Chapter 497 Jiang Yi: Who is he?
Mei Rou's eyebrows jumped in surprise at the harshness in Jiang Yi's tone, and at the same time she knew in her heart that he was serious.

She couldn't help but feel a headache in her heart. However, facing this situation, she knew that forcefully stopping him would not only be in vain, but would also be counterproductive, so she could only follow his words.

"I mean, do you have a specific plan?"

At this time, Jiang Yi was sitting in the lounge, listening to Xue Qianqian's singing coming from the stage in front. When faced with the manager's question, he rubbed his temples and sounded a little weird.

"You are my agent, shouldn't you handle this kind of thing?"

For the first time in the world, Jiang Yi made such a move.

Mei Rou's eyes widened in disbelief on the other end of the phone: "Huh?"

Based on what she just said, as long as the other party's understanding is good, they should be able to tell that she doesn't approve of counterattack.

She has expressed her position in this way. It is true that if the other party insists on doing this, she can't stop it, but she can't provide much help.

I originally thought that the other party's attitude was so firm and that he had already made up his mind, but he didn't expect that he would end up messing with her.

For a moment, the agent didn't know what expression to make.

"This kind of thing happens again and again."

"The first time it happened, you told me that big trees attract wind. It was inevitable. I listened and didn't take action."

"That's why there will be a second and third time."

"But the only people who can trip us up and play tricks are those who are competing in the same industry. We just accept the tricks but don't make any moves until we meet one day in the future. Don't people think we are soft persimmons?"

"And if I remember correctly, you told me when you applied for a petition to me that you were the best at dealing with this kind of public opinion and the little tricks of discrediting each other?"

Jiang Yi's tone came from the phone casually. If Mei Rou could manage it after hearing the previous few words, it could be regarded as calm.

But when I heard his last sentence, I clearly knew it was a provocation, but I still couldn't help it.

"What do you mean? Questioning my professional ability?"

Jiang Yi raised the corners of his lips almost invisibly: "It's hard to say, but it is indeed like this now."

There was a blind tone on the phone after a period of silence, and Jiang Yi hung up the phone with satisfaction.

Relying on Jiang Yi's own scheming and methods to deal with such trivial matters, it is no problem.

He put down his cup and curled his lips.

In addition to the general policy and main attitude on the stage before, there are not all trivial matters that need to be handled by him personally.

If that was the case, why would he bother to hire an agent from Baal?
Now that you’ve received a salary, you can’t live idle, right?

This is Jiang Yi's consistent philosophy.

But the most important thing is that he never understands why the agent has always been shy about taking the initiative to take care of the mess behind the scenes.

He would even rather be caught off guard by the other party every time.

This was something he couldn't understand.

Although I can't understand it, it doesn't become a reason for the other party to stop.

And the reason why I was wasting so much words just now was just to inspire the agent to take this step.

What's more, Jiang Yi firmly believes that if there is really something that needs to be avoided on his side, it is impossible that the manager has not made it known to his mouth until now based on his sincere character.Since it hasn't been said yet, it's not his problem. If it's not, there's no need to worry.

After all, I have been an agent for so many years, so I still have some ability and efficiency.

The next morning, Jiang Yi was lying in bed and received a call from his agent before he woke up.

Jiang Yi asked as soon as the call was connected after taking a look at the caller ID.

"Find out who was behind it?" Although he had just woken up, there was good news as soon as he got up, and all the difficult things had been solved. His tone was relaxed, and he was obviously in a good mood, and he was a little leisurely. mean.

The other party has made so many moves, and it's impossible for the agent to say that he doesn't know anything about it. After hanging up the phone last night, he went to check it out, which was just a formality to make sure.

Hearing Jiang Yi's question, she briefly called out a name: "Shen Jiheng."

Hearing this name, Jiang Yi searched around in his memory.

Regardless of Jiang Yi's memory, after the blessing of the system's extraordinary bypass, it has almost reached the level of photographic memory, and he can't recall any information related to this person for a while.

"Is this also from the entertainment industry?"

Jiang Yi rubbed his head, a little confused.

The person who can attack him must be a colleague in the entertainment industry, and if it is not unexpected, it should be someone who is as strong and famous as him.

If he could meet these two conditions at the same time, how could he possibly be this person in his memory?
So he was a little puzzled for a while.

Faced with Jiang Yi's question, the agent answered without hesitation: "Yes."

But obviously, the agent's answer could not solve Jiang Yi's doubts, so he got up, switched the page on his phone, and started searching for information about this name.

He asked nonchalantly: "Do I have any competitive relationship with this person? I haven't heard much about him?"

Jiang Yi didn't really care who the opponent was, after all, his repeated attacks did not really hurt his vitals.

As an opponent, he couldn't even inflict damage to his opponent, but he still had to take three-point shots repeatedly.

The only thing it can do is cause people trouble like flies flying around.

If he were to put it in perspective, he would either lie dormant and not make a move, or he would strike with one blow and not give the opponent a chance to counterattack.

He was so indecisive and like a woman, her mother-in-law and her mother-in-law stirred up public opinion to find trouble. Even Jiang Yi himself looked down on this kind of person, so he asked casually without any interest.

However, when the agent on the phone faced Jiang Yi's question, he felt shocked and couldn't believe it!
"You don't know who he is??!"

The woman's tone suddenly became excited, and her unique sharp voice made Jiang Yi's previously cautious sleepiness disappear.

However, at this time, Baidu's page also loaded the other party's identity information.

"Who seems to be born into a musical family?"

The other party's tone was still not caring, and the manager was going crazy here.

She just thought it was ridiculous and such a contrast!
The other party was working hard there. He didn't do any serious work every day. He just wanted to find opportunities to find opportunities and wait to give Jiang Yi a blow.

As a result, Jiang Yi just said: "Who is he?"

The agent, who was originally not in a good mood, actually sympathized with the other party at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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