Chapter 484 The reversal begins!

"Ah? Why on earth is it called Jianjian?"

"At that moment I seemed to hear the sound of my own heart breaking. Who doesn't know that Little Jianjian is the only song sung by Teacher Jiang Yi and Teacher Xue."

"How can Teacher Xue sing Xiaojianjian by himself?!"

"Where is our teacher Jiang Yi? Isn't the mysterious guest really not Teacher Jiang Yi?!"

"Whoa, who was so sure before? Now come out and let me feel at ease."

"Good guy, the morale of the military has collapsed."

"What the hell is going on? Xiaojianjian is a collaborative work between two teachers."

"It seems like you heard the sound of heartbreak, doesn't it?"

"Teacher Jiang Yi won't come, right?"

One stone stirs up a thousand waves.Even netizens on the Internet take an outsider’s perspective.

But he was still blinded, unable to see clearly the road ahead.

Maybe it's because the first two performances were performed by two people, and they were the only ones.

Now that Xue Qianqian has done this for them, it can be said that it has completely subverted his previous understanding.

Xue Qianqian stood on the stage and sang with all his heart, without paying any attention to the fans who were already looking a little messy in the wind at this moment.

Wherever the camera of the central control panned, the expressions on the faces of the fans were all chapped and out of control.

At this moment, Jiang Yi heard the other party about to sing Xiaojianjian in the backstage lounge, and realized what the other party was planning.

I couldn't help but laugh a little for a moment.

After the song "Xiao Jianjian" sung by Xue Qianqian alone ended, he looked at the fans around the concert and soon it was time for the much-anticipated mysterious guest to appear.

From the moment he started planning this matter, Xue Qianqian felt as if he had a treasure in his heart, and so far he was finally able to reveal the secret himself.

"Aren't you all always curious about who the mysterious guest at this concert is who has not yet been announced?!"

"Now it's time to reveal the secret!!"

Originally, this was indeed a very happy thing. Fans and netizens had been struggling for so long, and finally the clouds cleared and the moon cleared.

But just after Xue Qianqian finished singing Xiao Jianjian alone.

This is no different from directly proving to fans that the mysterious guest will not be Jiang Yi! ?

At least that's how it seems to the audience.

It was like a hint that almost instantly wiped out the enthusiasm of the audience and fans.

A heart that is cold and cold.

Since the guests who came are not Teacher Jiang Yi, what difference does it make to the audience who the other people are.

absolutely not.

After all, one-third of the audience at the concert came specifically for Teacher Jiang Yi.

As for the other two-thirds of the audience, they had also bet on the guest being Teacher Jiang Yi, and they also had vague expectations in their hearts.

Now that Tou Tou is pouring such cold water on the audience, who can bear it?
It is almost their greatest respect to not say the curse words in your heart.

How could it be possible to still cheer enthusiastically?

Wherever the central control camera scanned, his face turned black one after another.

This retribution almost made the netizens who squatted in the live broadcast room to watch the excitement laugh to death.

"Hahahaha, Teacher Xue Qianqian is very clearly telling us what it means if we don't do something, we won't die."

"If the last mysterious guest is really Mr. Jiang Yi, no matter how Xue Qianqian tries to kill himself, I think the audience can tolerate it, but!" "You dare to be so arrogant in front of us before."

"The feat of fans wearing black faces throughout the concert is also unprecedented, hahahaha."

"This scene is so embarrassing, I almost can't bear to watch it."

"Let's just say that this is already the case. I almost can't imagine how embarrassing the scene will be after the mysterious guest comes on stage."

"Don't tell me you've already started picking your feet."

Almost everyone agreed that Xue Qianqian sang Xiaojianjian before the mysterious guest came on stage, telling everyone that Jiang Yi would not come today.

So when the mysterious guest slowly appeared on the stage, almost everyone was not optimistic about it.

Until the visitor revealed his true appearance.

Perhaps it was simply because the contrast between reality and reality was a little too great, at least every fan at the scene looked like they had seen a ghost.

"Holy shit, is this really Teacher Jiang Yi?!"

"Isn't this guy Lao Xue a wax figure to liven up his life?"

Fans simply couldn't believe what they were seeing.

Knowing that Xue Qianqian was holding the microphone: "Welcome our beloved teacher Jiang Yi to our site!!!"

The loudness of the voice and the enthusiasm of the tone were enough to bring all the fans, viewers, and netizens who were paying attention back to their senses! !
Netizens were even more stunned! ?

"Damn it, what is this old boy Xue Qianqian doing now!"

"He really arranged for Mr. Jiang Yi to be a mysterious guest at his concert?"

"I'm really convinced. Since Teacher Jiang Yi is the mysterious guest of this concert, why did I risk my life to sing Xiaojianjian before? I thought there was no chance."

"That's it! My heart was almost broken into pieces just now."

The concert scene at this moment was even more dramatic.

It was as if the stagnant air was instantly liberated, and the cheers sounded even slower! !
The screams and cheers were so loud that they almost broke through the sky, deafening and did not conceal the surprise and excitement at all. It was in sharp contrast to Xue Qianqian's warm-up for a long time before no one responded.

Xue Qianqian listened to the cheers and screams at the concert with great satisfaction.

After feeling satisfied, he became a little unhappy, so he spoke sourly to interact with Teacher Jiang Yi.

"Teacher Jiang Yi deserves to be the top in the music industry. When you came on stage and cheered and screamed, my ears almost went deaf. Those Xue Qianqian girls with the support hairbands with my name on their heads have now become the wall."

As soon as this statement came out, it was very much like Xue Qianqian's accusation. At least the audience inside the concert could no longer hold back their laughter.

The concert was also full of cheers and laughter, and it was very lively.

Faced with Xue Qianqian's accusations and accusations, Teacher Jiang Yi picked up the microphone unhurriedly.

"Isn't that what you expected?"

"This prosperous age is as you wish."

At the same time, the barrages in the live broadcast room were also flooding the screen like crazy.

"Teacher Jiang Yi can talk more."

"Hahahaha, he knows how to play tricks. This prosperous age is as you wish."

"To be honest, it seems to be true. After Teacher Jiang Yi came, the audience and fans all got what they wanted, and the atmosphere relaxed."

"Teacher Jiang Yi: It's not that we can't afford a national tour, but it's more cost-effective to attend other people's concerts."

"I really didn't expect that the mysterious guest in every subsequent national tour would be Teacher Jiang Yi, right?"

"It won't happen in every issue, but at least judging from this posture, it is probably indispensable."

(End of this chapter)

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