Chapter 203
"What kind of family did Jiang Yi raise a child? He's too versatile!"

"From the living room to the kitchen, you can handle everything."

Under the compliments from the netizens and the amazed eyes of the two teachers, Jiang Yi took out a pair of gloves from nowhere and started laying bricks.

"I can help you with Xiaojiang's work!" Mr. He Jiong asked.

Wang Lei stepped forward to help him very consciously.

Jiang Yi thought about it for a while, and his eyes fell on the bit of cement that was brought back. Just at this time, the other two had already processed the ingredients, and rushed over.

"I feel that this amount of cement is a little less, why don't you go outside and get some yellow mud back?"

"The yellow mud is very heavy. There may not be a piece of it here. It's better for you to go together."

In addition to enough bricks, the program team just gave a little cement meaning.

Jiang Yi was a little worried. When the stove was built, there would be no paste.

The three of them were obliged to find a dustpan and went out.

This time, there is no one shot, and it still stays at Jiang Yi's place.

Jiang Yi and Wang Lei worked together for a long time and finally built a stove that was one and a half people high, just reaching the waist of an adult male.

In the end, Wang Lei stood beside him and gestured, clapping his hands in satisfaction.

"OK, it's about this height."

Jiang Yi just stood a little farther away, and after looking at it, he felt that it was about the same.

Making a thing is often the most troublesome foundation and finishing.

The last place where the pot was placed, the two of them fiddled with it for a long time and felt that it was a bit wrong.

"Why is this place where the pot is so troublesome?" Wang Lei scratched his head irritably.

On the other hand, Jiang Yi has always been stable.

Hearing Wang Lei's words, he took a deep breath.

"Don't worry, the more anxious the more chaotic."

In fact, this is indeed the case. I am anxious to see that brick is not pleasing to the eye.

In the end, Wang Lei was at the side to stabilize his mood, and Jiang Yi was always calm and confronted the final few bricks.

That is a calm and focused yet persistent person, and many people are dumbfounded.

"Oh my God, those voices who praised Jiang Yi's emotional stability before were only on the surface. Only after seeing this today did I know what true emotional stability is."

"Wang Lei was already agitated by those few bricks at the end. I really admire him for being so stable."

"It can't be arranged well. If I don't kick over the stove in front of me, it's already very good to be able to look like Wang Lei. I'm still patient and tireless? Dream on, my God!"

"Jiang Yi's patience, I can't learn it in my life!"

Afterwards, netizens saw Jiang Yi focused and cautious, moving and arranging the bricks one by one, and then his expression became more serious, waiting to pick up a brick and carefully place it in the only vacant place.

After that, he clapped his hands excitedly!

Hastily tugged at Wang Lei who was still sulking beside him.

"See how this sequence is perfect!"

While talking, he also gestured with his hand to put the shape of the pot.

It is a rhomboidal state.

The perfect thing is that every splicing is quite tight, and there is no break in any place.

Admiration flashed in Wang Lei's eyes, and he immediately gave a thumbs up, praising without hesitation.

"This is absolutely perfect!"

"I really put this before, high blood pressure was put on me!!"

What he said was serious, and both of them stood in front of the newly built stove and laughed.

At this time, there was movement at the door, and the three of them came back carrying a load of loess together.

"We're back!" Li Weijia was excited, "Look, brother!"

Jiang Yi and Wang Lei looked at the ground and laughed.

"It's amazing, enough is enough!"

Hearing the praise, the soil-moving trio also smiled very satisfied: "I didn't say that, the loess here is really hard to find. The three of us searched for a long time before we found it."

Wang Kaikai unloaded the dustpan filled with loess and asked.

"Brother Jiang, what will you do with the loess?"

Glancing at the loess with some clods mixed in under his feet, Jiang Yi said: "Go to the side and get water to mix it up. Be careful not to make it too thin."

Li Weijia and He Jiong had already been distracted by the new items.

"Wow, is this our future hearth?"

Wang Kaikai also looked forward when he heard the sound, and finally made a sincere evaluation.

"It looks like a chimney, how do you cook?"

Jiang Yi couldn't hold back, almost burst out laughing, but still explained to him solemnly.

"It's as simple as burning firewood below, putting a pot on top and cooking vegetables."

Wang Kaikai swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and looked at the stove in front of him again as if examining him.

"A little quaint! And a little primitive."

Netizens are about to burst out laughing.

"What's going on? Why is there always someone playing me here!"

"Wang Kaikai's expression at this time is very similar to mine."

"I can only feel that the people of our country are too capable of doing things, and they can even figure out this kind of cooking method."

"You guys really don't know much, it's not like I have this kind of stove in my hometown."

"But I've only seen it used by adults. When I saw Wang Lei and Jiang Yi setting up the stove, my expression... Can you understand me?"

"Fantasy is simply too mysterious!"

"When I saw this kind of stove in my hometown, I thought its process was very complicated! Didn't you expect it to be so simple?"

"Hahahaha, it seems to be true."

"The two people's hands-on ability is too strong. What's their next step?"

"It's like pasting a wall. Reinforce this stove."

"Looking at their hands, this stove really has a very warm and simple feeling."

"One brick, one tile, one pot and one stove are hard-won."

"Only I care about them, why don't you go to the corn field to break the corn?"

"Laughing like crazy, the upstairs is simply a devil."

Teacher He, Wang Kaikai, and Li Weijia groaned and muttered about eating and mud in the open space next to them.

Now it's Jiang Yi and Wang Lei's turn to watch, ordering them to add more mud to the water, and more water to the mud.

Several people were sweating profusely from exhaustion, but they never tired of it.

"Brother Jiang! Add more mud to the water, add more water to the mud, won't it really make the yard full of mud?!" Wang Kaikai asked with a smile, but expressed doubts.

Jiang Yi was silent when asked this question.

Netizens laughed.

"How does kneading mud and kneading noodles have the same effect!"

"I testify! Because I heard my mother say that when I made noodles last time, I made a big pot of noodles!!"

"Don't go too far upstairs!"

"Brother Jiang is completely silent for us! Hahahaha!!"

"Jiang Yi: If you ask this kind of question, you don't want to die!"

"Wang Kaikai's question hits the soul directly!"

"Actually, I'm also curious. Adding more water to noodles and more water, who came up with this magical and ghostly idea! Isn't this just tearing down the west wall to make up the east wall!"

"I'm more curious about how Jiang Yi will answer!"

(End of this chapter)

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