Chapter 229 Restless Mushroom House!

After talking a lot, coupled with the other party's silence, Jiang Yi knew that the other party must have listened, and the corner of his mouth could not restrain a smile. It was really worthwhile for him to talk so long.

"Okay, okay, I know, it's my worry, okay."

The other party's words were full of impatience, but Jiang Yi heard the compromise, and the smile in his eyes was even wider, and he added another sentence.

"Yeah, I'm right."

"Instead of staring at competitors all the time, why not improve your own strength, what kind of frog in a well, if you want to look, look further away."

"These individuals only dare to take a heavy blow when they are receiving receptors in the abdomen and back, but at best they are only a small role, and they can't make a big difference."

"Instead of focusing on them every day, it's better to find a stronger opponent."

"Although the achievements I have achieved now are the best among all the traffic stars or inconspicuous creators in domestic entertainment, but as the saying goes, there are people outside the mountains and mountains outside the mountains."

"What we should do now is to develop our business and keep moving forward, so that we can go further. We are fighting in this room every day. What's the point of these three melons and two dates."

When he said this, his tone was a little helpless: "Why do you need me to tell you these things?"

Mei Rou originally came aggressively, but he said that she felt extremely guilty.

She listened very seriously at first, but when she heard the last sentence, she couldn't help coughing lightly.

"It's true that I wanted to go wrong."

"If you think about it, it's good if you know how to change it. I don't need to tell you about these things in the future, right? People should always be clear about their goals. That's fine. I'll hang up first. I'm exhausted from processing ingredients all day today."

He said casually, as the night fell, there were cicadas singing around the mushroom house from time to time. He was playing with a piece of grass in his hand, and the moment he hung up the phone, he threw the grass out of his hand and went back to the house to sleep.

Jiang Yi's phone has been hung up, but actually Mei Rou still has a lot of things to do.

After all, the apologies from a large number of creators really proved Jiang Yi's strength and honesty in front of those dissatisfied netizens.

But on their side, how to respond is still a problem.

And Jiang Yi was completely in a state of throwing his hands away from the shopkeeper, hung up the phone, and went back to the mushroom house to sleep for a good night's sleep.

It was almost just dawn the next morning, and the rooster just crowed. The Mushroom House changed from the usual tiredness in the early morning, and even became abnormally awake.

"Hohohoho! Get up, get up!!"

Early in the morning, Wang Lei shouted at the bedside, and then hurriedly took out his clothes and changed them.

The rest of them yawned lazily. Although they were awake, they were still a little sleepy.

"The guest the day before yesterday said he was going to catch up on dinner. Even if he was coming, it would be noon. It's still early, so why worry?" Wang Kaikai yelled sleepily, lying on the pillow.

At this time, Wang Lei jumped off the bed like a carp, and put on his pants: "Hey!! You don't know that!"

"What's more, you can't wait until someone comes to your door to get up! We dealt with that Buddha jumping over the wall all day yesterday, and today is the highlight!"

While the few people were talking, the rest of the people also started to tidy up. Hearing what Wang Lei said at this time, they couldn't help but raised their heads with some doubts.


"Didn't Buddha Tiaoqiang have been cooked yesterday?" He Jiong was a little confused, his memory has not been so confused yet!

Wang Lei waved his hand: "That, that is just soup for stewing!"

After leaving this sentence, he has strode out.

Netizens who made a fuss to the cloud on the Internet and only realized they were wrong at this time all ran to Longing for Life to watch, so there were many voices of confession in the barrage in the live broadcast room, and the popularity was far higher than before.

But these did not affect the fans from all walks of life. They watched the variety show normally, but when they saw the Mushroom House became extremely restless early in the morning, they all couldn't help laughing.

"Hahahaha what's the matter? Didn't you complain all the time when you received this customer? Why do you feel like you're running out of time now?"

"I think Wang Lei is so excited. What's going on? Didn't he keep mumbling and complaining when he was working yesterday? It's amazing. I laughed so hard!"

"Let's just say that it's like the primary school student's spring outing syndrome. A few mornings ago, I was sleepy and yawned, but today I'm all awake so early!"

"If it were me, I'd be excited too, thinking about it in my heart, the person who scolded me for so long will finally appear in front of me!"

"Hahaha, I'm somewhat curious about who this guest is! Buddha jumps over the wall, you're so ruthless!"

"Think about the five poor children in Mushroom House who ate all the leftovers that Buddha Tiaoqiang used to make soup yesterday."

"Oh, it's actually okay. This variety show is about producing and exchanging supplies, then preparing the ingredients and receiving guests."

"Although it is a bit troublesome to be a Buddha Jumping Wall, to be honest, I think they are living happily. After all, they are leftovers from Buddha Jumping Wall! None of them are cheap!"

"Yes, yes, although they seem to eat simple, but, those ingredients are actually not bad!"

"Please, that's the leftovers from Buddha Jumping Over the Wall!"

"Yes, yes, actually picking corn is not as difficult as imagined. I watch them pick corn in the evening every day. It's quite fun."

"Hahahaha, I'm already a little eager to try it. I'm going to pick corn at my grandma's house next weekend."

"I advise you not to try it lightly, you are tired and hot, and there are bugs biting you, don't ask, I have tried it last night, and I really want to cry when I go home with blisters on my legs!"

"Hahahaha, the brothers upstairs are too miserable! Facts tell us, don't underestimate any kind of labor. Although some work looks easy and fun, it still requires a lot of hard work."

The excited Mushroom House group of five simply flicked through breakfast after waking up, and started today's busy day.

Several people held their breath in their hearts. They were all sharpening their knives when preparing the ingredients, and they raised their heads to look in the direction of the door from time to time.

Finally, they worked together, according to Wang Lei's instructions, put all the ingredients in the pot and stewed them, and now the few people could finally squat at the gate of the small courtyard and wait without distractions.

But Wang Lei, Jiang Yi and other people who finished the work came out to take a look, and a few young people squatted at the door eagerly, feeling a little angry for a while, and whispered on Wang Kaikai's head.

"Why are you like Little H, you come as soon as you come, what are you doing anxiously?"

Although he said so, his eyes were still uncontrollable, and he also glanced at the door.

(End of this chapter)

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