Chapter 230 Coming? !
Although he said so, in fact, his actions were more sincere than anyone else. Netizens were about to die laughing at Wang Lei's double standards.

"Wang Lei: Come here as soon as you come, what are you staring at (let me take a look too)"

"Wang Lei: I'm not curious, I'm really not curious, I just take a look!"

"I'm laughing to death, look at those two squatting on the ground, how pitiful they are."

"It's almost ten o'clock and the meal time is almost here. That guest should come. It's normal for them to be anxious. After all, they have been waiting for two days."

"It seems to see me in elementary school."

In fact, not only the five people in Mushroom House were looking forward to it, but even the netizens who watched the live broadcast became more and more nervous as time approached.

Who on earth is it?
The guest who ordered Buddha to jump over the wall.

However, the guest who ordered Buddha to jump over the wall did not keep them waiting for too long. After a while, there was a sound of a car engine at the gate of the small courtyard.

In this small courtyard among the mountains, this voice seemed to be some kind of omen!
Upon hearing this voice, several people squatting under the eaves raised their heads in unison.

After that, he suddenly realized what he was doing and quickly patted his own dust, and quickly got up.

"Come here, come here!! Don't squat down, don't be stupid, stand up! Hurry up, or the price will drop!"

Wang Lei, who was originally called the happiest, suddenly frightened the few people who were still curious.

"Good guy, what's your name all of a sudden!" Jiang Yi patted Wang Lei on the shoulder.

However, at this time Wang Lei had already walked into the room on his own, still muttering.

"Oh, my Buddha jumped over the wall, I'm going to see it!"

As soon as he turned around, he dodged, but when he went in, he was dumbfounded by several people.

He Jiong suppressed a smile at the side: "Hahaha, he is afraid that once the guests come in, we will all look down on the price."

The few people didn't pay attention to Wang Lei's actions, but looked at the scene outside the door again.

After the car stopped slowly, the door opened.

At this time, the camera did not turn directly to the guests outside the car as expected by Wangyou, but instead followed closely the few people under the eaves.

The excitement, curiosity, and anxiety in their eyes were captured clearly.

Jiang Yi rested his arm on Teacher He Jiong's shoulder, looked outside, but unconsciously began to tap with his fingers: "Hiss, no, I'll go out and have a look!"

He did what he said, and as soon as the voice fell, he walked out quickly.

Influenced by Wang Lei's saying that the host should be reserved, looking at the curious guest for a long time, the few people who were too close to him just stared at Jiang Yi as he walked away, almost staring down!
The remaining three people had different expressions on their faces, but they were all shocked in the same way!
It's amazing!
Just looking at the faces of the three of them, one can almost imagine a big drama!Netizens were dying of laughter!
"Hahahaha help, I can't take it anymore, Kaikai's eyes are about to drop!"

"Wang Kaikai: No, shouldn't you be reserved? Brother, just leave as you say!"

"Li Weijia: It's so tangled, should I go or not? Who can control my feet."

"Li Weijia is out of control, out of control at all, my feet are more curious about him passing by himself!"

"I'm laughing to death. I really like Jiang Yi's personality. I am so curious that I don't just stay where I am!"

"The key is that Jiang Yi rushed forward alone! It's really benefiting the whole network!"

"I knew that as long as there is a person walking forward, the camera will definitely follow him forward!"

"Ah, brother, go faster, and let me know who is so insane!"

"I didn't expect there to be such a crazy person in the entertainment industry, hahahaha!"

As the camera zoomed in, Jiang Yi quickly walked to the gate of the small courtyard, but the camera guy who made netizens praise him for several days, this time his level was as "high" as before.

In the camera, Jiang Yi can be photographed walking briskly.

It can also be photographed that Wang Kaikai's expression gradually became joyful.

Calculating the time, the guest should have got off the car by now, but any normal shot can now capture the mysterious guest.

But this lens is simply genius!
Everything can be photographed, but the scene outside the small courtyard can't be photographed, but it is this kind of shot, and the audience with the tone of language is very upset.

"Damn it, this camera guy can play! I praised him for nothing two days ago!"

"I really cried to death. Two days ago, I should have realized that this camera guy is very good! But it depends on whether he is willing, and now he is obviously hanging on you."

"It's okay, I will definitely come out today anyway, I can afford to wait! I don't believe that he can walk the road from the small courtyard to the gate of the courtyard for a day!"

Almost as soon as that comment was posted, Jiang Yi, who had been moving forward, suddenly stopped at the gate of the small courtyard!
That's really not much, not much!
Afterwards, netizens could only see that the expression on Jiang Yi's face became somewhat unpredictable.

How to describe it?
That feeling should be contemplation? ?

Netizens don't know how to describe it, but now they are even more curious!

Seeing that he was close at hand, the truth was about to be revealed, but Jiang Yi stopped like that! !
And judging by his expression, he must have seen someone coming!
Who is that complicated expression?

Netizens were really itchy, but there was nothing they could do. No matter how much they picked up the screen, Jiang Yi refused to go any further.

But it was this unspeakable expression that made the seduced netizens even more intolerable.

The live broadcast room suddenly buzzed like a hornet's nest.

But the most important thing is that Wang Kaikai, who had followed Jiang Yi unexpectedly, also stopped.

Then the expressions of the two were surprisingly consistent.

Equally shocked, equally pensive.

The meaning is also unclear.

Netizens saw it, and their curiosity was almost tuned to the peak.

"Where is the brother who said that it was impossible to walk a day from the small courtyard?! Drag it out and whip the corpse!"

"I never thought he would stop!"

"Who did they see! Who can make them show this expression!"

"Who knows, at this moment, my expression is the same as Jiang Yi's, becoming unpredictable."

"I'm so curious, please, Brother Jiang, please go one step further! My heart is really pounding right now."

"Who will come? From the music and film industry or from the host world?"

"At this time, countless fans in front of the screen killed a brain cell just by guessing the guest's name."

After a long time, Jiang Yi seemed to regain his composure, facing the door with a standard smile on his face, and then strode out.


(End of this chapter)

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