Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 397 He really has the demeanor of a senior

Chapter 397 He really has the demeanor of a senior
Chapter 395 He really has the demeanor of a senior! !

After the two contestants had a battle, the villagers reversed the selection and divided the AB side. Until seeing this, netizens felt that the strength of this group of contestants was very mediocre.

"If I were not standing here as a songwriter, I feel that the singing ability of these two contestants is about the same as mine."

"Besides the fact that I have never systematically learned songwriting, I think I can also be on this show."

"I think this is simply a waste of the talent of our teacher Jiang Yi."

"As the saying goes, you can't kill a chicken with a bull's knife!"

"With so many players, they won't all be divided into one AB side, right? That wouldn't be very boring."

“Contemporary netizens are really too harsh!”

"Some people are amazing and some people are mediocre. It's normal."

"I hope the next contestants will be able to impress us, otherwise I really feel that Teacher Jiang Yi's program is a bit overqualified."

"Whether he is overqualified or not, it was Teacher Jiang Yi's choice. For him, this was a good experience. I don't think you need irrelevant netizens to complain for him."

"Is there a possibility that the reason why the contestant on stage in this round performed so mediocre is because he was so overwhelmed by the light of the three teachers in front that he couldn't lift himself up."

"I'm laughing so hard. In fact, it's possible. After all, the three teachers shine so brightly, and the three players are indeed average in strength."

"How should I put it? In the face of excellence, mediocrity is a sin."

"There is no need to give them a reason to believe in them. Even among all the players, they are the weakest ones."

"You must have come here through some connections. The others are obviously very good."

"Just like those netizens said before, these contestants in the talent show are the protagonists. If these contestants perform mediocrely, I won't be able to watch them even if Teacher Jiang Yi is in charge."

"It's really going to be a bit boring."

Netizens were already losing interest after watching this round of contestants take the stage, but when they were about to watch another round to determine life and death, they were shocked to find out.

The quality of these players seems to have improved a bit? !

"This girl's singing voice is very nice, and her lyrics are also good."

"The description is very detailed, and it is easy to create a picture."

Netizens' feelings about this song were unanimously positive. However, when the camera switched to the judges' table after singing, they immediately heard Teacher Jiang Yi's words.

"You can hear the chord is 4536251."

When these words were spoken, even netizens who were separated by a screen could feel the atmosphere at that time, and there was a moment of deathly silence.

They could hardly breathe, and their toes were digging into the ground.

My scalp is numb and it’s all covered in dense patches. I’m so embarrassed and want to run away!

The key is that I and everyone around me agree that music that I think is pretty good is a bit embarrassing to be pointed out so ruthlessly and grafted on other people's achievements.

This kind of embarrassment is like being exposed in broad daylight, making people's scalp numb and unable to escape.

"It's so fatal, so embarrassing."

"I saw that player was silent for a while."

"Teacher Jiang Yi is indeed as sharp as ever. I haven't noticed this yet."

"If you think about it, this melody is indeed quite familiar." "I don't dare to speak anymore, it's too embarrassing."

"But I think this doctor's singing is really comfortable. It's just a pity that Teacher Jiang Yi doesn't seem to agree."

Just when many netizens were trying to escape from this dead place, Teacher Jiang Yi on the screen changed the subject.

"I don't think there's anything wrong with this."

When these words came out, not only the audience inside and outside the venue were stunned.

I originally thought that the previous sentence meant disagreement and nitpicking.

Is it because he can't stand the fact that the other party doesn't create his own creations, but takes over the fruits of other people's labor? Netizens are so embarrassed because of his previous words, but he ended up saying this?
This has aroused the curiosity of netizens.

"Don't laugh at 4536251, because I feel like a lot of people are laughing at your song for the classic chord 4536251."

"But how many songs in the world have this chord?"

"What's so funny about you?"

"Even if you make up a new chord, it may not sound as good as this one. Maybe no one will buy it yet."

This instructive teaching was like a senior's, and it also contained a joking meaning that directly made the players on the court laugh.

"Although I rarely use this kind of chord, I feel that at your stage..."

"How should I put it? It's such an inspiration. When you burst out but lack basic skills and are at the bottom, instead of doing this, why not stand on the shoulders of your seniors?"

"You see Newton standing on the shoulders of giants, why can't you?"

"What's more, there are good and bad ones in 4536251."

"Based on what I've heard before, I think your song is well-written and sounds good. There's no problem. Keep working hard."

"Then I think the atmosphere in the first half of your song, especially the first four lines, is super good. Because the thing in the front is here, the song is established. Of course, if the follow-up can combine this song with the second half, The more relevant the content of the paragraphs is, the better.”

After Teacher Jiang Yi finished speaking, the audience burst into applause.

But in the time that followed, the live broadcast room was still quiet.

It took a long time before anyone spoke up.

"Good guy, if it weren't for this show, I feel like I would never have heard Teacher Jiang Yi say so many things in my life."

"Haven't you noticed? Although Teacher Jiang Yi is usually very silent, when he needs to express his opinions or give suggestions, he also fulfills his duty as a mentor and is unambiguous in the slightest."

"The most important thing is that every word he says hits the point, unlike other variety show instructors who just talk nonsense in literature and have nothing to say!"

"Are you focusing on the wrong thing? Teacher Jiang Yi is a talented and original singer, but he doesn't contradict our universal chord!"

"How should I put it? This is simply commendable."

"Those original singers think they have some talent, and they want everyone to be original like them. They don't look at others to see if they have the ability and strength."

"In comparison, Teacher Jiang Yi is really tolerant in this regard, or he is very tolerant to young people who make music."

"How can I put it this way? He is indeed my favorite singer! He really has the demeanor of a senior!!"

(End of this chapter)

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