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Chapter 194 The strong never complain about the environment!

Chapter 194 The strong never complain about the environment!
The firewood is in place, everything is ready, and the ingredients that were bought on credit can finally be used.

The fire was lit slowly, and several people took the skewered corn in their hands and put them on the fire to roast in a decent manner. Wang Kaikai was weighing it left and right with great interest, and suddenly thought of something, and raised his head and asked.

"Shouldn't the yams and sweet potatoes be roasted together?"

He asked so innocently that Wang Lei almost gave him a hard time.

This time before Jiang Yi could speak, Wang Lei spoke first.

"You are stupid, you are roasting potatoes and sweet potatoes with the fire, do you think the firewood is not strong enough?"

Wang Kaikai was a little stunned, not quite understanding what he said, he blinked his eyes and looked at it in confusion.

After Wang Lei let out a long sigh, he spoke earnestly.

"Let's roast the corn first. If there is no tin foil, throw the sweet potatoes directly into the fire to roast, and it will burn easily."

"Wait for the fire to be lower and when the firewood is about to burn out, then put the sweet potatoes in and simmer slowly."

This time he understood, he gave a long answer, and then said with a silly smile: "So that's how it is!"

Seeing this, netizens sighed again and again.

"I didn't expect their life skills to be quite complete!"

"Wang Kaikai is simply playing me, an idiot in life."

"The appearance of these five people sitting together is very similar to when I was with my parents, asking what I don't understand, what I don't know."

"Hahaha, my dad usually slaps me down at this time."

"I didn't expect that watching a variety show can also light up life skills, and I made money!"

"If Wang Lei hadn't explained it to us, I never would have thought that the sweet potatoes would be baked when the fire is low."

"Really, I always thought that to bake sweet potatoes, you just need to turn on the fire and throw the sweet potatoes in. I didn't expect that there is such a thing."

"In fact, they are more particular, because when the fire is hot, throw sweet potatoes into it. Although they can be cooked and eaten, a large layer of skin on the outside will be burnt, and only a little bit can be eaten, which is very wasteful. Use the rest slowly. It's just right when the fire is cooked."

"It feels like they have a good atmosphere sitting together. Although some people don't understand anything, although Lei's father has always looked fierce and barking his teeth and claws, in fact, he has always been very good-tempered and needs to explain."

"Jiang Yi is the same, so he has never been impatient."

"To be honest, if I encounter teammates who can't do anything or can't do anything, I will really get impatient."

"Commonly known as disgusting stupid hahahaha."

Seeing that the sky was getting later and later, several people were walking around with a piece of roasted corn on the fire in their hands. From time to time, they could hear the sound of fire candles exploding, and there was a sound of crackling. water light.

"A little bit sleepy."

"The corn should be ready soon, I can smell some aroma." Jiang Yi looked down at the corn in his hand.

Through the moonlight, Wang Kaikai seemed to have discovered the New World. He said with a mournful face, "Brother, my corn seems to be... roasted black??"

As soon as he said this, everyone looked at the corn in his hand in unison, and saw that the original color of the golden corn was in his hand, and a large area of ​​the head was black.

Wang Lei suddenly laughed unkindly, and the sleepiness just now was swept away!

"You are not good at this technique, you can burn even a piece of corn!"

The rest of the people were too busy observing the corn in their hands to make sure it was still golden, so they were relieved.

Afterwards, he looked around again, and it seemed that among the five people, only the corn on his hand was roasted black.

He had a bitter face: "It looked fine just now, but suddenly I didn't pay attention."

Jiang Yi leaned over to take a closer look, and finally commented: "It's true that you are very talented, but it's not a big problem. The second half should still be edible, so be careful, if it's really not good, we'll still have potatoes and sweet potatoes."

Hearing the comforting words, Wang Kaikai swept away the previous depression and gloom, and nodded gratefully.

The female fans in the live broadcast room screamed.

"Ahhh! Our brother Jiang is so gentle, I love him to death!"

"He's really emotionally stable! And he seems to take care of other people's emotions."

"Really, after this evening's variety show, no matter what happened to him, his mood has always been stable!"

"And Jiang Yi's hands-on ability is so strong! It seems that everything can be easily solved by him!"

"Hahahaha, the strong never complain about the environment, and the problem has been solved long ago!"

"Maybe I'm a novice in life. I think he knows a lot, and he is neither arrogant nor impetuous and never seeks superiority over others!"

"An emotionally stable person is so handsome! I didn't say that he is very suitable to be a husband!"

"Nonsense, it's obviously very suitable to be my child's father!"

"Hahaha, the two sisters upstairs dare to dream!"

Seeing that the fire was getting smaller outside the screen, Jiang Yi pulled out the prepared sweet potatoes and potatoes from the bag next to him, and threw them directly into the pit dug with a shout of hello.

Then he took a piece of firewood from the side and buried the exposed potatoes in the charcoal ash.

Li Weijia looked at the side with a face full of novelty.

"Is it really possible to cook with such a small fire?"

Wang Lei lifted his own corn, stretched out his hand to feel its softness, and then replied.

"These things look hard, but they are actually very well cooked."

Li Weijia nodded thoughtfully, and rubbed his hands with some anticipation.

Lifting the corn to the tip of his nose and sniffing it, Jiang Yi's eyes flashed with excitement, "I can already smell the fragrance."

After speaking, he blew lightly towards a place twice, and then took a bite carefully.

Under the gazes of several people, Jiang Yi began to chew a corn kernel, and his complexion gradually became a little weird under their probing eyes.

The people in the live broadcast room were about to burst out laughing.

"Hahahaha, I take back what I said before! Jiang Yi's mood is not particularly stable!"

"Laughing is so hot! Jiang Yi is somewhat curious and curious!"

"I praised him for his emotional stability just now, but now his face is distorted, and he died laughing!"

"He has been on stage so many times, and I have never seen him with such a rich expression!"

"Tonight's variety show is worth watching!"

"I've already taken a screenshot and I'm ready to make an emoji!"

"I guess he'll have to keep his mouth shut for a while!"

Someone was predicted by God, but in fact, the guests at the variety show were also curious.

"How is it?" He Jiong asked cautiously.

Jiang Yi frowned, then swallowed the corn kernels.

"It's soft on the outside, but the heart in the middle is still hard, it's probably a little bit raw."

"But the corn itself is sweet and not unpalatable. If you are hungry, you can try it first."

After hearing his words, the rest of the people breathed a sigh of relief, and began to eat corn with great peace of mind, wondering where it would be better to eat.

Wang Kaikai glanced at his own corn head that had been scorched black, but he still didn't move for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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