Chapter 267 Not full at home?
Wang Lei looked down and saw the bare corn stalks in front of Jiang Yi and Sister Dandan, his eyes widened in surprise.

"You two are this?"

"I'm not full at home??"

Liu Xianhua said half-jokingly, "Should I tell Grandpa to pack the corn back later?"

There was thought in his eyes, and based on the old man's tone and attitude just now, he shouldn't feel bad for these two corns.

Unexpectedly, Teacher Dandan quickly waved his hand.

"Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, you bastards."

Mr. He helped to persuade him at this time: "It's the old man's crops and the rations for this period of time. Don't pack them up and go away. Didn't you hear what Jiang Yi said just now? We don't even want to eat and take food with us." what happened."

Li Weijia followed her neck, somewhat puzzled.

"But the leftovers..."

"Leftovers are leftovers, and corn is corn." Jiang Yi rubbed his temples and looked helplessly at the silly boy in front of him.

"Didn't you listen to the old man? Even if we don't take away a portion of the leftovers, we still feed them to the chickens, but the corn is different. This year's newly produced grains are all counted in our rations. Those who take it out and sell it for money."

Cheng He, who was watching the whole scene from the side, applauded and looked at Jiang Yi with a little admiration.

"Brother Jiang really understands the things in the countryside!"

Wang Lei smiled beside him: "Hahaha, I didn't believe it when I heard Jiang Yi say that I grew up in the countryside, but now I'm convinced."

"Guess the old man's mind, that's an accurate guess." Teacher Dandan picked up the gnawed corn on the cob and played with it in his hand.

Jiang Yi hurriedly waved his hands: "It's absurd, it's absurd."

At this time, the old man came in with leftovers, and several people stood up at the same time: "Grandpa, you eat first, and we will leave first."

The old man responded quickly, with smiles in his eyes.

Before leaving, Jiang Yi turned around and said, "Eat well, we will come to see you another day."

The old man, who had seen people leave, was so happy to hear this.

He quickly agreed: "Okay, okay, come and play more when you have time."

Different from the tense atmosphere when we came, when we go back, everyone walking on the field ridge is surrounded by a relaxed atmosphere.

Cheng He asked Jiang Yi curiously: "How many years have you been in the country, brother?"

When asked this question, the others all pricked up their ears in silence, feeling in their hearts, this kid Cheng He really dares to ask!

When ordinary people encounter such things, don't they all scramble to avoid it? !

After all, this kind of question is easy to make people feel that they are discriminated against.

Even the person being questioned, faced with this kind of question, would avoid it as much as possible.

Netizens were equally shocked!

They have been curious about it for a long time!

But I never thought that it would be asked from the mouth of a young man of the new generation!
Their wildest assumptions and expectations at the time were Teacher He or Teacher Dandan asking.

After all, these two people are old and have a high reputation. Asking this kind of question is purely out of curiosity and will not be criticized.

But I didn't expect that this question would come from Cheng He's mouth one day!
It's something they never thought of.

It can only be said that courage is commendable.

While praising Cheng He's courage in their hearts, they were looking forward to Jiang Yi's answer.

Jiang Yi didn't shy away from it, he frowned and thought for a while.

"Actually, it's not that long. When I was born until I was seven or eight years old, after my parents passed away, I followed my uncle to the city."

There was nothing wrong with this statement, and he didn't even stay in the countryside for long!
But this sentence is simple!One wave is not flat, another wave rises again! !
Two pieces of information were revealed. First, he didn't stay in the countryside for a long time. Second, Jiang Yi's parents died when he was young? !

Is it so explosive, so terrifying? !

Netizens' first reaction was to not believe it.

"Damn, it's a lie, how is it possible, such a miserable life experience?!"

"I can't see it, I can't see it at all!"

"I didn't say that, what's going on with Jiang Yi? Is the blogger's eyeballs too much today? Do we look like fools? We made up such miserable and dramatic words."

"I just can't figure it out. Jiang Yi can be counted as successful and famous right now?? There is no shortage of powerful works and status and prestige. Is it necessary to set up a whole set of tricks to deceive us?"

"First born in the countryside, then both parents died, and then living with my uncle in the city, such a person is not bad if he can finish high school and even take the art test and get admitted to the best music and dance academy in Beijing?! Big Brother , do you know how difficult it is to pass the exam at the Academy of Music and Dance?"

"The most important thing is that he has entered the national team! How many rich and powerful children around me have no chance to enter the national team? This story is too outrageous. Can he make a reliable one even if he is a person? A little bit, do you think our netizens are blind?"

"I really can't stand him. He really treats us like fools."

"Cultivating an art student is difficult even for ordinary working-class people. What's more, Jiang Yi is trying to package himself as a poor and down-and-out person, and then enter the elegant hall of music? He really thinks that we are all fools , Can’t you figure out this account? He will believe it no matter how he flicks??”

"What on earth is he trying to do! Those misunderstandings just now were finally explained clearly."

"Look at the shocked and unbelievable look of sister Wang Lei Dandan, that face is your own representative, okay!"

"I know you are all angry, but I still want to say, calm down, calm down first and then calm down!"

"As you said, with the current reputation, prestige and status, and the strength of the work, why don't you want to take this risk?"

"Yeah, I'm also confused. No normal person would make such a joke about his parents, right?"

"I don't understand, I think what he said is half true and half false."

"I said, can you people stop making judgments based on your own subjective judgment?"

"You always react first, it's absolutely impossible, and then you start punching hard online."

"First of all, how can the family afford art students without money? After all, the training camp in the third year of high school cost a lot of money. Secondly, it may be that our daily living conditions are too happy, and there are almost no such miserable experiences around us."

"It feels like the death of both parents is the plot of a TV drama novel."

"The main reason is that the conflicts and contradictions are too great. Jiang Yi's words are like thunder on the ground! He didn't react at all."

"Although, if it is true, then Jiang Yi and his uncle are simply too great."

"Yeah, I can imagine how people like him survived."

At the same time, other people on the ridge also reacted.

(End of this chapter)

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