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Chapter 193 You Can Trust Jiang Yi Unconditionally

Chapter 193 You Can Trust Jiang Yi Unconditionally

Amidst the jokes and disapproving voices from the netizens, Jiang Yi suddenly stopped and glanced around.

Li Weijia and He Jiong were still walking forward on their own, almost bumping their heads into Jiang Yi's back.

"What's the matter? What's the matter, brother!" Li Weijia was the first to shout after being a little confused, and then asked expectantly.

"Have you found anything?"

As he said, his gaze scanned Jiang Yi's gaze with great anticipation.

But the final result disappointed him. What he saw was a bush, full of greenery, without any dead grass. The only difference was that this bush grew much taller than the others.

He Jiong looked at the bush and was a little puzzled: "It doesn't look like there is firewood around the bush."

He was much more reliable than others, and was already thinking of a solution, and continued with a frown.

"If we can't find it, why don't we borrow some firewood from the program group?"

"This thing shouldn't cost much corn."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Yi laughed.

He pointed to the slightly tall bushes in front of him: "You wait."

After saying these words, he walked forward alone, leaving Li Weijia and He Jiong looking at each other, and then reacted and hurriedly followed.

I saw Jiang Yi pushing aside the bushes and burrowing in. When he came out this time, he had already grabbed a handful of dead branches in his hand.

Li Weijia and He Jiongju couldn't believe it.

"Damn, how did you do it!" Li Weijia hurried in to help while talking.

When he came out later, his face was full of smiles, and his eyes seemed to be shining with stars, dazzling, as if what he was holding was not dead branches and leaves, but gold.

The comment area is also boiling.

"Damn it, what the hell is this? How could there be dead branches here!"

"I'm dying of laughter, this slap in the face is too fast!"

"My Brother Jiang is so cool!"

"Sure enough, you can trust Brother Jiang unconditionally in any situation and in any field!"

"I thought he would only wear a tuxedo on the high hall, singing and playing the piano elegantly, but I didn't expect him to have such a skill. It simply subverted my perception of him!"

A group of people pulled out a lot of firewood from the high-rise bushes. Originally, He Jiong was worried about how the three of them would carry so much firewood.

And Jiang Yi has already pulled a stem of an unknown leaf from the side, and tied the firewood into bundles.

The messy firewood turned into a neat and orderly pile of firewood in a short while in his hands.

He Jiong was amazed to witness the whole process.

Li Weijia couldn't describe his amazement in words at this moment, only a thumb could express his thoughts at the moment.

After handing over the bundled firewood to the two, Jiang Yi took out a bag out of nowhere and went back to the bushes amidst the stunned expressions of the two.

In this situation, Li Weijia inexplicably felt that he was no different from a waste, he hurriedly approached the bushes and asked loudly.

"Brother, enough firewood is enough, what are you doing in it again?!"

"Pick up some dead leaves to make a fire!"

Although Li Weijia didn't understand, it didn't prevent him from quietly waiting for Jiang Yi to come out.

After staying for 2 minutes, Jiang Yi came out of the bushes with a bag full of dead leaves. He patted the ashes off his body, picked up a bundle of firewood on the ground and said to the two.

"Let's go!"

The three of them came out this time and gained a lot.

Under the moonlight, the smiles on everyone's faces were much more sincere than usual, perhaps because they worked together just now.

Or they have put in more or less effort, the clothes on their bodies are not as clean as when they came here, but the heavy firewood in their hands is the result of their going out this time, and everyone is very satisfied go back.

Netizens were not without emotion when they saw this scene.

"Their smiles are more genuine than usual on the show."

"As the saying goes, if you do your own work and have enough food and clothing, everything you get from your own labor and hard work is very fragrant, and there is a sense of satisfaction from the inside out."

"Blindly guess that they went back to go for a walk after eating tonight and fell asleep."

"It's the same on both sides, and both have worked hard."

"We go to work in the office building every day, and what we pay is spiritual energy. We are exhausted every day, and we can't sleep when we go home, and then we consume ourselves day after day."

"That's right, and then the spirit got worse and worse."

"I don't know why, seeing them smiling so happily now, I suddenly feel a little envious of this kind of life."

"Although I am a little tired and hard from physical work, I don't need to use my brain at all. I go back to sleep soundly, and I will be full of energy the next day."


On the way back, Li Weijia asked Jiang Yi.

"Brother, how did you know there were dead branches and leaves under that bush?"

Curious not only He Jiong next to him also leaned over to listen.

Hearing this question, Jiang Yi smiled, and glanced at the nearby bushes.

"It's not just the bushes, there are probably a lot of dead branches and leaves under every bush."

Seeing the two opened their mouths in surprise, Jiang Yi was a little puzzled: "Isn't this common sense?"

"Didn't you drill under the grass when you were young?"

"Hey, that's the way it is, maybe you've forgotten it!"

The two felt a little embarrassed, coughed lightly and rolled their eyes away.

Afterwards, the three of them didn't talk much, and He Jiongfu asked again: "Since there are dead branches under every tree, why did Xiao Jiang choose that bush?"

Jiang Yi had things in both hands, so he could answer this question as a matter of course.

"There are fewer small dead branches and more big dead branches, so we don't have to search everywhere."

Seeing the embarrassed expression on Teacher He Jiong's face, the netizens in the live broadcast room laughed very unkindly.

"Don't say it, I really laughed to death."

"Teacher He is such a smart person on stage, but when he asks these questions, he is like a naive little white."

"However, Mr. He Jiong's thirst for knowledge is very strong hahahaha!"

The three of them quickly walked to the place where the pit was dug before.

Wang Lei has already dug a hole for me, and is waiting for them to come back.

He was very excited when he saw the few people who came late, but their hands were still full of firewood.

"Brother, you really found firewood!" He stepped forward a few times, but Jiang Yi gave him a thumbs up after seeing the firewood in his hand.

"It's really yours!"

(End of this chapter)

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