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Chapter 197 I Didn't Expect You To Be Such A Jiang Yi!

Chapter 197 I Didn't Expect You To Be Such A Jiang Yi!
This sentence was stopped by several people, and they all raised their heads to look at Wang Lei.

"That's right, with his coffee position and qualifications in the circle, if he doesn't want to participate, he can completely reject it."

"I don't understand, and I have to complain again after I pick it up."

"I have to say, Jiang Yi asked the crux of the problem."

"The main one is fatal with one blow."

"So why do you want to pick it up? Yearning for life is actually pretty good, but it's really embarrassing to complain about it after you pick it up."

In the live broadcast room, the audience were all protesting in unison, but in reality, the eyes of the other people were a little puzzled, while Jiang Yi was still full of sincerity, as if he was simply curious.

It was only at this time that Wang Lei came to his senses, and after he often let out a high, he sneakily pointed at it.

"You don't know how to owe favors."

"I owed a favor to the old man above."

Afterwards, it was accompanied by a grinning expression, and everyone was stunned.

"I see."

Originally, some swords were on the verge of breaking out, but the menacing comment section suddenly calmed down.

"It turns out that's the case. I'll just say it. Brother Lei is not like this. He is a person who behaves differently in front of his face and behind his back."

"With such a familiar tone, someone who can say bad things about people face to face, what kind of bad person can he be, hahahaha."

"It must be an old acquaintance, otherwise, I wouldn't be so unscrupulous."

"The relationship between old acquaintances, where can we question the laughing death."

"Facts have proved that favors are harder to repay than money! Don't owe favors indiscriminately."

"Now I don't believe the previous set of remarks about deliberately not inviting big guys. If it's not that you can't invite people, will you waste a favor and pull your old friends to come to the table? Thinking about it, that's not the case Son."

"Looking forward to life before seems to be quite uninterested. It was only after Jiang Yi followed the official announcement that it improved, but at that time the official announcement list had already been sent out."

"After all, longing for life is really primitive in some aspects, and it's normal for some people not to dare to gamble!"

"I hope the word-of-mouth explosion will explode at the end!"

The firewood in Jiang Yi's hand pulled the potatoes on the ground, then he raised his head with a calm tone.

"It's not steaming anymore, it should be almost cold."

Hearing this, several people all lowered their heads and began to fiddle with the sweet potatoes under their feet.

Seeing this, Wang Lei immediately looked up at Jiang Yi.

"Jiang Yi lied to us to eat raw corn before, this time you come to test the poison!"

Wang Kaikai and Li Weijia looked at each other, both dumbfounded.

"No, brother can still do this."

"You two have an opinion?" Wang Lei glanced at this lightly, and his tone was not suspicious of him.

The two hurriedly waved their hands, and then Li Weijia held back for a long time before uttering a word.

"Brother Jiang has deceived us once, you are not afraid of being deceived by him a second time."

Wang Lei choked, he really didn't expect this point.

Then he turned his face and looked at Jiang Yi suspiciously across the face.

But the other party was still full of sincerity, calmly facing Wang Lei's gaze.

Seeing that he was in a stalemate afterwards, he couldn't help reminding him kindly.

"Some raw corn tastes really bad, but if the sweet potatoes are not cooked, you can almost tell by the color when you break them open. Are you afraid that I will lie to you?"

"Brother Lei, it's not like I said that you also have common sense in life, why don't you understand everything like young people like them."

This remark is meaningful, and it is even flattering.

Sure enough, Wang Lei was quickly persuaded, and only netizens who had always stood in the perspective of an outsider understood it, and laughed out loud.

"I don't know why, but I always feel that Brother Jiang has no good intentions."

"Jiang Da Huyou is online again!"

"Brother Lei is still a little more innocent."

"I never thought that Jiang Yi, who is so dignified on the stage, would be so good at fooling people, it's hard to laugh!"

"Watching a variety show really yielded a lot, blindly guessing that Jiang Yi is going to do something again."

But it did seem to disappoint the netizens. Jiang Yi really just fooled Wang Lei a little this time.

When he peeled the sweet potato under his feet, and the golden and crimson inside of the sweet potato appeared on the camera, netizens knew that it was safe.

Naturally, the other guests also saw it, and the sweet smell floated over, and some people had already started to swallow their saliva
Jiang Yi lowered his head and tasted it, then chewed it carefully, as if he was distinguishing carefully.

Seeing that he was serious about eating, the guests were anxious but embarrassed to disturb him.

After all, they were the ones who asked Jiang Yi to try it first.

The smell of roasted sweet potatoes came up again, sweet and tempting, and the most terrible thing was that it drifted far away, and almost everyone present could smell it clearly.

But Jiang Yi tasted it seriously, so even if he was too greedy, he could only hold back and stare at Jiang Yi as he chewed.

This picture successfully became the laughing point of netizens.

"There is a kind of greed called, because I can't speak because of politeness, so I am greedy."

"This picture is absolutely amazing. If you find a soul painter, you can almost anthropomorphize it with a greedy cat."

After finally waiting for Jiang Yi to swallow the food in his mouth, the others finally couldn't hold back their mouths and asked hastily.

"how is it going?"

"I'm sure, I've smelled it, it's really delicious!"

Under everyone's expectant eyes, Jiang Yi nodded with a smile on his eyes.

"Not bad, you can eat."

As soon as this remark came out, the rest immediately took action.

He hurriedly picked up the sweet potato on the ground, split it in half, and then a sweet and oily smell came over his face.

Wang Leimeng sniffed, lowered his head and took a bite, then raised his head in a bewildered face.

"Sure enough, the ones you dig and bake yourself are better than the ones you bought!"

His unpromising appearance successfully made netizens laugh.

"Brother Lei has debuted for so many years, and he hasn't eaten a single sweet potato, hahaha!"

"It's over, his sweet potato looks delicious, and he suddenly feels a little hungry."

"I want to sit in Jiang Yi's arms and eat sweet potatoes, why is he so elegant while eating sweet potatoes!"

"Mr. Wang Lei, do you want to be so unpromising! Although his sweet potato looks really delicious."

"The color is golden and I can almost smell the sweet smell through the screen."

"I just feel that the sweet potatoes I baked are particularly fulfilling, and they must taste more delicious than others!"

"It's over, I don't want to go to this poor class at all, I really want to go to the countryside to roast sweet potatoes!"

"Seeing them roasting sweet potatoes in the open space is really healing."

"In this life, you must buy a mobile phone that can smell the fragrance."

"Usually, I'm indifferent to the baked sweet potato sellers I pass by on the street. Today, watching this variety show, I suddenly feel a little ready to move."

"From tomorrow, the monthly sales of the uncle who sells sweet potatoes on the street will increase."

(End of this chapter)

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