Chapter 407 "A Bridge of Fate"

As the camera zooms in, you can clearly see the familiar profile face in the middle of the screen, getting clearer and clearer.

At the same time, the lights on the stage were also boiling, as restless as boiling water, with red and white interlaced.

It made many netizens think that they were in a live broadcast room of a nightclub.

"Good guy, this light is a little bit floating now."

"If I hadn't seen Teacher Jiang Yi's profile in the middle of the screen, I would have thought this was Teacher Xue's stage again."

"This is really the typhoon that Teacher Xue Qianqian is used to."

"The two of them played really well. Even the stage lighting was affected. Anyway, I'm crying to death now."

"Let's ask, is there a possibility that it is simply because stage lighting usually matches the rhythm of music?!"

In the barrage in the live broadcast room, among the wails of netizens, someone directly revealed the true meaning.

After seeing this barrage, people reacted to it and listened carefully to the accompaniment of this song.

"Damn it, don't tell me, this light is just stuck."

"After listening to this intro, I know what song Teacher Jiang Yi is going to sing."

"I can guess the style, but I really don't know what song to sing."

“It kind of feels like a chrysanthemum platform.”

"I think it's more like Tan Yuxi's feeling of fighting."

"I don't know why, maybe I'm just a bitch. I think looking at this light and this rhythm, I think Teacher Jiang Yi is going to make a bigger move."

However, the reality is beyond the expectations of netizens. The rhythm and lighting in the front seemed to be just an opening. When the camera zoomed to a certain proportion, the exciting rhythm actually slowly faded away until it disappeared.

Even the dazzling lights just now stopped.

It was directly exposed to netizens’ heads full of question marks.

"Good guy, was the relationship just the beginning?"

"What's going on? Why do you have to sing to warm up now? I can't bear to laugh now!"

I originally thought that after the camera zoomed in, I would start listening to the accompaniment, but surprisingly, the accompaniment this time was also extremely fast.

Almost only sporadic melody could be heard, and then Teacher Jiang Yi picked up the microphone.

"The bright moon of Qin and the pass of Han~"

"The long march of thousands of miles has not yet returned~"

"But the Flying General of Dragon City is here~"

"Don't teach Huma how to cross Yinshan~"

As soon as they heard the first verse, all the audience on stage were immediately stunned. This was a music style and singing method they had never heard before.

At least in my memory I have never had this kind of singing style and tone!
The degree of unfamiliarity even exceeded the drama that Teacher Jiang Yi gave us at the beginning, so the degree of shock can be imagined.

But this rare song, sung by Teacher Jiang Yi, was extremely amazing and admirable.

Therefore, the director only had to pan the camera randomly over the audience, and what they received was a series of shocked expressions.

Not only that, the netizens who were used to it and were jumping up and down eating melons and chatting in the live broadcast room were also shocked at this time.

"Holy shit, shit, what kind of singing is this? Have you never heard it before in your life?"

"After watching this program and listening to Teacher Jiang Yi's various explanations, I discovered that I am the ignorant one."

"I feel guilty. I am still studying music, but I can't act cool at this moment." "In front of Teacher Jiang Yi, we are all disciples."

"His singing style is very strange. It's hoarse and arrogant, but it's not uncomfortable to listen to."

"This is a completely different style of music from before. The singing is really catchy and I'm obsessed with it."

"This song is called Fate Bridge. I took a screenshot just now!!"

"When I first listened to the first paragraph, I felt like there were wars of war all over the place. Once you listen to one paragraph, you can get the sense of the picture. You can tell me if it's awesome or not!"

"My feeling when listening to this passage is that the war is over, corpses are floating thousands of miles away, and the victorious general is singing his praises alone. He is lonely and painful, but at the same time he is filled with the joy and struggle after the victory."

After just listening to the first verse, it was like countless oil ideas were splashed in the live broadcast room. The never-heard singing method brought an unparalleled auditory impact to countless fans and netizens.

But I still didn't expect that this was just the beginning of more explosions to come.

"The mass graves of thousands of miles of smoke~"

"The lonely soul in troubled times has no one to visit~"

"The sky is speechless and the pen and ink are cold~"

"The pen knife pays for itself with blood~"

The singing of this song burned the entire audience like a fire, igniting the artistic conception of the entire song and bringing unparalleled vitality to the audience!Angry sounds, shouting, and rapping are all at your fingertips, bringing an unparalleled auditory feast to the audience listening to this song at this moment.

“You can’t talk about love and hate in a sloppy way~”

"Bang, beat, beat the war drum~"

"Sake a vow of trust and I will endure it~"

The ancient poetry slowly occupied the minds of the audience with the majestic and majestic scenes of China. Although the electronic music always felt passionate and exciting, the sound of the Chinese wind was like the blood of the descendant of the dragon awakening. At this moment, in the live broadcast room A sense of pride and confidence arose in the hearts of all the viewers.

The countless pairs of eyes in front of the screen radiated an unparalleled light.

It is no exaggeration to say that listening to this song makes people want to go to the front line immediately. Anyone who offends China will be punished no matter how far away!

The singing on the stage is still continuing, but at this moment, the hearts of the audience can no longer calm down.

"Let me just say that Teacher Jiang Yi should use more tricks. He is indeed extraordinary!"

"Listening to this song makes my whole body's blood boil. I must play this song to my students in class tomorrow!"

"This song is impeccable both in terms of lyrics and singing. This episode of the variety show simply shouldn't give me too many surprises."

"Before, I had a vague feeling that the quality of the student's songs was about to catch up with Teacher Jiang Yi. Teacher Jiang Yi was just better at efficiency. Now that I hear Teacher Jiang Yi's new songs, I am indeed presumptuous!"

"My heart rate is probably higher now than it has ever been in my life when I hear this song!"

"This song is truly the most beautiful and majestic song I have ever heard in my life!"

"Beautiful lyrics, hearty melody, and teacher Jiang Yi's unique shouting and singing, the three in one seem to form a flesh-and-blood overpass!"

"In ancient times, there were golden swords and iron horses, with horns blowing everywhere, stepping through thorns, smiling at all the changes in life, and tasting all the joys and sorrows. As the saying goes, 'Yellow sand will wear golden armor in a hundred battles, and Loulan will never be returned until it destroys it.' Today, there is silent gunpowder smoke, but there are people who are willing, God If you don’t live up to it, let’s see how you can turn things around and live your life in this world of mortals~”

"This fate is like a bridge~"

"The flags are flying~"

"If you want to leave, please draw the knife immediately~"

When they heard this, netizens who had been tense since the beginning could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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