Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 408 is not on the same level at all!

Chapter 408 is not on the same level at all!
"Sometimes I'm really amazed at how Teacher Jiang Yi's singing can be so unpredictable. Sometimes it's like a fire that burns the entire scene, but it's not the kind of boiling, tragic song that burns us dry."

"He is like a pair of big hands. He picks it up easily and grasps the degree he wants to give us very easily. Sometimes it feels like it is too much. The natural transition of the tone is like pure oxygen, clean and soft, but has a strong combustion-supporting property. It gives us the feeling that we can’t stop.”

“The two voices complement each other and create a strong chemical reaction, creating this majestic and passionate work.

The perfect combination of three-in-one is like recreating the scene of the enemy knocking on the border outside the fortress and the soldiers fighting bravely to kill the enemy. "

"I'm telling you, I have a hunch that this song will definitely be a hit, it will definitely be a hit!"

Netizens boiled over after listening to this song, and at the same time they also made predictions.

However, at this moment, the song has just reached its climax.

The accompaniment on the stage suddenly changed, and the soul-stirring singing reached their ears.

The magnificent momentum reproduces the spectacular scene of life-and-death fights on ancient battlefields. Fate is like burning in fire, drifting in water, and like a pontoon swaying in the wind and rain. The unique shouting and singing make the audience's blood rush at the same time!

"You can't talk about love and hate in a scribbled way, the world of mortals burns and burns~"

"Prove who is important by life and death~"

"This fate is like a bridge~"

“Let’s take a look at the story~~”

When the smoke is everywhere and the flames of war are burning, the heroes will return to the battlefield to restore stability to the world and stop the flames of war. At the same time, it gives the audience a way to let the concept of peace flutter in the wind and let the belief in peace echo in the earth!
“I don’t know why this song is clearly about ancient times, but at this moment I can relate to the current international situation!”

"It's so domineering, it feels like sweeping across the battlefield!"

"Whether it's writing lyrics, composing music or singing, Teacher Jiang Yi will always be a god!"

"At this moment, I feel that the internal entertainment can no longer accommodate the giant Buddha of Teacher Jiang Yi!"

"Having reached his current status, he continues to create and break through himself. I think he will have a brighter future!"

"We are just saying that in this program, He Dehe can produce such a divine song!"

"I have a hunch that this song will definitely be sung for many years to come!"

“Songs made of flesh and blood never go out of style!”

This song is not only flesh-and-blood, but also interspersed with the hero's son-daughter love, joys and sorrows.

"Walking to the end of the world, you and I take off our shirts~"

"Dream Back to the Great Wall~"

When hearing this, netizens still couldn't help but sigh with emotion at Teacher Jiang Yi's singing ability.

"I feel that for this song, other singer-songwriters would definitely want to find a female singer to sing the chorus, so that the feeling of one strong and one weak would be highlighted. However, Jiang Yi always just picked it up by himself."

“His transition between high and low is truly breathtaking!!”

"Actually, it feels like it's mainly for domestic entertainment. I guess there aren't many female singers who can catch this song. Otherwise, Teacher Jiang Yi, why not do it?"

"Yes, I also feel that singing this song is quite tiring for my throat."

Not only that, after listening to this song, netizens discovered that it actually incorporated elements of electronic music!

This discovery directly made the audience in the live broadcast room excited.

"Good guy, this is another form of innovation!"

"I wonder why he is so passionate! It turns out that he also added electronic music."

"What is it about such a familiar field that I didn't recognize?"

"Good guy, does Mr. Jiang Yi's creation have no boundaries? As long as everything suitable is stuffed in?!"

"While there is no sense of boundaries, I am very familiar with various elements of music and can pick them up at my fingertips, so I can integrate them all into my own works!" "I can't even imagine how awesome Teacher Jiang Yi is."

"His songs are really high-end, and he seems to only do what he wants to do. The songs he produces never cater to the public. People who understand understand will naturally understand. And as he said, some things need to be precipitated in order to see."

"The bright moon of Qin and the pass of Han~"

"The long march of thousands of miles has not yet returned~"

"But the Flying General of Dragon City is here~"

"Don't teach Huma how to cross Yinshan~"

A male singer singing this pitch really amazed the countless viewers in the live broadcast room!

The vigor and murderous aura it brought out personally felt the impact of hearing.

The songs are a fusion of Qin Opera and the West. The Qin Opera is majestic in the East, while the West is gentle and carefree. It is a competition in terms of momentum and power.

"Forged in flesh and blood, ten thousand swords can be pierced~"

"The armor stains the snow and reflects the moonlight~"

"Hujia blows to the heart in the distance~"

"Wolf hair suddenly rises to conquer the border~"

"When talking about love and hate, don't be scrawled. Beat the war drum~"

Hearing this song at this moment, the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but sigh again.

"There is no way to listen to this song. The live version will be a regret in my life."

"I can't believe what a warm and cheerful person I would be if I were there when this song was sung."

"I will definitely love this territory even more and love to protect our country!"

"Didn't you notice that this song seems to have a little bit of Western elements? After all, it's also paired with electronic music."

"This song should mainly promote Chinese style. Teacher Jiang Yi should have composed this song with the mentality of introducing Chinese music to the world."

"Fuck, you guys have guessed such a high-level pattern, so why don't you support this song?!"

"I have decided that from today onwards I will send this song to people all over the world."

"I want to impress all my friends who like European and American music!"

“It’s great to have Teacher Jiang Yi in the Chinese music scene!”

"I don't know why, but I feel that after this song comes out, Teacher Jiang Yi will reach a higher level."

"Don't worry, Tiezi, he deserves this."

"And for such an awesome song, I don't believe he didn't know it, but he sang it just like that on a singing stage with a mere variety show instructor?!"

"Hahahaha, as the saying goes, the aroma of wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley. Teacher Jiang Yi never pays attention to these forms!"

"This reminds me of those young people in the entertainment industry who have to pre-heat an album for a month before releasing it for a limited time at the end of the year."

"An album costs almost 45 Happy Beans, and then he asks me to listen to his voice moaning, groaning, and whispering??"

"No wonder they can't go far. This comparison is simply a judgment call."

"Please don't compare anyone with our teacher Jiang Yi, okay? To be honest, they deserve it too??"

The audience is not blind. On the contrary, they have discernment and premonitions. As soon as the song comes out, they can immediately sense the layers.

(End of this chapter)

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