Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 228 It's Still Because I'm Too Talented!

Chapter 228 It's Still Because I'm Too Talented!

Everything is going according to her plan, and it is even said that netizens received the new songs compiled by those creators, and the speed of counterattack and the level of anger were even unexpected.

It was unbelievable that everything went smoothly, and Meirou was quite satisfied with this.

She had said from the very beginning that she believed that what Jiang Yi said was not pretentious, but the truth.

Since those netizens were dissatisfied, they even beat him up, and then morally kidnapped Jiang Yi, and if they wanted to "hire another wise man", then let them do it.

The facts are not unexpected, as high as the expectations at the beginning, the slaps in the face are so violent.

Let’s not talk about the executioners behind the scenes, let’s just say that the creators who are trying to get a piece of the pie are even more over their limits.

They still don't know Jiang Yi well enough.

As long as he is carrying it, give him a chance for nothing.

Little did he know that the bowl of rice flowing down Jiang Yi's hand was not so delicious.

Want to pick up a big deal for nothing?Hehe, dreaming.

The popularity and traffic of netizens and fans are in place, but the virtues are not coordinated, and the counterattack is naturally heavy.

As for why they didn't let go in the first place, but waited until noon the next day to release the statement, it was entirely to relax the other party's vigilance and vigilance.

It was because they fought all night and found that the city tower had not been breached, and then gave them blood like chicken blood. They worked hard for half a morning and gave them the desired result at noon.

Although it may be suspected that it is a trap, the result achieved after two or three efforts is obviously more valuable.

Even if it is a trap, there will still be people who will be willing and flock to it.

Sure enough, there are not a few people who are fooled.

As for those creators with a bit of strength and a bit of self-knowledge, whether they will shrink back after getting the song Xiang Yun is completely out of Meirou's consideration.

She bet.

Bet those creators who haven't seen meaty meat for a long time can't bear to give up such a large piece of fat that reaches their mouths.

Bet that they will be pushed to the shelves under the pressure of fans, bet that they will ride a tiger in the general trend of traffic when they can't create a song that suits their wishes, and finally hand in an answer that makes everyone dissatisfied.

Mei Rou is satisfied with this result.

After all, internal entertainment has always been bloodless, if they only used one night to create Xiang Yun, which Jiang Yi said could not be continued.

Then it will only prove from the side that Jiang Yi is now defiant and doesn't take fans' demands seriously.

Jiang Yi's prestige was destroyed once, and the enthusiasm and fame accumulated for so long will also be handed over to make wedding dresses for others, becoming a stepping stone for others to reach the top of the traffic.

vice versa.

Regarding the result of the fall of the creative world, Mei Rou is right.

After all, who made them unable to withstand the temptation and lost the bet again.

As for the person behind this public opinion who has been fueling the flames... Thinking of this, Mei Rou frowned.

The other party was very cautious every time he struck, and there was an element of pushback, every time something happened to Jiang Yi, there would be a desperate marketing account to gain popularity, which disturbed the vision even more.

As for starting with those marketing accounts, there is no way to catch them.

On the surface, it was just a bunch of people rushing over to catch the heat.

But in fact it is absolutely impossible to be so simple.

Although there is no reason to guard against thieves for a thousand days, even so far, she has not been able to determine the target, which makes her even more troubled.

At the same time there is a sense of crisis.

This kind of invisible hand is the most terrifying, so so far, almost every public opinion storm, they have predicted and strategized in advance, and then won a big victory.

But after that?
Can she observe in advance every time after that, and make arrangements?
This sense of the unknown disturbed her.

He told Jiang Yi about the very troublesome things, but Jiang Yi only laughed when he heard it, and asked him back.

"Do you know what it means to worry?"

Mei Rou was speechless for a while.

"Do you think my caution is unfounded??"

She was about to be blown up.

From another perspective, think of yourself as worrying, worrying, and being cautious everywhere, but in the eyes of others, it is not worth mentioning, and you don't care at all.

Even on the other hand, you are too much of an enemy, so you can't be mad? !

Anyway, Meirou is in a state of being about to be blown up.

It wasn't until Jiang Yi finished speaking that he realized what he had said, and then he felt that something was wrong with the other party.

Even if it's just a call, you can feel the strange change in the atmosphere.

He was inexplicably guilty, and quickly made amends.

"Look at today's posture, even the creative world that has nothing to do with each other wants to tear a piece of flesh from me, let alone the group of people who are in direct competition with me in the Chinese music scene."

"Isn't that a large group of people all eyeing? But it's all because of competition."

"Ahem." At this point, Jiang Yi couldn't help coughing lightly and his tone became a little erratic: "Isn't it because your artist talent is too talented, which makes those people nervous and jealous, and feel a sense of crisis?"

"Let me tell you, there shouldn't be many people deliberately targeting me because of me."

"Why don't you think about it from another angle, if I'm a mediocre amateur who just entered the circle not long ago, how many people would target me?"

"But, as the saying goes, a big tree attracts the wind. I can't stop shining because others are jealous of me and secretly hurt me, right?"

Jiang Yi was really open about this point, and he didn't have the heart of the other party to care about every detail at all.

When Mei Rou heard this, her face was full of indescribable words.

When he first listened to Jiang Yi's talk, he was thinking too much if he was a stalker.

Wait until you hear what he has to say.

Well, indeed, I thought too much.

She couldn't sleep all day and all night in that worrying feeling, she didn't take it to heart at all!
And Jiang Yiyou on the other end of the phone didn't think it was enough, so he continued to output.

"You see that you did a great job this time. The soldiers came to cover up the water and the earth. Excessive worry will only consume yourself, won't it?!"

"If you want me to say, instead of worrying about nothing and self-depletion, it's better to work hard to grow up, to climb to a position where they can only watch from a distance and not desecrate, and they will naturally get used to it."

Speaking of this, his eyes are full of ambition and ambition.

Jiang Yi has never been a whiny person, and his field of vision and vision are wider than ordinary people. He also comforts Mei Rou who has clearly fallen into a misunderstanding by asking himself so much.

Mei Rou: "..."

If talking about his long speech earlier, she hasn't taken it to heart, and even feels a little angry that her worries are not taken seriously.

The last two sentences did have a little truth, so she didn't bring up the theory that she had been stubborn for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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