but."

"The old man has lived for so many years, maybe he has different views and opinions, which happen to be something we didn't see or notice."

"It doesn't hurt to ask more questions."

Mei Rou earnestly said: "The key is that your relationship with Master Ling is both a teacher and a friend, and you are not as restrained as others. Although this matter is caused by us, we can also discuss countermeasures together."

Hearing him chattering over there, Jiang Yi frowned impatiently, and asked suddenly.

"You have been encouraging me to test my teacher's attitude, do you already have a specific idea?"

Meirou was silent.

Sensing the other party's silence, Jiang Yi realized that he had guessed in every possible way, and let out a foul breath.

"Go ahead."

"what are you thinking."

"Old Mr. Liu is highly respected. The simplest and most direct solution to this matter is for him to stand up and speak out." Mei Rou coughed lightly, feeling a little uncomfortable being seen through by the other party.

"The old man himself has said something beforehand, so naturally no one is questioning it."

"But now it mainly depends on Mr. Liu's attitude and whether he is willing." She said truthfully.

After talking for a long time, the other party didn't respond, Mei Rou was a little bit numbed, unable to guess what the other party was thinking, so she could only bite the bullet and continue talking.

"In fact, the highest state of dealing with public opinion is to hit a straight ball."

"You meandering and directing caused deeper misunderstandings to those netizens."

"It's easier for most people to understand that it's about others."

"So we just need to pinch the most core point, hold the majority of people to affirm it, and believe it."

"What's more, this is to deal with public opinion, and the old gentleman should not have much opinion."

Unexpectedly, after he finished speaking this time, the other party quickly responded: "Okay, I'll go back and ask him."

The answer was so fast that even Meirou was shocked when she heard it. She didn't expect it to be so smooth, so she hurriedly agreed: "Okay, okay, please discuss it with the old man!"

After Jiang Yi said that, he hung up the phone without hesitation, but his brows were still tightly frowned.

I went downstairs and knocked on the door of Liu He's house. After the door opened, I saw the concerned face of my teacher's wife.

"Xiao Jiang?"

"Are you okay??"

The teacher's wife was full of concern and worry, she was taken aback by Jiang Yi.

He also followed the other party's gaze to inspect himself: "Are you okay? What's the matter??"

The teacher's wife was relieved, and took half a step back in one breath: "If you have nothing to do, come in."

Jiang Yi walked to the living room, and found that the old man was not playing chess and drinking tea unexpectedly today!
Holding the phone, he was frowning and looking at something.

"It's the first time I've seen you looking at your phone so intently." He walked to the inside of the sofa and said a little teasingly.

Liu He raised his head in astonishment when he heard the voice.

"How did you come?!"

Jiang Yi was even more puzzled, why one or two seemed shocked when he came, and he asked back: "Why can't I come?"

"Now you are being slandered online, shouldn't you be dealing with work matters?"

Jiang Yi was picking up the teapot to pour water for himself, when he heard this he looked up in astonishment, and then the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Your old man's internet speed is fast enough, do you know that?"

Old man Liu snorted, noncommittal.

At this time, the teacher's wife also came out with a plate of fruit, and said, "I don't know what those people on the Internet are thinking."

"This old man's song is so lifeless, how could he help Xiao Jiang write a song? Isn't that easy to hear?!"

"What do you know, why are you so lifeless?" Old man Liu blushed angrily, and said with a stiff neck, "That's called loneliness! Do you understand the emptiness and loneliness!!"

Liu He sternly corrected her, but the teacher's wife was still full of anger when she mentioned this matter, and the two Jiang Yi, who were back and forth, laughed.

The two old people are really cute. They were indifferent to things on the Internet before, but now because their Internet speed is not even inferior to contemporary young people, it didn't take long for this incident to happen, right?

"Also, this Feng guy is not a good guy either!" Liu He, who was buried in his phone, suddenly said loudly, and the eyes of the two people in the living room were attracted to him.

"The surname Feng?" Jiang Yi raised his eyebrows slightly, he couldn't remember who was surnamed Feng for a while, and looked at Liu He curiously.

When he heard the question, he didn't even lift his head.

"It's the one who asked you to record the movie's theme song recently!"

His expression was a little surprised for a moment: "Feng Xiaogang??"

"What's up with him?"

"It's just that I just got an invitation for an audition, and I haven't started contacting it yet."

Seeing Liu He like this, Jiang Yi couldn't help but wonder what the other party did to make him so angry!So staring at each other with burning eyes.

Liu He snorted from his nostrils, and said in a mocking tone: "The netizens are so crowded under his Weibo, he has no ability to judge at all! Just believe it?!"

"He also hypocritically posted that he will definitely think carefully about who will sing the theme song!" He curled his lips as he spoke, and the disdain in his eyes was even worse.

"Who wants him to be careful, consider, and choose?"

"He deserves to consider choosing us?!"

"I couldn't even look down on him when I was young!! Let alone now!"

The more Old Man Liu spoke, the more angry he became. Jiang Yi seemed to see an angry puffer fish with such vigor. He went from being stunned at the beginning to laughing outright.

(End of this chapter)

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