Chapter 485 Audience: Crazy to Kill
On the surface, most people can be said to be calm and calmly analyzing the current situation, but in fact they are scratching their heads one by one.

I am extremely curious about what Teacher Jiang Yi is going to sing next.

After all, the song "Xiao Jianjian" that the two of them had sung together before was sung by Xue Qianqian alone.

Although the solo performance is not bad, it is never as stunning and emotional as the two-person duet.

But the most important thing is that looking at this situation, it seems that there will be a new song! !

This realization made the audience extremely emotional.

Xue Qianqian also looked at the reaction of the audience with great satisfaction.

At this moment, thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room are extremely regretful.

"Damn it, I thought Teacher Jiang Yi would come to Xue Qianqian's concert before. It was just a joke. I didn't even grab the tickets. I would have given it a try if I had known about it."

"You are not alone, I really cried to death."

"And looking at the current situation, it feels like there will be new songs. I feel really uncomfortable."

"But the only consolation is that I have been in this live broadcast room from beginning to end."

"Hahahaha, just wait and see if the person you see is Teacher Jiang Yi!"

"It turns out everyone has this intention."

"The number of people watching the live broadcast before was close to 3000 million, which was a bit shocking."

"It turns out that everyone's curiosity is so strong, so I feel relieved."

Online and offline, under the spotlight.

Xue Qianqian was still in high spirits, and Jiang Yi stood beside him as calm and composed as ever.

The two people's quiet and dynamic personalities are in sharp contrast.

In the midst of this huge crowd's attention, gentle, smooth and textured accompaniment gradually sounded from around the stadium.

"Pretend we are still together~"

"I really can't act~"

Lao Xue's voice was the same as always, hoarse and deep, yet revealing a sense of relief.

"I'm still not used to your absence~"

"This identity changes too quickly~"

The audience under the stage was shaking their heads listening to this song, obviously very addicted to it.

"I feel like Teacher Jiang Yi put a lot of thought and effort into this special mysterious addition."

"Isn't that right? I feel like the first sentence at the beginning is really like Lao Xue's usual style."

"Who knows? The two of them really went in both directions hahahaha. After all, Teacher Jiang Yi used to sing mostly ancient music."

"But usually I am amazed by the intro of Teacher Jiang Yi's new songs. This song is still not interesting, so let's give it another try."

"It doesn't mean it doesn't sound good, but I just didn't get the essence of it."

I don’t know why, but as soon as Teacher Jiang Yi stood on the stage, she felt that Xue Qianqian’s singing became much better.

Mingming's style of singing the opening section was the same as his usual tune.

Until the moment Teacher Jiang Yi picked up the microphone, the audience felt the strong contrast and contrast rushing towards them.

"There is no need for narration in the picture~"

"But everyone can see it!"

"It's my emotions that came up~"

"I want to cry but nothing comes up~"

When listening to this, the audience can finally get a little bit of the connotation of this song.

"How come this guy looks a little bit like Jianjian?"

“Only listening to a third of it, I feel like it’s a very sad song.”

"But what is different from those in the entertainment industry is that the rhythm of this song is very clear?!"

"There is no need to define it so early. Teacher Jiang Yi's songs are not so easy to define."

It turns out that fans who decided to wait and see were indeed foresighted.Because of the next lyrics, they were already shocked again.

In this song, Teacher Jiang Yi's singing voice is different from the previous tenacity and determination.

"Love in the snow~"

"They say the oath crystallized below zero will never break~"

As soon as this lyric came out, the eyes of all the audience lit up.

"I can almost say that this lyric has become a god."

"The finishing touch, isn't it?"

Jiang Yi's voice always has a sense of resonance, and the beating melody is gentle and smooth.

The cooperation between the two teachers is like a bouquet of magic, bringing us into a mysterious and beautiful world.

It feels like walking on a snowy winter night, surrounded by this sweet melody and lyrics.

"But the state of love~"

"But it won't be sealed forever~"

"And the existence of transparency~"

If we say the most wonderful thing about Teacher Jiang Yi’s new song is that its lyrics show two different emotional states,
"Floating down gently~"

"The dream I made melted too quickly~"

One is sweet but with a little melancholy, and the other is heart-wrenching but still persevering in love.

This kind of mixture of one strong and one weak singing, split but with a hint of unexpected harmony, but the sense of division in the song, the sense of gap but the feeling of extraordinary harmony comes to my face.

It brought an extremely strong impact to the audience who had been in chaotic emotions. At that moment, in this song, they even heard the mystery of emotion. No matter what love becomes, it is beautiful.

"Maybe we shouldn't all wake up~"

It wasn’t until they heard this that the audience understood it deeply.

Teacher Jiang Yi’s lyrics are powerful.

Even when describing emotions, it is never simply describing emotions, but this contrast between one strong and one weak.

Extremely shocking and shocking.

I originally thought that just listening to the singing of the two teachers would be shocking enough.

Unexpectedly, the two singing together set the whole audience on fire.

"You still live in my memory and don't come out~"

"Let us leave with a smile and let the story stay~"

Facts have proved that even if Teacher Jiang Yi doesn't write about ancient style or righteousness, he still writes about the purest and lowest emotional structure, which is not even the slightest difference.

Love is not mentioned in every sentence, love is never absent from every sentence, and the end of every lyric is love.

"Love is still there after letting go~"

"When the snow melts, the flowers should bloom~"

Although it is just a simple song, these lyrics seem to be guiding the audience.

The theoretical separation is just a turning point, not a real separation. Just like the lyrics say, after letting go and separation, my love for her will still exist and will not disappear due to separation and the passage of time. She still lives in me. In memories, recall past stories and the characters in them.

"If fate is over, you shouldn't have to do it again~"

"You still live in my memories and can't come out~"

"I'll leave and give your hand to the next favorite~"

The singing voices of the two lead singers on the surrounding stage are hot and intense, expressing passion and pain but with an unspeakable friendship.

Watching an incomparable classic love movie is the best you can feel.

But this is just a song!
The audience in the audience was stunned, and there was only one sentence in their mind.

"Crazy crazy, killing crazy."

(End of this chapter)

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