Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 398 Are all newcomers now at this level?

Chapter 398 Are all newcomers now at this level?

I originally thought that the style of this fresh song, which was shaped by the arrangement of familiar chords, was already the pinnacle of this group of young players.

But he didn't expect that when the next group of villagers grabbed the opportunity, the battle would be fierce.

The previous contestant chose a pair of singers from a group to compete with him on stage.

This male and female band wears retro styles.

When netizens saw this look, they felt something was wrong.

"I don't know if it's because I've been listening to Lanzhou teacher's music too much during this period, but now I'm gradually able to accept this kind of more ancient style of clothing."

"I'm no longer accepting it. I even think it looks a little good."

After the two members of this duo came on stage to introduce themselves, the most memorable words in the audience's mind were those spoken by the girl.

"We are all meeting for the first time, and we may not know each other yet. We can't share the joys and sorrows together, but I hope we can share the joys and sorrows after listening to this song."

After saying this, the audience burst into cheers.

I have to admit that sometimes, speaking out really adds points, and it also changes the atmosphere in the venue.

At least netizens are deeply impressed by this player named Zhang Weiwei at this moment.

Not only that, they even lit incense throughout the studio.

"Our song is about trust in love. The name of this fragrance also expresses hope in not-so-good times."

The two contestants were chatting on the stage. At the same time, the camera glanced at the thick red rope between their wrists, tightly tied together, and at the same time, the three teachers sitting at the judges' table had the same flash in their eyes. Too interesting.

Even the netizens in the live broadcast room also found it a bit strange.

"Wow, they have such a sense of ceremony!"

"This is the first time I've seen people who work in music be so particular."

"We in China are a country of etiquette, so there is nothing wrong with paying more attention to it."

"The music they made was so bad that they thought they were holding some kind of ceremony."

"Chinese culture is really charming. I feel a strong sense of sincerity in the instruments they hold that are not common in modern society, as well as the incense."

"Yes, yes, they give me the feeling that they are very serious and sincere, and they really do this well with great care. This is something I rarely see among young people nowadays."

"Am I the only one who thinks this show is very tolerant? Where will those variety shows that are eager to make profits end? Let them waste their time on this?"

"It's really amazing. This program not only allowed them to do it, but also gave them close-ups."

"So I think this director is also a wonderful person."

"The director is a person who discovers beauty and respects it."

"You made me laugh so hard. Did you see the excited look on Teacher Jiang Yi's face?"

"Jiang Yi: Let me see what fancy ceremony you are doing."

"I said you people are a bit too tolerant, right? What's the use of all this bells and whistles? It has nothing to do with music?"

"That's right. What I'm thinking of is that Teacher Jiang Yi has produced so much awesome music, and I haven't seen him lighting incense and talking about this and that."

"Isn't this just pure formalism?"

"That's not to say that. After all, music not only has hearing but also smell, which can also help you put yourself in someone else's shoes."

"No matter where it is, there is indeed no shortage of human sobriety. If the strength is not good enough, there is no way to immerse the audience's whole body into it now, so I just use these heresy to make up for it."

Not long after, these fancy rituals, which were originally praised by netizens, immediately turned into something for the Chinese public to please.

Netizens who were initially impatient were gradually swayed by these remarks and subconsciously felt that these two players were so pretentious and looked so miraculous that they were probably not very good at it.

But what I didn't expect was that as soon as the lights on the stage were turned down, the entire stage would immediately fall into an immersive concert atmosphere.

Faced with these netizens, it was still possible to resist. After all, formalism and these things must be organized. As soon as the two contestants on the stage opened their voices, those netizens who originally said that they were fooling Xuanxu were instantly slapped in the face. "I have been waiting for you since winter~"

"I am hard in the heavy snow~"

"Red-hot iron~"

The male and female voices are entangled while maintaining a rich sense of magnetism and a deep sense of story.

"I have no memory of you~"

"I can't hear your breathing clearly~"

"I miss you, I'm waiting for you~"

"Let me be mine~"

The feeling may be average just listening to the singing, but looking at the screen intuitively, watching the two of them perform on the stage.

"Make a play, be me~"

"I must be thinking of you~"

"Pinch a bunch of mud and pinch you~"

"Protect me with trembling hands~"

The singing is spacious, and it gives people a numbing shock. The immersive feeling is simply amazing, and the artistic conception brought by the whole song is even better.

Not only are their songs trying to describe something, but their every move on the stage is like a painting, as well as the faint scent of incense on the tip of their noses. All aspects directly hit people's senses and left a deep impression.

The voice and the expressiveness of the stage left many netizens watching the live broadcast stunned.

"Are you listening~"

"My blood is flowing with your heat~"

The stunned netizens were in disbelief.

"What's going on? Do the newcomers already have this kind of strength?"

"Good guy, just this stage performance! I said they were showboats before, come out and get beaten!"

"I don't know why, but listening to their singing makes me feel like I'm on the XZ Plateau."

"Although this lyric makes my scalp tingle, I still feel it is really like Phoenix Legend."

"Can the people upstairs not spoil the atmosphere?"

"I think this kind of Chinese song still has a lot of foundation."

"His singing voice...how should I put it, his own ability is good, and his lyrics are also okay."

"I'm more curious now about what the teachers will say."

"These two players really shocked me from the moment they came on stage."

"I just remembered that those people were mocking me for being a showman, and I just laughed."

"Now that I think about it, they will only become more awesome, okay?"

"Not only is he extremely talented, but he also has a special sense of ritual, and he is extremely sincere towards music."

"Leave me alone, I'm really looking forward to what Teacher Jiang Yi will say right now."

"I feel that the artistic conception of this song is a bit like Teacher Jiang Yi's Chi Ling."

"Does it look like it? I think it looks a bit like it, the kind that can be glued on, but not much."

(End of this chapter)

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