Chapter 492 Never stops
“Everywhere is beautiful at night~~”

"There must be someone like him~"

"Escape, avoid, dodge, hide who he is~~"

The last very penetrating lyrics seem to reach across distant borders and penetrate people's hearts when they are sung. When sung, people can't help but recall the past, and at the same time, they are extremely moved.

After the whole song ended, everyone inside and outside the venue couldn't help but have red eyes, and some of the more sentimental female fans shed tears as if they were asking for money.

Although they were crying, it still did not prevent them from unanimously agreeing in their hearts that they were so happy to be fans of Teacher Jiang Yi.

As soon as this new song came out, he was not the kind of person who was a fan. He could almost clearly sense that Teacher Jiang Yi's creative ability had once again made a breakthrough.

The word Jiang Langcai was like a joke to him, a word that could never be confirmed in him.

Logically speaking, Teacher Jiang Yi's creative ability was already second to none in the industry before this, and he has produced countless divine songs.

If other people could reach the heights he had before in their lifetime, they would probably stop writing songs in order to maintain their once mythical reputation.

But Teacher Jiang Yi never stopped.

His vigorous vitality and endless vitality also infect fans.

This sense of happiness comes from this.

But it’s not just the countless high-quality music works brought about by Teacher Jiang Yi’s superb creation + singing skills + endurance.

What's more, we can see countless beautiful qualities from Teacher Jiang Yi.

Not only do you shine on the stage, but you don’t squander your talents when you are talented.

He is talented but not arrogant and complacent. He is always so calm and peaceful. In this noisy city, he seems to be the clearest ray of light.

He continues to push his limits with enthusiasm, persistence and sincerity for music. This high-spirited attitude inspires fans to follow his lead.

It also set a correct example for domestic entertainment, which previously only knew about fame and fortune, and was as dark and depressing as a quagmire.

"Actually, I have been thinking before that Jiang Yi always came to his concerts as a mysterious guest and sang with him to accommodate Mr. Xue Qianqian, so the new songs he wrote were all modern songs. If they were not in the business scope he was familiar with, would he not be able to perform well? .”

"However, it turns out that all of this is just me worrying too much."

"I always thought that Teacher Jiang Yi was not good at writing modern songs, so I focused on ancient styles."

"Now I know that my achievements in modern songs have already reached the pinnacle. I can write them casually and it's already amazing. That's why I switched to ancient music."

"Okay, okay, so far, I still want to see Teacher Jiang Yi, right?"

"I didn't get a ticket for such a beautiful concert. This will be the biggest pain in my life!"

There were a lot of netizens and fans, and after expressing their feelings, they repeated the old tune, beating their chests and sighing again and again.

"So when Teacher Jiang Yi has new songs in the future, can you sing them in your own concerts?"

"It's over. I suddenly feel that Teacher Jiang Yi's fans are so pitiful."

"After all, who gave us an idol who likes to be a mysterious guest at other people's concerts?" "The most important thing is that Teacher Jiang Yi not only went to other people's concerts as a secret guest at that time, but also released new songs. How generous!! "

“The new song released is so awesome!!”

"Let's just say that Teacher Jiang Yi is really informal! When he releases new songs, he doesn't care about the location. It all depends on his own feelings."

"Awesome people do whatever they want and don't engage in all the bells and whistles of warm-up promotions."

“I’m laughing so hard. Once a new song is released, why does it need to be promoted?! Let’s just hit it and dominate the charts!”

"Is it possible to perform a concert from the perspective of Teacher Jiang Yi? It would be boring to sing the previously released songs over and over again!"

"People who are talented will do things boldly!"

"Maybe Jiang Yi always feels that every time he meets fans and faces the audience, he should come up with new works!"

"It's just a pain for us fans. Teacher Jiang Yi likes to run around as a guest, so we can only follow him everywhere to beg for food at other people's concerts."

These remarks were considered normal up to this point. They were within a normal range. No one noticed any problems and thought they were just joking.

But soon the wind direction suddenly changed, and someone suddenly started talking in the live broadcast room on the Internet and started to become mean.

Every word, every sentence, without any politeness.

"Didn't Jiang Yi come up with new works every time when facing fans? Then why did he sing all the clichés at the last concert! Only one new song was released!!"

"On the contrary, he sang two songs at his concert, both of which were new songs, and each one was a classic!!"

"Although Xue Qianqian's concerts also have Mr. Jiang Yi's fans mixed in, they definitely don't have as many fans as Mr. Jiang Yi's own concerts. Teacher Jiang Yi would rather bring new songs to Lao Xue's concert than do it cheaply. My own fans?”

"Lao Xue's concert is a nationwide tour, and it is said that there will be a mysterious guest every time. I dare to ask Teacher Jiang Yi, will you come to the mysterious guest for the next national tour?"

"If you don't come to Lao Xue's next nationwide tour, wouldn't it mean that the plan of those fans who don't want to miss you will fail?"

"But if you come, can you inform the fans in advance so that they can more purposefully grab tickets, book hotels and ask for leave? After all, this is also a big project, and no one can travel all over the country to watch a concert with nothing to do all day long. .”

"Yes, yes, I couldn't agree more!"

"I suggest that Lao Xue should not have any mysterious guests. Can the guests of the next issue be announced directly? In this way, fans can be more clear and purposeful!!"

"It's better than this time. I have been hesitating whether Teacher Jiang Yi will go, so I didn't buy a ticket. As a result, I missed such a wonderful concert! I really cried my whole life in pain, okay?"

I don’t know when someone started to provoke the situation with a few words. The atmosphere on the Internet gradually became not particularly friendly, and fans and netizens were all protesting.

He even gave opinions or requests very autonomously.

"I don't care, just to be on the safe side, I will grab tickets for every teacher Xue's concert from now on!"

"If you get the main one, go for it. If you don't get it, don't force it."

"It's easy to put it. With such an eye-catching look, anyone who can get tickets by normal means is a ruthless person. Now that we, old Xue, are holding a national tour, Xue Qianqian's fan attendance rate is less than 20.00%!"

(End of this chapter)

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