Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 487: Calmness with a Certainty of Victory

Chapter 487: Calmness with a Certainty of Victory

Teacher Jiang Yi's singing voice is clear and pure yet warm and protective of emotions, just like the coolness of winter rushing towards the face.

So much so that this song is also endowed with pure love as strong as snowflakes. It is precisely because of the emotion contained in this song that even after the last line of this song is sung, the audience will be immersed in it for a long time, unable to Extricate yourself.

This time it was not only the audience in the audience who were immersed in the singing.

Even Xue Qianqian on the stage is the same.

His eyes were empty, staring ahead aimlessly, and seemed to be looking at someone in front of him through the air in front of him.

If we talk about the entire audience and even the entire Internet, the only person who is the most calm and upright person after listening to this song is Teacher Jiang Yi himself.

Only he is tall and Yuli puts away the microphone.

The audience in the stadium reacted for a long time, and the atmosphere in the stadium became quiet and heavy for a long time. The ups and downs of the song just now seemed to be floating in the air, slowly returning to dust in this peaceful atmosphere.

It took a long time to remember the noisy waves of applause again in such a huge stadium.

As one of the lead singers at any time, he is actually the one who is the last to come to his senses among everyone in the audience.

It wasn't until the overwhelming applause came that he suddenly woke up from his dream.

He seemed to be shocked by the applause and rubbed his temples.

This move was clearly recorded on camera.

At the same time, netizens who were gradually recovering from the aftertaste of the song also discovered this and couldn't help but make fun of it.

"Lao Xue's concentration is not good enough. Look at how calm Teacher Jiang Yi is next to him. He is always so calm."

"Look carefully, there are tears in Lao Xue's eyes."

"I can't stand it anymore. He is just as moved by this song as us listeners, right?"

"Teacher Jiang Yi is not only calm, he is extremely indifferent from the beginning to the end."

"In fact, sometimes it seems that Xue Qianqian is not a person of temperament? His ability to empathize is really strong."

"In comparison, Teacher Jiang Yi seems to have stayed out of the incident from the beginning to the end, watching the curtain call of this grand farce from the perspective of a bystander."

"Why are they both the lead singer? There is such a big difference between the two people."

"Everyone's personality is completely different."

"It's so funny. Teacher Jiang Yi is not just indifferent and calm about this song. Neither is Teacher Xue Qianqian. He was moved to tears by this song. Your character determines the method and ability of your performance."

"But what makes me more curious is that no matter how hard I believe Teacher Xue Qianqian is, he is just one of the lead singers of this song, and Teacher Jiang Yi is the lead singer of this song!"

"Yes, yes, wouldn't he be happy and moved to tears by his work??"

Netizens on the Internet have discovered a new bright spot and are questioning it.

Some people even began to use this to slander Jiang Yi.

"This person is too indifferent. How can you expect a person who is so indifferent to his own work to be a good person?"

"I remember when I was in elementary school, the teacher told us that every composition is our hard work. Is it that our children are not moved at all by their own hard work?" "Teacher Jiang Yi's hard-hearted follow-up As cold as stone, so cold.”

"When everyone in the audience was moved, he was the only one who acted calmly. I really can't understand it."

"As a creator, you can't empathize with our fans? What's the point?"

"So what I'm more curious about now is, can Teacher Jiang Yi really feel our excitement and enthusiasm?"

"Every time when I dance excitedly, I can see Teacher Jiang Yi's cold, ice-like face."

"It feels like a bucket of cold water has fallen on my head. I originally thought Teacher Jiang Yi would be as excited as us."

"Although you may say that old Xue Dingli is not very good, I still like him as a person who can empathize with fans, rather than a lofty god."

Some people started to grasp this point and then held on to it. One by one they criticized Jiang Yi in the live broadcast room for being cold-blooded and ruthless.

The agent was a little confused when he heard the news and arrived.

Good guy, if he hadn't known about the incident, the approximate cause and the whole story, just watching the overwhelming barrage of criticism against Jiang Yi in the live broadcast room, I would have thought that he had done something that was so dehumanizing that he could be criticized by socialist morality.

The result was such overwhelming abuse and questioning, simply because after singing his song, the lead singer cried, fans were moved, netizens shed tears, and Jiang Yi was the only one standing on the stage indifferent?
Even agents who have been in the entertainment industry for many years can't help but start to doubt life.

Sometimes he even starts to think, is the price and cost of criticizing someone now so low?
Sometimes the agent really wants to vomit, he can't understand it, it's unreasonable!

I thought it was something big, but it turned out to be just this.

Although the trend of slander is growing, we cannot allow it to grow rampant.

But all she had to do was keep an eye on her. She was already here, and she believed that Jiang Yi's fans who were extremely powerful in fighting were also on their way.

After all, not everything is worthy of her special attention.

The fact was indeed not what she expected, the large army did arrive very quickly.

The public opinion in the live broadcast room, which at first glance seemed to be intentionally criticized and made one-sided, quickly reversed course.

"Good guy, since when can emotions become a criterion for judging whether a person is good or bad??"

"If I remember correctly, two nights ago I was bragging that Teacher Jiang Yi is an extremely emotionally stable person. When did this point become a weapon for us fans to criticize him?"

"Isn't it good to be emotionally stable? Of course I'm not saying there's anything wrong with sensibility."

"I'm kidding, have you ever seen any high-ranking god who smiles playfully all day long instead of being serious, silent and solemn?"

"What's wrong with people having expressionless faces and stable emotions? The songs they write can make you burst into tears, representing the surging emotions and love in your heart."

"People are becoming more and more unreasonable these days. Take away our teacher Jiang Yi."

"Actually, most truly famous artists have a blank face most of the time, but they have a strong and surging heart."

"Not to mention famous artists, I, as an art student, have spent all my efforts on carving my works. I have been touched by him countless times when I was carving him, but when I brought him When I got on the podium, I felt completely calm."

"It is no exaggeration to say that it is a kind of calmness that is sure to win."

(End of this chapter)

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