Chapter 266 So Enthusiastic!
The old man asked sincerely again.

All of a sudden, the guests at Mushroom House fell silent.

Thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room fell silent.

Finally, there was a terrifying scream.

"God damn why is he so sincere!"

"Facing such a pair of eyes, I can't say no at all!"

"At this moment, even if I don't want leftovers, I can't refuse such a sincere gaze from an old man!"

"Jiang Yi probably expected it early on, that's why he said what he said earlier."

"This old man has been very happy and enthusiastic since they entered the door. I don't know why he is so enthusiastic."

"Didn't you realize that there is no one else in this old man's house but himself? There is still a photo of his wife on the front seat in the living room."

"An old man who has been lonely for a long time suddenly sees so many enthusiastic young people. You must be happy to replace him."

"It's true that when you meet enthusiastic people, your emotions will be infected unconsciously."

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo L L L L L L I t h e r

"Who can refuse him like that? Even if you don't eat, you have to take the leftovers away."

"I suddenly understood why Jiang Yi was so speechless before. It wasn't that he didn't know what to say, but that he was powerless. Then he took us to have a look."

"I'm sorry, I wrongly blamed Teacher Jiang Yi before! I apologize!!"

"Teacher Jiang Yi is always that beautiful jade."

"I understand. It is precisely because he has lived in the countryside since he was a child that he understands the psychology of these lonely old people."

"The old man felt that the leftovers from before were nothing, but he accepted the food they brought, thinking that he could bring them something."

"If they don't take this bowl of leftovers, the old man will feel guilty."

"I don't know about the others, but I feel that the light in the old man's eyes will go out in the next second."

"How the hell dare to refuse, who dares to refuse!"

"You see, Wang Lei and Li Weijia, who had scruples before, are now stupid. They just didn't expect the old man to speak up so actively."

"Jiang Yi didn't mention the leftovers at all during the whole process. Instead, the old man mentioned it again and again. It was very different from the situation I imagined before when he licked his face and licked other people's food."

"It's really amazing, how did he guess it!"

Just when many netizens were puzzled, some people who had been stupefied finally came to their senses!
Sister Dandan slapped her thigh even more: "Look at what we ate tonight are all vegetable leaves. We are all fine eating it, but it would be a bit shabby for a dog to eat. Isn't that just right!"

"But is your old man enough to eat?"

Everyone originally thought that Jiang Yi would be in a hurry to answer, but they didn't expect him to remain silent when they got there. Instead, Teacher Dandan took over.

This is something that no one has ever thought of.

But as Sister Dandan said these words, at the same time, the eyes of the old man lit up visible to the naked eye, and he immediately said excitedly.

"Wait a while and bring some back, it will definitely be enough to eat."

The smile on the old man's face can't deceive anyone. This smile fell into the eyes of all the guests, and everyone was somewhat moved.

"So what is this old man happy about? I haven't figured it out until now!"

Some netizens in the live broadcast room started looking for trouble.

"I guess it was arranged by the program group, otherwise, why would a bunch of people I don't know come to the house so happily?"

"That's right, you were still vigilant and indifferent before, why did you suddenly become so enthusiastic today?"

"I think it must have been arranged in advance by the program team. Everyone can see the mushroom house in front of the camera, but it is still possible to come to the old man's house in advance and make arrangements."

"We must save Jiang Yi's precarious popularity. After all, Jiang Yi and the program team are now closely related. His collapse will not be of any benefit to the program team."

"Tsk tsk tsk, the show team really worked hard for him!"

"Who said no? He was like that before. If the facts are as he expected, why didn't the old man speak up when he asked!"

"There's no need to ask, I must have been reminded to be cautious in words and deeds."

"But the old man gave them corn, and only Jiang Yi was eating it."

"They were talking, and Jiang Yi was eating corn."

"Damn it, I was hesitant when you said so much before, but seeing him eating corn now, I think it's definitely not the case!"

"If you think about it, they come here and then leave the room in silence, and then when the old man clears the table by himself, he finds that none of the corn he gave has been moved. What could it be?" Feeling."

"Damn, I was wondering what you guys were excited about just now! So it's because of this!!"

"Let's just say that Jiang Yi is absolutely amazing! Although the corn the old man gave them was just out of politeness and not something they wanted to eat, the feeling of taking care of the old man like this is really touching! Besides, he just had dinner at home Come out, I don't believe he's hungry!"

"I said why didn't you speak just now? It turned out that you were gagged by food."

"He is really such a heart-warming person!"

"I have to say, his behavior of eating corn is really very attractive."

The people on both sides actually had nothing to say, and when Jiang Yi almost finished eating a piece of corn, the conversation on the other side would almost come to an end.

At this moment, the old man turned his attention to Jiang Yi, and asked with a silly smile, "Is the sweet corn that my family planted this year still delicious?"

Jiang Yi nodded without hesitation: "We also helped pick corn when we came back this year. The corn grown by ourselves is delicious!"

After hearing this, the old man laughed loudly: "There are still a lot of them at home. If you don't dislike them, you can take some away when you leave later."

Which Jiang Yi hastily waved his hand: "You are an old man, we come to visit you, how can we eat and take it? Let's forget the leftovers, this one is for the puppy."

The old man didn't feel embarrassed about being rejected at all, and the smile in his eyes deepened. They didn't force him when they refused him, and stood up tremblingly.

"Then I'll pack leftovers for you, you wait."

He walked out again while talking, and Jiang Yi's eyes fell on the food that the old man hadn't touched the chopsticks yet.

Wang Lei was leaned on the wooden sofa, and his voice couldn't help but sigh: "The old man is really enthusiastic."

Teacher Dandan also gnawed a piece of corn at this time, and kept silent.

(End of this chapter)

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