Chapter 493 Fans: I’m so sad!

"So what does Teacher Jiang Yi mean? I'm a little confused, that is."

"Although people are treated a little differently, it's not to this extent, right?"

"What on earth are you doing? It's cool to see your fans going around begging for food at other people's concerts, isn't it?"

"Is Teacher Jiang Yi's charm released in the wrong place?"

"It's not just as simple as going around begging for food. The key is to go around begging for food and making people feel disgusted and being chased away by the fans of the real owner."

"I'm really afraid that one day the two main actors will love each other on stage all day long, and the fans of the other party will start fighting with each other."

"Don't tell me, it's really possible."

"Who allowed the real owner to interact on stage every day? Fans went out of their way to grab tickets to the concert where the two of them gathered, and they yelled and cursed."

"Anyway, if we, a fan of Jiang Yi, go to grab tickets for Xue Qianqian's concert, he will be criticized everywhere."

"And the differences in people's treatment are all directed inwards! It would be better for Teacher Jiang Yi to point his good side at outsiders and other fans?? This is something I can't understand."

"It's just that during my previous concerts, I only sang one new song. Before that, we fans were moved to tears. But now it's better. The previous moves were all jokes."

"Although that legendary song is very nice, in terms of high quality and gold content, it can't be compared to any of today's songs, right?"

"Hahahaha, it doesn't depend on whether others are willing to buy his favor. It's not necessarily that all Xue Qianqian's fans want him to be the mysterious guest."

Gradually, some people began to speak sharply and sarcastically.

Fans were already a little dissatisfied before this, but as a result, the comments on the Internet became even more out of control.

Voices of dissatisfaction are coming like a tide. Under the general trend, it is easy to overturn people who were originally doubtful and wavering, thereby strengthening the ranks of public opinion.

"Weren't we all talking about Teacher Jiang Yi's beloved fans before? I didn't see where the beloved fans were."

"Okay, okay, my fans don't deserve it."

"This is really unfair. Teacher Jiang Yi, have you ever thought about the feelings of your fans?"

"Why don't you meet the fans' demands for a national tour? Instead, you go across regions to participate in other people's national tours, and you eagerly serve as mysterious guests for them. Not only that, but all the songs you release are new."

"So now I'm more interested in knowing why Teacher Jiang Yi refused to tour the country."

"If you don't have such a generous schedule and time, then why can you find time to travel across space to attend Xue Qianqian's concert?"

"What kind of friendship is this that spans time, place, and life and death!"

"I admit that I am sour, I am so sour!"

"What on earth is Teacher Jiang Yi doing now? I don't understand."

"He really didn't care about the feelings of our fans at all."

"I was laughing so hard at what he did."

"Is he planning to go to Lao Xue to gain fans?"

"Then I'd rather know now whether Lao Xue's fans were abducted by Jiang Yi."

"It makes me laugh so hard. With the charm he unleashes online, if the new song doesn't give people the feeling of being immersed in it, it's hard not to be led astray, right?"

The voices on the Internet are yin and yang, and when they are unhappy, even the idols and gods they were following before.

At this time, they didn't mind speculating on each other in the worst possible light.However, at this moment on the stage, Jiang Yi had no idea that in just a few words, the public opinion on the Internet had grown to the point where it was now uncontrollable.

Jiang Yi didn't realize that it was due to his lack of skills. There was no way that such a big battle would not attract Mei Rou's attention.

But by the time he noticed this, the situation had already developed into something serious.

At least the most important thing about this matter is the fans' disgust towards this matter, and their displeasure at being offended and not respected.

Moreover, the reason why this matter broke out is that the previous collective request of fans for a national tour was not handled well.

Later, he rashly decided to participate in Xue Qianqian's national tour as a mysterious guest. Jiang Yi was stubborn about this matter and did not listen to his arrangements to explain it to the fans and give them vaccinations in advance, which is why so many troubles were caused. .

With so many things happening, the most important thing now is the attitude of the fans.

This is obviously not a goal that can be achieved simply through public opinion guidance.

At this moment, Jiang Yi was standing on the stage, knowing nothing about what was happening online.

After the two songs ended, the applause from the entire stadium surged like a wave, making him completely unaware of the waves on the Internet.

Xue Qianqian stood aside, obviously very pleased to see that all the audience's attention was focused here.

"Thank you so much to everyone who came out tonight."

Xue Qianqian's loud voice and sincere eyes won an enthusiastic response from the audience.

In the same way, he changed the subject again and looked at the person standing next to him.

“And a big thank you to our mystery guest tonight.”

"Thank you to our teacher Jiang Yi."

This sentence, if the scene is extremely loud.

This seemed to be some kind of omen. While the audience was excited, they felt vaguely uneasy.

"Damn it, why did Lao Xue suddenly say thank you?"

"Could it be that Teacher Jiang Yi is ready to die?

"Although it's reasonable to sing two songs together, and it's understandable to end up at this time, but I feel a little reluctant to part with it."

"Just thinking about this makes me want to cry."

"When will this kind of distance end?"

"Hahahaha, although this sentence was said without any beginning or end, I don't know how much the audience's feelings were expressed. I really laughed to death."

"There is no other way. There will always be a distance between idols and fans. After all, distance creates beauty."

"But Teacher Jiang Yi's works and music will always be the link between fans and their favorite singers."

Not surprisingly, as fans expected, Jiang Yi waved to the audience around the concert amid the cheers and reluctance of the fans.

"Whether you are my fans or not, like my music or not, I am very grateful to the audience who came to the scene."

"Perhaps and indeed there are many people who wonder why I went to other places to be a mysterious guest at Teacher Xue's concert after finishing my own concert."

The audience at the scene had no idea that Jiang Yi would actually say this!

(End of this chapter)

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