Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 259 Other than talent, everything else is the finishing touch!

Chapter 259 Other than talent, everything else is the finishing touch!

"How do you say that sentence? It started when the appearance fell into the talent, and the loyalty to the character was the process of falling for Mr. Jiang!"

"When a person has talent, his looks seem so insignificant."

"It should be said that after having talent, appearance and character plus any of them are lore."

"Hahaha, Wang Kaikai, don't be sad, after all, the nature of your work is completely different from Mr. Jiang's!"

"Young people need to rely on their external image to stabilize their jobs, but we, Mr. Jiang, don't have this trouble at all, so of course we don't have to think about it."

"How do you say that sentence? I serve people with color, but I love you hahahaha I laughed so hard!"

"Damn it, you guys are really hurting, but their current nature is like this, so don't blame the brokerage company for being strict."

"If it's not strict, they won't even have to eat."

"But it shouldn't be. Wasn't Jiang Yi in the national team before? Doesn't the national team have image requirements for your members?"

"Please, he used to be in the singing team, not the dance team. The dance team has image requirements. After all, what people watch is a visual performance. The singing team...is more about the auditory enjoyment!"

"I've said it all, what is more important for a singer is strength, singing voice and talent. Having these is the premise and foundation, and the external image and temperament are completely plus points."

"That's right, in my impression, most of the singers are potbellied but very prestigious internationally."

"It seems that fat people sing more mellow and beautiful?"

"There seems to be such a saying, but Brother Jiang still sings honestly and melodiously even though he is slender~"

"Those five poor children were shocked and dumbfounded, alas, how pitiful!"

It was indeed what the netizens said, Wang Kaikai, Li Weijia, Liu Xianhua, and Cheng He's people fell silent for a while.

Seeing them like this, Jiang Yi couldn't open his mouth to strike again, so he said in relief: "But I still have requirements for myself. After all, I was in the national team before, and the requirements there were very strict. It has been a long-term habit. There’s no way I can relax on myself, or I wouldn’t be keen on eating salad too.”

When it comes to the fact that he loves salad, Jiang Yi's face is blushing and his heart is not beating.

And several people broke the defense again.

"You mean you used to be stricter when you were in a public institution?" Liu Xianhua couldn't believe it.

Wang Kaikai answered dumbfounded: "It means that after entering the entertainment circle, you still feel very relaxed?!"

The size and size of their chorus shocked their faces and directly amused netizens!
"Ah, help, I really think they look so funny!"

"It's very like the self who breaks the defense all the time at work!"

"What is worse than having a bad life? My colleagues are having a better life than me!"

"I thought Wang Kaikai was annoying before, but now I think he's so funny hahahahaha!"

"Who knows, for the sake of how pitiful he is now, let's forgive him for the nonsensical words before!"

"I have deep doubts about Jiang Yi saying that he loves salad."

"That's right, no matter how delicious the salad is, it's not a product that our Chinese stomachs can accept."

"I don't believe it, I wouldn't believe it even if I was killed."

"Oh, let me tell you, don't take it too seriously, okay! I understand everything. They are comforting those two children, and the children are about to cry!"

However, Jiang Yi nodded very rigorously when faced with the singing and harmony of the two.

And before the opponent breaks the defense again, he quickly added: "If you suffer hard, you will be a master!"

"Your company has strict requirements on you, which means it values ​​you! Work hard and strive to double your sales by the end of this year!"

Wang Kaikai blinked when he heard the lines in a tone that was like a company leader drawing a big cake.

Liu Xianhua was more or less silent.

And Cheng He next to him came forward with a smile on his face: "Thank you for your good words! You are the biggest koi and red star in the entertainment industry this year!"

Wang Lei couldn't stand it anymore: "It's alright, alright, don't babble, you guys hurry up and start making salads, and if you go on, you won't even be able to eat warm leftovers."

Everyone was amused again, but this time they didn't say much, but all got up and went to the vegetable garden behind.

"By the way, what is the theme of our salad today?" Sister Dandan walked towards the vegetable garden with her head held high. Those who didn't know thought she was going back to her mother's house.

Jiang Yi pondered: "Did we have a lot of potatoes left when we came to the program group on the first day?"

Wang Lei asked this sentence, Wang Lei thought for a moment, then nodded.

"That's right, I didn't finish eating that day, and there are still a lot of them that haven't been baked. Now there are at least seven or eight in the house."

He Jiong, who was next to him, clicked his tongue after hearing this: "Good guy, we were fierce enough when we came to Mushroom House on the first day."

"Who said it wasn't? I remember that there was still corn that day, and the credit was said so confidently, and there was a lot of it." Wang Kaikai frowned and answered.

Li Weijia couldn't help laughing: "The key is that we haven't finished eating that day."

"How about we make a mashed potato salad today?"

Jiang Yi suggested.

"Steam the mashed potatoes, add your favorite vegetables, mix it and you'll have a meal."

After hearing this, Wang Lei opened his mouth wide: "Is it that simple? No need to chop some tomatoes, and put some black pepper or something like that?"

Everyone laughed after hearing this.

Teacher Dandan even joked directly: "Hahahahaha, as someone who doesn't eat salad often, I know that what you are talking about is definitely a high-end version with exquisite presentation."

Teacher Cheng He also stepped forward and patted Wang Lei on the shoulder: "Just eat some pads. The main thing is less oil, salt, and carbohydrates. You don't have to be so particular about it."

Wang Lei just thought it was a bit strange that these people laughed. The most important thing was that people who are usually so picky would be so casual about salad? !
"You don't know that, do you?" Liu Xianhua seemed to see the doubt in his eyes, and kindly stepped forward to answer.

"First of all, you have to do it yourself, of course it is as simple as possible."

"The second thing is the vegetable salad, no matter how nicely you put it, it won't taste good!"

He spread his hands while talking: "You see, no matter how you cook it, it smells like vegetable leaves. There is no seasoning at all. How can the bland ingredients themselves taste delicious!"

At this time, Sister Dandan happily pushed open the door of the vegetable garden. When she heard this, she turned around and gave Liu Xianhua a resentful look, and retorted: "The taste of the food itself is the most perfect!"

Most of them are young people, and it is the time to pursue the stimulation of taste buds, how can they listen to this word?
(End of this chapter)

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