Chapter 232 Netizen: How do you say this?
What he said was unquestionable, and the others did not doubt anything.

So much so that Sister Dandan didn't realize that after she finished saying that sentence, the atmosphere in the audience became a little strange.

But even after Jiang Yi spoke like this, she didn't doubt too much, and beckoned people to go back to pack things.

Huang Lei was left standing there a little lonely, doubting himself.

"I just got it off, how could it have a smell..."

This look really hurts the netizens.

"Ah, sister Dandan's mouth is too straight, look at our brother Lei is a little sad."

"There is no taste in the things you just left behind. It's not like she hasn't cooked. Doesn't she have any common sense?"

"It's not good if there are too many people. The war is chaotic, and those five people have just gotten along."

Just now, the three newcomers and Wang Lei gathered here, and the rest were by the pool.

Now those three people are gone, and only Jiang Yi is watching Wang Lei who is standing by the stove and muttering.

"It's okay, she just casually said it out of curiosity, don't take it to heart." Jiang Yi comforted him, signaling him not to worry too much.

Wang Lei frowned all the time. It was the first time in his life that someone questioned his cooking skills. He pointed to the casserole and said, "It will definitely not be tasteless!"

Jiang Yi nodded in agreement: "Yes, yes, yes."

"When will you be able to cook this pot?"

"With so many people here, do we need to add two more dishes?"

"What do you think it would be good to add?" Seeing that he was stuck in this hurdle, Jiang Yi took the initiative to change the subject.

Sure enough, after he opened his mouth to ask a series of questions, Wang Lei immediately stopped worrying about the previous topic, and frowned in thought.

"It takes a long time to stew, six hours."

"As for what other vegetables to add... Sister Dandan just said that adding some seasonal vegetables is good."

Jiang Yi nodded thoughtfully: "That's easy."

He was also afraid that those few people would order food, and he was afraid that there would be another one of the same specifications as Buddha Jumping over the Wall. Even if they wanted to fulfill their wishes, they would not have time and ingredients to prepare.

"But you Buddha jumps over the wall...does it take a long time to stew?" He scratched his head: "I can't eat this at noon."

"But if you don't eat this at noon, you have to prepare a new table, and then you have to arrange another table in the evening." Speaking of this, the corner of his mouth twitched: "Isn't this a crime?!"

Netizens in the live broadcast room also called it a crime.

"Ah, watching this show, it's the first time I feel the difficulty of life so intuitively."

"It turns out that the most common three meals a day are so troublesome."

"It's really about getting up and finishing breakfast, preparing lunch, starting to prepare dinner after lunch, cleaning up and washing dishes after dinner, and there is not much time left."

"Thank you for the delivery! Thank you for the delivery guy!"

"It's really a crime, it's too hard, it's a good thing I don't have to cook three meals a day!"

"The point is! They still have to work in the cornfields at night! They still have debts to pay!"

"It's a crime, it's a crime! I finally know why Brother Jiang's expression is so indescribable!"

Being reminded so abruptly by Jiang Yi, Wang Lei also suddenly reacted and clapped his hands fiercely!

"Good guy, this is really true!"

"Hiss!" He took a cold breath, and suddenly thought of the work in his cornfield and the corn he owed.

"If you eat it at night, you won't be able to do the work in the field!"

He has some worries. It is only natural to pay back the debts, and the debts are firmly engraved in the bones of the Chinese people.

What's more, after just a few days of working in the cornfield, he already has a deep sense of belonging to that vast cornfield.

That's the point where you can't sleep or eat if you don't go there every day.

Faced with the difficulties they encountered, netizens kindly offered advice and help!
"Hahahaha sleepwalking over to collect corn!"

"Upstairs is really unreliable, my suggestion is one hour by the stove, one hour in the cornfield!!"

"Sure enough, where there are crouching dragons, there must be young phoenixes! The ancients never deceived me!"

"I'm really convinced by you netizens. It's actually quite simple. Why don't you just take a day off and entertain guests at home instead of collecting corn?"

"What can the program group do? After all, they owe them a lot of corn!"

"What can't you do? People can still run away here! 700 million netizens are watching!"

"No, I can't miss washing at work, why should they pick corn!"

"Laughing to death, the typical upstairs is tearing up other people's umbrellas because he has been exposed to the rain!"

"If it must be true, then one group of people will cook at home, and the others will go directly to work in the cornfield. Isn't that how families are divided? It's not easy!!"

"That's right! The IQ of contemporary netizens is worrying!"

It is said that there will be telepathy, the general netizens said so, and Jiang Yi outside the screen also made the same suggestion.

As soon as he said that, Wang Lei rubbed his eyebrows.

"That's fine, but we have to discuss it with them and ask their opinions."

Seeing this, netizens are a little excited, curious that this "they" package does not include the new three.

After all, before coming here, several people from the Mushroom House had secretly discussed that coming here is not just for leisure, and they have to work if they have to work.

So, all the netizens are eagerly waiting, whether Jiang Yi will implement what he said before.

After all, it's one thing to say it, but quite another to be able to say it.

Although many netizens said that they had discussed it before, talking about it is one thing.

I feel that it is a bit bad to ask a guest to help with work in front of the camera and in front of countless netizens.

So they bet whether Jiang Yi would speak up.

Bet this "they" doesn't include the new three.

But this time they didn't make them wait too long. The two of them summoned people here almost as soon as they finished talking here.

What makes countless netizens excited is!There are actually three newcomers among these people! !
This cognition made countless netizens boil!
But there are still some people who don't believe in evil.

"Everyone is summoned, this is an attitude, it's not a matter of whether Ann arranges work or not."

"And even if you arrange someone else, you don't have to do it."

"I feel like I can do it, but I don't know if I can do it well, those who are deliberately clumsy."

"I don't think this show will give you so many twists and turns. You think it's a Gongdou drama, and you can do it in person hahaha."

The few people who were suddenly summoned in the mushroom house were also a little at a loss.

"Brother, why did you call us over all of a sudden?"

"That's right. That pot of Buddha jumping over the wall will probably be stewed in the evening, and we will have to work together to prepare lunch later."

(End of this chapter)

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