Chapter 486 will be written more
"Before this, I always thought that Xue Qianqian was good at writing about emotions and regrets, and Jiang Yi was good at writing about ancient styles. It wasn't until the two of them joined forces that I realized that it was me who was naive in the end."

"This new song is a truly shocking depiction of the beauty in love."

When you are in a good mood, you listen to the melody.When I'm in a bad mood, I listen to the lyrics and my emotions surge up, and I feel like crying but nothing comes out.Once the destiny is over, it should not be repeated.

“Entanglement and stubborn waiting~”

"On the contrary, it's another kind of harm~"

"The hands that are holding each other separate~"

"To embrace more of the future~"

After the chorus ended, the audience off the stage was already dripping with sweat. The netizens who were far away on the Internet were even more stunned than they were now.

"When Teacher Jiang Yi's song "Jianjian" first came out, although I thought it was amazing and nice to listen to, from my perspective, I can feel more of the gentle and delicate emotions."

"No, no, no, the two songs are completely different styles."

"Xiao Jianjian, what I can feel and understand is the loneliness after the emotion dissipates, the tenderness of only a rose left in the pocket, and what I experience in this song is that love is as pure and hot as snowflakes."

"Although there is a climax, it is far less amazing and shocking than this song."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Actually, I always thought that Teacher Jiang Yi was not good at writing about love. I never thought that if you don't take action, it will be a decisive blow."

"It's not just a sure kill, let's just kill him and paralyze him, okay?"

"It sounds amazing, that's all."

"Actually, I have always felt that the element of snowy weather is a bit tacky when used in songs about love, but I never thought that one day he would become so powerful."

"Suddenly I understood why Teacher Jiang Yi came to be the mysterious guest. This song still requires one person to sing along."

"Looking at the entire Chinese music scene that sings sad emotional songs, Lao Xue is definitely one of the best."

"So no one gives face to the other. The cooperation between these two people is just a strong alliance."

There are far more than 3000 million people watching this live broadcast across the country.

Everyone was amazed and shocked by this new song by the two teachers.

At the same time, Jiang Yi parachuted into Xue Qianqian's concert as a mysterious guest, and sang the song "Feng Shen" in the hot search, which was directly ranked first.

The hand speed of the audience should not be underestimated. The two had just started singing together, and the climax clip had already been uploaded to a certain sound.

In the video, the two of them sang together under dark night lights, and the atmosphere was immediately filled.

In just a few minutes, the number of likes exceeded 300 million.

The heat was simply astonishingly high.

But if it appeared on Teacher Jiang Yi, it would not be surprising.

But there are still some people who haven’t figured out the current situation and don’t pay much attention to offline activities, so they can’t figure it out.

"When did Teacher Jiang Yi hold another concert? Didn't it just end and the national tour didn't start?"

"Holy shit, these two are so awesome singing together."

"One city and one weak. The cold atmosphere in the song also symbolizes the contrast in love that hits us all."

"Holy shit, Lao Xue was so driven by our teacher Jiang Yi."

"I'm good at this kind of thing in the first place. Now add it to the Divine Comedy and it will soar into the sky!"

"Hahahaha, it's so vivid. This incident tells us that we should associate with awesome people more often."

"Holy crap, is it okay if I fly to the concert or squat at the door and listen?"

"It probably won't work anymore. There's no room for you even if I'm squatting at the door."

"Look at the popularity of our teacher Xue! Ever since the news that the two teachers were going to collaborate was released before the concert, the popularity of this concert has only gotten higher."

Along with several climax clips of the God-conferring videos, the popularity on the short video platform is high, and the more likes it gets.

Clicking into the concert, there were more and more people in the live broadcast room.

After an interlude of electronic music ends.

Xue Qianqian's unique lonely voice sounded again.

“How can I buy the time I missed~”

"No one can pay~" Netizens were still filled with emotion when they heard Xue Qianqian's voice alone in this song again.

"Maybe we learn to let go~"

"Let the past be quiet~"

The concert at this moment, this song should not forever mark the time of the cold winter.

Leading all the audience on site to travel through memories of the past.

"Love in the snow~"

"They say an oath crystallized in subzero temperatures will never break"

“But the state of love”

"But it won't always be frozen and transparent."

The electronic music in the song makes people's blood boil.

It depicts snow, but the feeling it brings is hot and intense.

Outside the window, I am gazing at your nostalgic dream. I have dreamed of meeting you countless times, but the dreams you have stayed in are slowly disappearing into nothing.

"Floating down gently~"

"The dream I made melted too quickly~"

"Maybe we shouldn't all wake up~"

At this point in the song, the audience couldn't help but imagine.

Whenever there is a sheet of snow at the concert and the oath crystallized below zero, it cannot freeze the fanatical and violent hearts of the fans.

"You still live in my memory and never come out~"

"Let us leave with a smile and let the story stay~"

The two people's singing blended together again and again, bursting out different sparks and colors. Listening to this song, the audience seemed to feel that their bodies were being burned, exploring the closest extreme distance to you, and resisting the coldest Sanjiu. Winter.

"Love is still there after letting go~"

"When the snow melts, the flowers should bloom~"

"If fate is over, you shouldn't have to do it again~"

Now the two teachers are also singing to the audience. At this moment, there is a dreamy feeling like falling into the clouds.

The concert venue was filled with stars and stars shining brightly.

Countless spectators were infected by the atmosphere surrounded by music.

Because Teacher Jiang Yi, Are You Paying Attention? brings not only the voice of the creator but also his own inner feelings.

It is no surprise that Teacher Jiang Yi’s voice will become a memory of the era engraved in the DNA of this generation.

Not only does he have extraordinary looks, but he also has an attractive voice. This is the charm of Jiang Yi's melody. It can be said that no matter how many people cover his songs, they will never be able to capture the unique charm he brings.

There is no mention of love in every sentence, but love is everywhere.

This is what is called a love song.

"Please, Teacher Jiang Yi, will you write more in the future? All the love songs written by those rubbish in the entertainment industry are so boring that they will make you lose your teeth!"

At this moment, countless viewers burst into tears in front of the screen.

Teacher Jiang Yi held the microphone and sang the last verse.

"You still live in my memory and never come out~"

"I'll leave and give your hand to my favorite~"

"Stubbornly waiting is another kind of harm~"

"Let go of the hands that hold each other~"

"To embrace more of the future~"

(End of this chapter)

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