Chapter 231 Here Comes a Nest? !

It was only at this time that the camera was finally willing to follow Jiang Yi to sweep out, and the netizens who had been curious for a long time saw the true face of the visitor.

This is unbelievable, and it is directly frying the pan.

"Good guy, I thought at most one person would come, but it turns out this is a nest?"

"Sister Dandan, Cheng He, Liu Xianhua!!"

"There are so many people here, the future will be very lively!"

"I'm dying of laughter. I suddenly had a bad feeling. With so many people here, is the portion of Buddha Jumping the Wall enough to eat? It feels like Wang Lei is going to work hard again!"

"Needless to say, even if only one person comes, plus there are six in the mushroom house, Buddha Jumping Over the Wall is not enough to eat."

"Buddha Jumping over the Wall is just a time-consuming and laborious main course, and other side dishes must be added, you people are really good."

Seeing the few people who came here struggling to unload their luggage from the car, and hearing Jiang Yi's greeting, they raised their heads and took a look here.

Afterwards, Sister Dandan raised her hand to greet her and said weakly, "Here we come! Ouch, I almost died of exhaustion!"

Seeing this, Jiang Yi was not hypocritical, strode forward and directly lifted Sister Dandan's suitcase from the trunk.

He then looked back at the others: "Do you two want to help?"

Cheng He and Liu Xianhua waved their hands again and again: "It's okay, it's okay."

Jiang Yi nodded upon hearing the words: "That's fine!"

As he spoke, he helped Sister Dandan carry the luggage and went in, while Sister Dandan stood behind alone, a little surprised to see her hands suddenly released, and then she was relieved, and she followed quickly.

"Hey, He Dehe Neng, a star in the music scene, personally helped me carry my luggage."

The two walked side by side, Jiang Yi just chuckled when he heard this and he was not polite: "I respect the old and love the young."

The four people who were struggling to carry their luggage couldn't hold back when they heard this, and burst out laughing.

Wang Kaikai also followed Shale: "Hahahaha, I really didn't expect it to be you!"

"Why, did you guess who was here before?" Cheng He was curious.

"That's not right. After all, if you order a Buddha to jump over the wall as soon as you come here, it's going to kill you. It's a big blow." Li Weijia grinned and helped carry the luggage forward, while complaining.

Cheng He, the instigator, couldn't help laughing when he heard his great achievements.

"Hahahaha! This is a test for you."

Netizens couldn't help but harden their fists when they saw this.

"Good fellow, this brother is actually quite proud!"

"Doesn't he know how much trouble and trouble the dishes he ordered have caused others?"

"I can't really call it trouble, at most it's a little money, and trouble is real."

"People complained, why did you also substitute in it? And didn't you eat together when you ate?"

"When this person first started ordering, he was full of tricky ingredients, and he had no good intentions at all. Do you still think that they can feel guilty now?"

"One person and three people, some of them are busy!"

"Hahaha, don't you forget that Jiang Yi and Wang Lei were thinking about how to arrange them before they came here?"

"As the saying goes, imagination is plump, but reality is skinny. You are a guest, so it's not a matter of obeying the arrangement."

"It's a pity to say that, why did Wang Lei hide in there? If the person who can see it is Cheng He, what kind of expression would it be hahaha."

"What's wrong, did they have any problems before??"

"It's my brother Jiang who simply went straight to help with the luggage."

"Brother Jiang: I respect the old and love the young! Hahahaha"

Netizens were talking about it, but in fact, the few people who came out to greet the guests went in with their luggage.

The three newcomers put their luggage in the room and put them away, then quietly surrounded the kitchen.

In the kitchen, as usual.

Wang Lei was humming a ditty while looking at the pot. It was a leisurely look, and he couldn't see the anxious and curious look before.

Until Cheng He patted him fiercely from behind.

Wang Lei was so excited that he almost jumped up!
"Ouch, what are you doing!"

He laughed uncontrollably, and then pointed to the casserole behind him: "What you are stewing here is Buddha jumping over the wall?"

Wang Lei saw Cheng He who suddenly appeared behind with his eyes wide open, as if he had seen a ghost. Then he seemed to react suddenly, and pointed at Cheng He with a slightly trembling finger.

"You, you, you are that bastard who jumped over the wall??!"

Seeing the face in front of him, Wang Lei was so angry that he couldn't choose what to say, and he didn't realize it until halfway through the speech. Now he is recording a program, and swearing will not affect the effect.

There was a sharp pause in his voice, and then he gently completed it with an epilogue.

The eyeballs almost popped out.

Netizens are almost overwhelmed by his reaction, laughing so hard!
"Hahahaha, I knew there would be something different behind these two treasures!"

"How do you say that sentence? It's so hot! I was thinking who was so wicked before, and I ordered such a dish. It's no surprise that I'm watching Cheng He now!"

"I'm dying of laughter. The way Wang Lei swallowed half of what he said suddenly didn't make me faint from laughing."

Cheng He nodded leisurely: "That's right, that's right, I ordered it!"

Afterwards, he kindly turned his head around, pointed at the two people behind and added:
"Originally, the two of them also had places to order food, but knowing that I ordered Buddha Jumping Over the Wall, I was afraid of your hard work, so I didn't order other dishes."

With his kind guidance, Wang Lei smoothly saw Sister Dandan and Liu Xianhua standing behind smiling.

Wang Lei, who originally thought there was only one guest, showed a smile that was uglier than crying.

He looked back rather hesitantly, and the bubbling Buddha jumped over the wall, and fell into deep thought after hearing Cheng He's words.

"There shouldn't be enough food, what do you two want to eat tonight?"

Sister Dandan waved her hand proudly: "Don't bother! You can just see if there are any seasonal vegetables and side dishes, just stir fry a little."

After that, she looked curiously at the casserole on the stove behind Wang Lei: "Is this the Buddha jumping over the wall?"

Finally getting to the point, Wang Lei nodded proudly, and then Sister Dandan said a word, which directly shattered his pride.

"Why is this tasteless?!"

The moment this sentence landed, Wang Lei's expression was almost visible to the naked eye.

"This, this, this! These ingredients have just been stewed, it's still early, and they haven't tasted the stew yet!"

He hurriedly explained that this was the five of them, and it took them more than a day of hard work. How could they allow these people to misunderstand?

Jiang Yi didn't know when he appeared by the stove, and motioned to Sister Dandan and the others: "The room has already been packed, do you want to pack your luggage first?"

(End of this chapter)

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