Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 196 Jiang Yi: I'm good at setting stamps!

Chapter 196 Jiang Yi: I'm good at clichés!
After asking several times in a row, Wang Lei was a little bit unwilling to give the same answer, and now he stared straight at Jiang Yi.

That's pretty clear.

You can't come here because you don't have other good resources at hand!

Of course he asked the same question.

"Teacher Jiang is in full bloom this year, so red and purple!"

"Why did you come to our little variety show?"

His eyes were full of curiosity, and the audience burst out laughing.

"Curiosity killed the cat! Teacher Wang Lei, be careful."

"Wang Lei: Look at the big doubts shining in my little eyes!"

"Director: Already sharpening the knife, on the way!"

"Longing for Life is only the first episode, and it's not very popular, but I remember that a lot of money was spent on the promotion before, and it can be seen that it was produced with care. How come it has become a small family in Brother Lei's mouth! "

"Silly, it's because the first episode started broadcasting, although a lot of money was invested, but I still don't know what the effect of the later broadcasting will be, so those big names dare not come to test the water, so the people we saw came. "

"In short, it is famous and interesting, but the popularity is not very high."

"In fact, it may be that the director deliberately did it. After all, Changtian Variety Show focuses on healing, and invites a bunch of big names to compete for jealousy. Fans fight and scold. Although the popularity is there, it will lose the original Does it make sense?"

"That's really low-key. If you want to, even if you don't invite all the big names, you should still be able to invite one or two, but it's not! They really didn't invite any of them."

"But brother Jiang can be regarded as a big fire this year, so why don't you come to this trip where you can't see the water ahead, no matter what, the program team agreed."

"Jiang Yi's existence is different! It just became popular this year, and the momentum is fierce, and it's the first variety show on the show, and there's no black material, it's just a lot of money!"

"Participating in a new variety show, I can only say that Jiang Yi is very invested."

"At present, it seems that Jiang Yi has won the bet. After all, the variety show Yearning for Life is very good in terms of production and painting style."

"That's right, plus Jiang Yi's own enthusiasm, if the production doesn't slow down, you don't have to worry about wasting your time at all."

"Didn't you pay attention? Ever since Jiang Yi officially announced that he was going to participate in Longing for Life, the popularity and popularity of this variety show have skyrocketed."

"I also think that all aspects are pretty good. Why do you look down on one or two? The director probably gnawed his back molars in the back."

Outside the screen, Wang Lei stared at Jiang Yi with piercing eyes, as if he was going to ask an answer tonight.

Jiang Yi poked the potato eggs on the ground with a wooden stick without haste, then glanced at Wang Lei with piercing eyes, and chuckled lightly.

This person is much older than him, and every time he is called brother, he always has a strange feeling.

Yet facing his question was just saying.

"I handed over a bunch of variety show notebooks, and I think this one is quite fresh and interesting, so I'm here."

Wang Lei was dumbfounded: "It's that simple?!"

He nodded, quite calmly: "Why else, it's that simple."

Now it was Wang Lei's turn to make a bitter face.

The barrage in the live broadcast room boiled again.

"Hahahaha, why do you think Wang Lei is a bit bitter."

"He doesn't seem to be able to figure it out."

"I'm more curious now, how did he get tricked into being so against this variety show hahaha."

"So, he tried to find someone among the guests that he could relate to, but unfortunately, he didn't seem to find one."

"It's such a shame!"

"Director: The answer is full marks, full of satisfaction."

"The director retracted the knife in great relief at this time, and Jiang Yi saved Brother Lei's life again hahahaha."

"Jiang Yi has vision."

At this moment, Jiang Yi was watching from outside the screen, and Wang Lei, who was full of worry and confusion, asked curiously.

"Then how do you think I got here?"

Wang Lei, who was in self-doubt, raised his head with a troubled face.

"At least... At least I didn't come willingly." His tongue was tied, and his eyes seemed to be trying to organize his words.

Suddenly he was refreshed, and seemed to know how to describe it: "Or there is some reason that cannot be rejected!"

After Jiang Yi heard this answer, he let out a meaningful oh.

"So this is ah."

"That's right, that's right!" Wang Lei's eyes sparkled, as if he felt a resonance with the person, he looked at the other person eagerly, and suddenly heard Jiang Yi change the subject.

"Then dare to ask brother Lei, is there any reason why he can't shirk his participation in this program?"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, my God! Brother Lei will also be tricked one day!"

"Who knows, Leilei, I will be exposed one day!"

Wang Lei also blinked his eyes twice, and then he suddenly realized that he thumped Jiang Yi's shoulder and scolded with a smile: "You boy! You are so smart!"

He was still fiddling with the potatoes on the ground calmly in his hands, smiling lightly and saying nothing.

After laughing and cursing for a while, Wang Lei often sighed, stretched out his hand and pointed at the director team on the hillside behind.

Then whispered to several people.

"Originally, when I was free during this time, I made an appointment with my wife to go abroad to see my daughter."

"In the end, this old man suddenly called and asked me to participate in some variety show!"

When Wang Lei mentioned this, his tone gradually became a little annoyed: "Tell me about him, when is it not good to find me! Anyway, work schedule and work arrangements!"

"It's just this time! I managed to spare a lot of time, and I made an appointment with my daughter, but I missed the appointment again!"

"In the end, my wife had to go find my daughter alone. The mother and daughter are away, and I have to work here."

Having said that, his tone became sluggish, somewhat bitter.

Hearing that it was because of this, several people more or less felt the same way. After all, the feeling of having a plan disrupted is very uncomfortable.

He Jiong was next to him, and patted Wang Lei's shoulder as a sign of comfort.

At this time, the camera on the audience screen switched to the director's face very deftly. Wang Lei in front of the fire pit was wronged and sad, while the smile on the director's face on the other side couldn't be hidden.

It was that kind of cunning and calculating smile, under the moonlight, like an old fox hiding in the forest.

The audience understands it right away.

"Such a boss is really annoying, he always likes to disrupt other people's plans!"

"Damn, the sense of substitution is very deep, and I'm already getting angry!"

"Imagine, after a weekend, you have all set your poles, but the last time I asked you to go back and change the plan, I can't bear it, I can't bear it!"

Jiang Yi sat beside him and looked at Wang Lei's sad face, feeling a little puzzled.

"If it conflicts with your schedule, why don't you just refuse?"

"Why do you have to agree?"

(End of this chapter)

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