Chapter 433 It's All Routines
Captain Ye's words directly blocked the words that the old leader was preparing later, and the atmosphere in the office was a little stagnant for a while.

But the embarrassment lies in the embarrassment. The old leader also feels like a mirror in his heart. What Commander Ye said is all reasonable.

Although he always believed that Jiang Yi and the national team were always tied to the same thread.

But even so, he had to admit that he no longer relied on the national team to make a living.

Although the current situation is very chaotic, and the scoldings on the Internet are ugly, and the matter is caused by Jiang Yi's suspected plagiarism, it can also be seen that the development of the matter to this stage has no impact on Jiang Yi at all, and even vaguely favorable.

Even if the old leader is in a high position, he can guess what Xue Liang's intention is.

He just wants to discredit Jiang Yi and expose his dark past. He wants to get pleasure from this, but this thing seems to him to be stupid!

Let’s not talk about whether his goal was achieved or not.

Let's just say that these evil moths caused by Xue Liang have not had any bad negative impact on Jiang Yi at all!

The core resource of the basic department was suppressed in the team. He had all the skills but had no chance to play.

Even so, I still devote myself to studying singing skills and my passion has not been wiped out by life. How inspiring this spread!It's not black history at all.

He had also read the news on the Internet, and when this incident came out, the fans were even more distressed in private.

Those netizens were watching the excitement and did not mind the matter, so they happened to be right in Xue Liang's dictation.

Jiang Yi criticized the unfair treatment he suffered in the national team and questioned their fairness.

And those fans are even more crazy.

Like crazy, everyone in Weibo is trying to make things bigger, the bigger the better.

Nowadays, their national team has neither recruited nor provoked anyone. However, because of holding such an event, they are suddenly affected. All the bad public opinions are on the side of their national team!

But Jiang Yi is the key to this matter.

It is said that the person who ties the bell needs to be the one who untied the bell. Now, if Captain Ye gives up his job, whose face will that kid Jiang Yi betray?
Thinking of this, the old leader felt a little dizzy for a moment, but softened his tone.

"Xiaoye, you may have to come forward in this matter."

"After all, I have read the information. Jiang Yi has been under your control since he joined the national team. I feel really guilty. This is the first time I know that a member of the national team has been treated unfairly like this." .”

"First of all, you, the leader, bear the brunt of the responsibility!"

Hearing the words of the old leader, Captain Ye raised her head in disbelief. At a certain moment, she even doubted her ears.

"Leader, you can eat randomly, but you can't talk randomly."

"Almost every time there is an event in the national team, I will take him with me, but Jiang Yi's name is inexplicably missing from the final approved list. I shouldn't target the members under me these two or three times. ?”

She originally wanted to argue and her eyes were wide open, but unexpectedly, the old leader ignored her at all.

He even started talking directly: "When there is a problem, we have to find a way to solve it, let alone the problem of the national team. As an old man in the team, you can't just sit on the sidelines."

"And if my guess is correct, Xue Liang's Weibo said that Jiang Yifa was assigned to the entertainment industry. This matter was handled by you, right?" The leader bit down hard on the word "distributed".

Captain Ye has now figured it out, the threat, this is a naked threat!
Xue Liang is now useless.

Kicking him out alone would not quell the hatred of the masses.

These old foxes in the conference room, every word you say to me means nothing more than that.

If Captain Ye didn't work hard to find Jiang Yi, negotiate the matter, and let the other party come forward to explain to the public that the national team is not as dark a place as they imagined, so as to calm the hatred of the audience.Then prepare to push him, who was once Jiang Yi's direct leader, out to the audience as a living target.

This is also used to block everyone's mouth.

What a trick, Captain Ye almost laughed out loud at these old foxes.

“These leaders are really resourceful!”

"As the old chief said, I am still the leader of the national team, so my relationship with the national team is inseparable. We are grasshoppers on the same rope." It was obvious that all the leaders in the office heard this sentence. His face relaxed, thinking that she had given in.

Obviously very satisfied with her reality, a stone fell in his heart, and at the same time he heard Captain Ye continue.

"But I can't do this. The worst I can do is resign."

"As long as I am no longer a grasshopper on this rope, it will not be up to my free will to explain it at that time."

The best way to face a threat is to destroy it directly.

What's more, Captain Ye is really tired of staying here, and he has no pressure or ties, so he has no nostalgia.

After saying this, she no longer lingered, got up and left the office, leaving them to figure out how to deal with it.

Anyway, she will never interfere again.

This scenario also happened not long ago.

But at that time, he was just acting with the old chief to protect Jiang Yi's rights.

But this time it was true.

Although Xue Liang's Weibo is a bit exaggerated and others don't know it, Captain Ye knows very well that every word and sentence he describes is what really happened.

This is also something Jiang Yi has actually experienced.

How to get a person to deny the unfair treatment and grievances he has received in front of the public with just his words and a little bit of affection is simply a fantasy.

Even Captain Ye found it incredible.

And based on his understanding of Jiang Yi, there was no way he would let go unless he was promised huge benefits.

In his heart, there were enough interests to compete with the previous humiliation and grievances.

It's possible to be impressed.

Captain Ye simply didn't believe that the old guys in the conference room, who were sophisticated and well-versed in human relations, could not think clearly about this matter.

But he just wanted to catch her with nothing, and Ye Tuan couldn't believe it.

The purpose of the attack is also obvious. Isn't this just to prepare for the soft first?

If you really can't do it, try harder. If you don't accept soft or hard, then try to induce when you have no other choice.

It’s full of routines.

But it is indeed the way the national team behaves.

She rushed home all the way, and the first thing she did was to call Jiang Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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