Chapter 202

Hearing the voice of agreement from the director's team, Wang Lei burst out laughing, thinking that as expected, there will be a second time for this kind of thing.

As the saying goes, eat a good breakfast! !
Wang Lei called several people over solemnly, and had a little discussion about what to have for breakfast.

When encountering such a thing, everyone was a little cautious and didn't know what to say.

In the end, Li Weijia choked out a sentence: "Why don't you boil two eggs?"

Wang Lei waved his hand: "Do you think we really came here for a vacation and went to work after dinner for a while, and the staple food is indispensable for breakfast."

"Then noodles." Jiang Yi said next to him: "You can add some toppings to fight hunger."

Wang Lei patted his thigh: "That's right, I thought so too!"

"The noodles are pretty good, and they're quick to prepare." He Jiong also echoed.

Wang Kaikai rolled his eyes: "Soup noodles are easy to get hungry, so it's not as good as we eat noodles? It's more solid."

"Won't you get tired of eating noodles in the morning?" Jiang Yi asked, feeling a little weird.

Several other people waved their hands, so he didn't say much anymore.

"Then let's eat fried noodles, how about? If conditions permit, you can also fry an egg."

Li Weijia spoke excitedly from the side, the sun gradually cleared the clouds and mist, and the atmosphere in the small courtyard was very good.

"You can also make noodles with fried sauce, Wei Jia." Wang Lei said slightly teasingly, but the other party coughed, with a somewhat unnatural expression on his face: "Isn't there still you here!"

"If it doesn't work, we can also search for tutorials online."

What he said was swearing, and everyone no longer struggled with this point, and a few people had no objections, so it was decided what to have for breakfast.

Afterwards, he credited a lot of corn from the program group at one time, and after exchanging the ingredients, he suddenly reacted to the empty yard.

"It's terrible!" Wang Lei slapped his forehead: "It's hard for a smart woman to cook without rice. No matter how complete the ingredients are, it's useless without a pot."

After his reminder, several other people also realized that during the time of eating yesterday, they went to dig a hole in the open space to roast corn, but today they must not do this again if they want to cook noodles.

Wang Lei was still a little skeptical about life, and asked the photographer tremblingly: "Did your program crew forget to make a stove when they built the mushroom house?"

"How can the life I yearn for not even have a pot?"

However, the photographer has no expression on his face, and the silence already represents many things to a large extent.

Wang Lei also completely resigned to his fate, and then went to the program team to change the tools for setting up the stove.

The mushroom house suddenly became busy, and several people began to divide the work.

Li Weijia and Wang Kaikai went to wash the vegetables, clean up the ingredients, and clean up the courtyard.

Jiang Yi, Wang Lei, and He Jiong faced Fan Chou, the material for the stove.

Although it is a stove, the materials given by the program group are not bricks, tiles and cement.

There is only a large pot and a few logs.

Seeing this, Wang Lei gave a helpless chuckle.

"If I didn't have the memory to know that I was on the show, I would have thought I was back in the 70s and [-]s."

"This stove is a bit difficult to handle." Teacher He was a little worried: "First of all, it must be durable. After all, we will probably rely on this pot in the future."

"But the materials given to us by the program group don't look very solid, do they?"

Jiang Yi added slowly from behind.

The other two nodded repeatedly: "I really don't have much confidence in these wooden sticks that seem to be used to support the iron pot."

Teacher He Jiong seemed to be aware that the current atmosphere was a bit sluggish, and he jokingly enlivened the atmosphere.

"I remember when I was a child watching costume dramas, they seemed to be marching and fighting with a few sticks and a big pot. How about we try?"

Netizens followed the picture described by Mr. He Jiong to think.

It turned out that it seemed to be the case!
Everyone praised Mr. He Jiong for his excellent memory.

Wang Lei was still scratching his head: "Is there a possibility that you have the impression that the wood under the stove in the film and television drama is a firewood pile?"

"It's the log above that hangs the pot."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience fell silent.

Netizens really doubted life for a while.

"Damn, it seems that the memory has been confused."

"What's going on? Why did he say that I look like one!"

"What is it like? Go and search!"


"Oh my god, help me, this program group is too bad, I just watched the program group and didn't give ropes or anything like that."

"Unless it is an iron chain, the safety factor is not high. After all, TV dramas are just staged."

Jiang Yi also smiled, and scratched his forehead with his hands, as if he was thinking.

After a while, he stood up and picked up a few wooden sticks on the ground, as if he had already achieved something.

The two of them quickly followed him and stood up, staring at his movements with tight eyes, wondering what he would do.

Netizens are also looking forward to it.

But in the next second, he picked up a few wooden sticks, stood up, and went straight to the show crew to change the bricks? ? !
Netizens are dumbfounded!
The other two were also dumbfounded!
Wang Lei trotted forward, rubbing his hands excitedly: "No, he is willing to change!"

Then he took two bricks from his shoulders and snorted: "This old man can give us better materials. He sent us with two sticks before!"

Jiang Yi transported the bricks back to the Mushroom House, and kindly reminded him.

"Maybe it's because it took a lot of corn to change the ingredients before."

"There are more and more corn in the car, so I gave some cheap materials."

"After all, this basket of bricks consumed a lot of corn."

How can Wang Lei listen to this now, holding a hard brick in his hand, he can almost imagine how sturdy and easy to use the stove will be in the future.

Ever since, he waved his hand very grandly.

"Don't panic, don't panic!"

"These are all necessary supplies for future life, and we didn't use them indiscriminately. This is called proper investment!"

"We spent our money wisely!"

"We will have to pay back in the future!"

Netizens were amused by his free and easy tone, while He Jiong asked new questions.

"Can you two build a stove?"

"It's simple." Jiang Yi said without thinking, and it was silly for the netizens to hear it.

"I always thought that Jiang Yi was of the same age. It turned out that I was just a waste, not worthy of being the same age as Brother Jiang."

"I don't even know how to use a stove, let alone set up a stove."

"It seems to be true. Brother Lei and Mr. He regarded the other two as juniors and sent them to wash the vegetables and sweep the floor, while Jiang Yi was about the same age as the other two, but faced difficulties with them."

(End of this chapter)

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