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Chapter 268 Do You Think Chi Ling Can Sing Well?

Chapter 268 Do You Think Chi Ling Can Sing Well?
Wang Lei was the first to react and said, "No, it's true or not."

The rest of the people are also full of astonishment.

Normally, everyone had smiles on their faces, but the shock and astonishment at this moment were extremely real.

Unlike everyone's nervousness, worry, shock and astonishment, the protagonist of this matter, Jiang Yi, seemed extremely indifferent.

"What's real or fake?"

Wang Lei stammered a little: "Your parents died when you were very young..."

In the end, his voice became quieter, and I almost didn't dare to look at Jiang Yi's face.

Jiang Yi didn't react too much, and even chuckled lightly: "There's no such thing as a joke."

"Why do I make fun of this when I have nothing to do?"

Several people continued to walk forward, but Jiang Yi didn't say anything more, just said.

"There is nothing to say about this matter."

The walking speed of the few people was getting slower and slower, and finally Jiang Yi was allowed to stride ahead.

The rest of the people winked wildly from behind.

Sister Dandan and Teacher He Jiong's eyes were full of regret.

After returning to the small courtyard, the atmosphere in the mushroom house inexplicably became a little heavy.

Jiang Yi didn't seem to feel it, and Wang Kaikai directly escaped from the solemn atmosphere in the house and went to feed little H.

It was Wang Lei who spoke proactively in order to enliven the atmosphere.

"Brother Jiang, what do you want to eat tomorrow? I'll go and prepare it now!"

Seeing Wang Lei in front of him smiling at himself with bared teeth, Jiang Yi also couldn't laugh or cry.

The others couldn't help but laugh too.

"I said Brother Lei, the three meals were finally settled today, why are you thinking about tomorrow?"

As he spoke, he took Wang Lei's shoulders: "Be obedient, let's worry about tomorrow's affairs tomorrow, after all, it's not an important thing, there is no need to waste today's energy."

After speaking, he sat down at the small square table.

"It's hard to finish today's work, cherish the few free time."

For this sentence, Teacher Dandan agreed very much and gave a thumbs up.

"That's right. Leave the unimportant things to think about tomorrow. If you think about it too much, you're just asking for trouble."

Everyone sat around the small square table and chatted one after another.

While chatting about the subject of Teacher Dandan, they asked about Jiang Yi.

"How did Xiao Jiang take the road of music?"

"The road of art is not easy."

Cheng He was drinking tea when he heard this.

"Just looking at his current achievements, Jiang Ge is definitely talented in this area!"

"It's not a pity that talented people don't follow the right path." Teacher He also echoed.

Jiang Yi was always smiling, and he was not angry when he heard everyone's speculations, he just said: "Almost."

"I was interested in this aspect when I was a child, and it got out of control after finishing junior high school."

"So what if it's not easy to go? As long as you choose, there is only one way to go to the dark."

His words aroused the infinite emotions of several people present, and Cheng He applauded after swallowing a sip of tea for a long time.

"That's great, so what if it's hard to walk? Who doesn't go all the way to the dark."

"Hahahaha, in this situation, I can't help but think of a song." Teacher Dandan laughed loudly, raised his hand again, and cleared his throat in a mysterious manner.

And Liu Xianhua, who was sitting on the side, covered my ears subconsciously. This bright spot was hardly noticed all the time, and the dynamic netizens in the cabin burst into laughter.

"Hahahaha Teacher Dandan is going to sing again!"

"Mr. Dandan, who guessed blindly, is going to sing Chi Ling again."

"Who doesn't know that Chi Ling is our teacher Dandan's favorite. When Chi Ling first came out, teacher Dandan personally posted an article marveling at the perfect fusion of opera and pop music."

"Didn't you notice the expression of Teacher Cheng He next to him? I laughed so hard! What is he doing like that hahahaha?! Is Teacher Dandan singing so hard to hear!"

"Actually... In all fairness, let's just say that Teacher Dandan's singing skills have improved by leaps and bounds after being taught by Teacher Jiang Yi!! Except for a little louder voice, it is not unpleasant."

"Hahahaha, then why Cheng He still looks devastated."

"Not only does he look devastated, but everyone else might as well make it worse!"

"Who said that Jiang Yi just listens to me, I'm dying of laughter!"

"That's because he guessed that Teacher Dandan would definitely sing his own song. Wouldn't it be a slap in the face if he made that gesture?"

"It's still the same sentence, the joys and sorrows of human beings are not interlinked."

"Teacher Jiang Yi enjoys his own work in a leisurely manner, pouring it out from the mouths of fans, while others are troubled by the noise again hahaha."

"But no matter what, we can predict that Mr. Dandan is definitely Jiang Yi's loyal fan."

"Just like me, I want to hum a few lines of his songs from time to time."

"The main reason is that his songs are really good, brainwashing and catchy, and have a long aftertaste, and there are really no other songs to listen to."

But unexpectedly, Teacher Dandan definitely did not sing her beloved Chi Ling this time, and the song she sang also surprised netizens.

I only heard teacher Dandan say: "to the cloud~"

Singing this sentence, everyone else was shocked.

Teacher Dandan sang this sentence, which is quite different from the usual high-decibel singing.

The artistic conception is profound, empty and lonely.

If they heard correctly, they actually heard a bit of great emptiness?

Netizens are dumbfounded!

The guests who had covered their ears secretly were also dumbfounded.

Is this still the Dandan teacher who sang Chiling only howled in my impression?
Wang Lei even slapped his tongue directly: "It turns out that everyone sings different styles of songs, the difference is so big!"

"It doesn't look like my singing is bad!" He suddenly realized that he slapped his thigh fiercely: "It turns out that my style is not good every time I listen to songs!"

Netizens were still in a daze, and they hadn't reacted yet. When they heard Wang Lei's summary, they burst out laughing.

"Hahahaha Brother Leizi knows how to comfort himself."

"So it's not that I can't sing well, it's that the style of the song doesn't suit me! I've realized it!"

"But why does Teacher Dandan sing to the clouds so well!"

"Nonsense, I've said it all. Teacher Dandan's skills are not bad. As for singing Chi Ling, it's not good, that's because...you think Chi Ling is so good at singing?"

"For such a difficult song, Teacher Dandan can return to the right track after being taught by the creator Jiang Yi, let alone Xiangyun."

"Don't tell me that Xiangyun's song still has a special flavor in Teacher Dandan's mouth."

(End of this chapter)

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