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Chapter 260 Opening a Small Kitchen Alone!

Chapter 260 Opening a Small Kitchen Alone!

Everyone walked into the vegetable garden while talking, and Sister Dandan asked Jiang Yi.

"What else is the main ingredient in your mashed potato salad besides potatoes?"

"Potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers."

He counted with his fingers: "Anyway, as long as it's not green leafy vegetables, you can add it."

"Is tomato okay?" Wang Kaikai next to him immediately raised his hand.

Jiang Yi took a look: "It can be placed in addition to the mashed potato salad, or mixed with a plate of light salad."

Teacher He Jiong thought for a while, and then suggested: "Why don't we make two salads? How about a potato salad and a light salad?"

"After all, potato salad is still a staple food, while light salad has a refreshing taste."

This proposal was approved by all members.

"OK, OK, I think this idea is very good!"

"Wow, that's great, I'm already looking forward to it!"

"In that case, we can taste two kinds of salads tonight!"

Everyone discussed happily, and then began to work in the vegetable garden, picking their favorite vegetables.

Teacher Dandan sighed while picking vegetables: "Fortunately, there are bitter chrysanthemums here, otherwise I really don't know what to pick."

"A little mix of bitter chrysanthemum, lettuce, cucumber, and tomato is enough for a meal." Li Weijia is very familiar with vegetable salad, and he is very familiar with the side dishes in it.

Wang Lei, who was next to him, was bitter about picking vegetables, but he shook his head when he heard what Li Weijia said.

"As far as the side dishes you mentioned, Niu shook his head when he heard that."

Sister Dandan was about to die of laughter from Wang Lei's metaphor, but Li Weijia turned her head and spoke righteously.

"Teacher Wang Lei used to live too freely, and now he really needs to remember the bitterness and sweetness."

Wang Lei squatted on the ground to pick the crisp and tender bitter chrysanthemums, and sneered when he heard what he said.

"Good boy, is there a saying before that it is easy to go from luxury to frugality, but hard to go from frugality to luxury?"

Hearing this sentence, Li Weijia immediately looked at him defensively: "What do you want to do?"

Teacher Wang Lei shook his head very calmly: "No, I was just thinking about it suddenly."

"The food you had in the mushroom house before was so happy. To prevent you from getting used to it after going out, I decided to make a small meal for you alone in the future!"

His last few words were very strong, and everyone could tell that he had bad intentions.

Cheng He next to him immediately blew up, shook the ashes that didn't exist on his body, and warned: "The gods fight, and the people suffer! You two, don't hurt the innocent."

There are so many people that it is lively, and it is impossible to finish watching this play one after another.

After returning to the mushroom house, their light salad almost didn't use the pot.

So a group of young people went to wash and chop vegetables, and began to think about how to arrange the dishes.

Meanwhile, Wang Lei and Jiang Yize gathered around the pot and started preparing to make potato salad.

At the beginning, Wang Lei was suspicious.

"You really know how to do it? Although this thing doesn't sound difficult, but..."

"The kitchen is a hard-hit area, and it's easy to overturn when doing anything." His uncertain attitude made Jiang Yi chuckle.

"Don't worry, even if this thing overturns, it won't overturn the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. That's all right, you help me light the fire and I'll wash the potatoes."

Seeing that Jiang Yi was about to steam a round potato directly on the pot, Wang Lei couldn't believe it!Immediately, his eyes became frightened, and he quickly opened his mouth to stop.

"Damn it, if you're steaming mashed potatoes for potato salad, shouldn't you cut the potatoes into pieces so that it's easier to steam?"

"It's really hard to steam when you put it all together like this! And it's easy to get undercooked!!"

His high-pitched tone clearly showed his panic, and his mood of being comforted by Jiang Yi disappeared immediately!

The audience in the live broadcast room were also happy to see this.

"Hahaha, look at the one who frightened our teacher Wang Lei, they all trembled from fright."

"It seems that there is nothing wrong with cutting it into pieces and steaming it on the pot."

"What should I do? I don't think Teacher Jiang is very good at it! Hahahaha!"

"He is already such a genius, and he is humble and polite. It's not a shortcoming if he can't cook!"

"Of course it's not a shortcoming, but I always feel that there will be a reversal after this matter! After all, he has given me too many incredible operations before."

This netizen's words seemed to be some kind of prophecy, and the next moment Jiang Yi looked up with a faint smile.

"Don't panic, wait until it's steamed before peeling, so the potatoes will be more fragrant."

Although Mr. Wang Lei was still a little hesitant, but seeing his relaxed and confident appearance, it didn't seem like he was grinning, so he believed what he said for the time being.

But I still have a question: "In this case, it will take a long time to steam."

Jiang Yi glanced at the fire below: "It doesn't matter, the potatoes are not too big, and we have enough firewood."

Having said all that, Wang Lei had nothing to say, so he nodded and stood beside him to help him watch the fire.

After the potatoes were steamed on the pot, Jiang Yi went to the side to peel the carrots and cut them into pieces. After that, he opened the lid of the potatoes and put the carrots on the steamer.

After thinking of something, I went to the kitchen and took out two eggs, and steamed them together on the pot.

He turned to the outside and asked, "Do you want eggs in your light salad?"

Unsurprisingly, there was a unanimous response.


Jiang Yi raised his eyebrows slightly, obviously not surprised.

I took a few more eggs from the kitchen, and then washed the dust on the surface and threw them into the pot for steaming.

All the netizens were stunned by his operation.

"Good guy, how did he manage to be confident while forgetting everything."

"Is this the so-called contrast cute? Very good, I'm fascinated!"

"Damn, he looks really awesome like this, awesome and cute!"

"It feels like he doesn't know how to do it, or he's just relatively unfamiliar, but even if he is unfamiliar, he still did it perfectly, and even thought of the group of people outside!!"

"And he is very particular. When steaming eggs, he will clean the dust outside before putting them into the steamer."

"He's really amazing! How many people don't pay attention to hygiene at all, and directly put naked ingredients and eggs that have been touched by countless people!"

"It can only be said that he is very careful!"

Just when the netizens were still praising Jiang Yi's general operation just now, Jiang Yi had already dragged Wang Lei to watch the operations of those outside.

The two leaned on the door frame: "Hey? How did you get to where?"

"Everything is ready, now the only thing left is to mix the salad dressing! By the way, what sauce are you going to use for your potato salad?"

Teacher He Jiong clapped his hands!Then ask the two of them.

Jiang Yi and Wang Lei looked at each other, then shook their heads together.

(End of this chapter)

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