Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 434 Digging a pit and burying myself

Chapter 434 Digging a pit and burying myself

At that time, Jiang Yizheng was staying with Mei Rou, paying close attention to the current trends on the Internet.

Of course, it was Mei Rou who was paying more attention to the movements, while Jiang Yi stayed by the side.

Because since Xue Liang's long list of crazy Weibo came out, Jiang Yi knew about this matter, and he didn't need to worry about it at all.

He was not surprised when he saw the call from Captain Ye.

According to the online situation, although Xue Liang seemed to be coming for him on the surface, the other party acted as if he was going to destroy the national team.

So after seeing this phone call, Jiang Yi could even vaguely guess the other party's purpose and intention.

Therefore, the ringing phone in her hand had not been answered for a long time. Listening to the continuous ringing, Mei Rou took time out of her busy schedule to glance at Jiang Yi next to her.

"Whose phone number is it? So hesitant."

Her voice broke Jiang Yi's thoughts, and he looked back at the other person and pressed connect.

But he didn't expect that the other party's first sentence was beyond his expectation.

Captain Ye was full of emotions on the phone and said with great sadness: "Xiao Jiang, if I lose my job, you will take me in, right?"

This opening statement was somewhat unexpected, and Jiang Yi was dumbfounded.

"It's okay to provide a position, but with your iron rice bowl, how can you be unemployed."

In my impression, when he first joined the national team, Captain Ye seemed to be firmly entrenched in it.

Therefore, the word "unemployed" never seemed to match her.

"Don't mention it. It's not like you haven't carried this iron rice bowl before. It's not easy for someone to make you unstable."

In such a sensitive period, if there is a topic, it is really difficult for Jiang Yi not to think about what happened.

But at the same time, he also remained wary to avoid this being a roundabout tactic by the opponent.

"What big thing happened to the national team that even a backbone like you has to pack up and leave?"

But when he asked specifically, the other party fell silent.

"It's hard to say, but if nothing else happens, they should talk to you."

This seemed to be the key point for the other party to answer the call. After saying this, he hung up the phone without a few words.

Jiang Yi lay on the sofa and yawned. Mei Rou, who was sitting behind the coffee table on the other side, looked at it and joked: "Whose phone call makes our teacher Jiang Yi so troubled."

This unabashed teasing made Jiang Yi rub his temples.

"I hear your tone is so brisk. Isn't the online situation very good now?"

"The situation online is not good, but the situation here is OK."

As if thinking of something, Mei Rou stopped her smile and began to carefully test: "By the way, what Xue Liang said on Weibo is true?"

"If it didn't really happen and he was really proud of it and felt happy about it, Xue Liang could have remained rational and made it up online as my colleague, and many people would believe it."

"It is precisely because it really happened that he chose to make it known to everyone instead of making it up."

"It's just that looking at your face now, his plan must have failed. At least the reaction of fans and netizens is completely opposite to his ideal state."

There was a coffee table in the middle, and Jiang Yi looked at Mei Rou's smiling face.It was a sharp contrast to the dark clouds when the incident happened two hours ago.

"Who knows, what can you say about that boy Xue Liang? He is simply a divine assist. He directly helped us break the deadlock without us having to do anything ourselves. He didn't even need to make a special statement to explain. He directly helped us attract a large number of netizens. and fan compassion.”

"By messing up the situation, we actually took advantage."

Mei Rou was amazed as she spoke.

Because of the Weibo posted by Xue Liang, the incident was really big, and the scope of the impact was really wide.

It was precisely because he came out on his own that this general wind sent them directly to the victim's camp.

Mei Rou hadn't experienced such an intense fight for a long time, and she felt like she was suddenly carried away.

The funniest thing is that the other party dug a hole and buried himself directly.

This is not very comfortable, so it makes you feel refreshed and your eyebrows are curved.

Jiang Yi also doesn't know how to evaluate this.

"I don't know, this may be the blessing of luck, the light of the right path."

Jiang Yi said something incomprehensible, and Mei Rou laughed even more.

After laughing, she returned to the topic: "But then again, the one who takes the biggest scapegoat for this incident is the national team."

"And you are still the central figure in this matter. No matter what, they will definitely have to find you, whether it is to find you to reconcile, or to induce or threaten you, to clarify this matter, they think it will probably fall on you. "

At this point, Mei Rou raised her chin and frowned, analyzing carefully: "Did your Commander Ye also tell you about this when he called just now?"

Jiang Yi couldn't deny that Mei Rou sighed after seeing this: "It's really killing me. I thought before that if it was all that Xue Liang who was making it up, we could still make a good plan on how to give your beloved country The team responded and the result was this..."

As she spoke, she spread her hands and looked helpless.

If things were not like this, they could just be a favor and go along with the situation. After all, they did not suffer any loss in this matter, and it was also a good thing to give others that face.

But if it really happened, that would be a different matter.

So she asked Jiang Yi again, her tone extremely serious: "So if the other party comes to talk to you, what are you going to do?"

Jiang Yi frowned when the question was posed to him.

To be honest, he has never experienced those experiences himself. If there was no trouble, he could have lived in peace and whitewashed the peace. But now that things are known to the whole city, he seems not qualified to forgive these people on behalf of the original owner.

Therefore, he said: "I won't break up with each other, but I won't accept compromise, and you still help them clarify it online? It's even more ridiculous."

"I can accept the country's subsequent changes, but if I help them speak out and explain online, that's not clarifying. That's called spreading rumors, and I'm helping them."

What's more, he is the victim in this matter. If he helps clarify it, the same things that Xiang Jiang Yi has experienced will happen again in the future.

Once someone exposes it, you will probably be the first one exposed online, right? !

When that time comes, maybe everything that happened to the original owner may become an advantage for netizens to criticize themselves.

What's more, might the national team help him by then?
You know, I must be eager to put an end to the relationship immediately.

Therefore, it is simply impossible for him to do such a thankless thing that betrays him and has countless hidden risks.

(End of this chapter)

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