Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 498: Who is wrong to offend, Jiang Yi?

Chapter 498: Who is wrong to offend, Jiang Yi?
This is simply a dimensionality reduction attack. You treat the other party as a lifelong enemy, as an opponent, as a thorn in the flesh.

As a result, people don’t even know who you are.

However, this was not enough. Jiang Yi briefly browsed the other party's life experience, past resume and resume.

By the way, he also took a look at the awards that the other party had been receiving for so many years since his debut, and finally clicked his tongue.

"This is pretty good."

"At least all the reputations are stacked up. Look at this resume and past experience. It's golden."

Listening to Jiang Yi's slightly exaggerated voice, the manager's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

She only felt a string of black lines falling from her forehead.

The two of them have been working together for almost a year. How could he not understand Jiang Yi?
That's the tone!

Brother, don’t be too sarcastic in your voice!

Who doesn't know that Jiang Yi made his debut based on his strength?

But such a person praises the other person for his excellent resume!

Look!How ironic!
Doesn’t this mean that people have a splendid resume, but in fact they have no real achievements at all?

The agent heard the implication, but he didn't dare to say it directly.

Jiang Yi, however, seemed oblivious and continued to ask, "So there shouldn't be any conflict of interest or involvement between me and him, right?"

"Why do I feel like he treats me like a thorn in my flesh? He stares at me all day long when I'm not doing anything else."

These words made the manager tremble. She couldn't listen any more. She opened her mouth and said: "We are also making music, how can we not have any interests involved?"

Jiang Yi was so confused by this fallacy that he almost laughed out loud.

"In that case, wouldn't I have a grudge against the people who teach music at Quantong?"

Jiang Yi's incredible tone immediately silenced the agent on the phone. At this moment, he actually felt speechless.

"Is there a possibility? What I mean is that both of you were born studying orthodox music, and judging from the superficial resume for the time being, he is even much better than you."

"And just seeing how the other person has decorated his resume so...exaggeratedly, you can tell that he must be very happy with his success."

"To a certain extent, he may regard you as some kind of imaginary enemy."

"After all, apart from the layer of resume accumulated on Baidu Encyclopedia, he has almost nothing to fight against compared to you."

"Once they face each other, they will be defeated miserably."

"But for the time being, it seems that you two are completely on two parallel lines, and there is no such thing as competition."

The agent spoke in a very calm tone after describing all the information found last night.

However, at this time, Jiang Yi on the other side of the phone had already sat up from the bed, took a long breath and asked an extremely sincere question.

"Are you really sure this is the one behind this?"

"Isn't this imaginary enemy too far-fetched?"

"At least now it seems that we have no conflict of interest at all. The other party can spend so much time and effort to exploit every opportunity on the Internet at any cost to cause trouble for me."

After Jiang Yi concluded, he asked again sincerely: "That's not true."

This sentence is obviously questioning the results of the agent's investigation. How can I tolerate this!

The agent was going crazy and said in a sharp tone: "You asked me to check and you don't believe it?" "It's not that I don't believe it, I just think it's a bit too unbelievable." Jiang Yi rubbed his eyebrows.

"That's why I asked you to leave it alone." Mei Rou took a deep breath and forced herself to hold back her temper.

"I guessed before I checked that this would most likely be the case."

"Usually, people who can do this kind of thing are people who are not even close to you, but are jealous because they don't like you."

"And the things you see him do are just tricks."

"Anyone in the circle who wants to cause trouble for you cannot use such small means."

"Let me tell you this, those people in this circle are very smart. Before taking action, you must be optimistic about the situation and adapt to the situation."

"You have great momentum now. Unless those people in the circle are out of their minds and don't get closer to you at this time, they will think of making trouble."

"Do you know that when people in the circle are popular, you will go straight up the flames, or you will fall into the abyss."

"Why don't you think about what this sentence means? So are you still prepared to deal with this person now?"

At this point, the agent became exhausted. Originally, he thought that the words had already been said and the other party should stop no matter what.

But he didn't expect that no matter what Jiang Yi did, he would be unexpected.

He gave the agent a completely unexpected answer.

"Deal with it, of course."

"There is no conflict of interest. You are just asking me for trouble because you don't like it. Isn't this even more hateful? If you don't deal with it, you treat me like a soft persimmon??"

Jiang Yi's tone was more arrogant than before, and there was even more contempt that he didn't see.

The agent was dumbfounded and couldn't help but have a headache. There was no conflict of interest, which meant there was no intersection between the two.

This is just like those anti-fans looking for trouble. All they can do is correct their attitude and behavior, and then use force to stop them.

Jiang Yi obviously hasn't understood this yet, and is still in a state of revenge. She rubbed her eyebrows and said, "So how are you going to cause trouble for the other party?"

She wanted to see how they could cause trouble if there was no intersection between the two parties.

In Jiang Yi's opinion, this is nothing to worry about.

There is no intersection between the two parties, and the other party can repeatedly find trouble for him. He wants to take the initiative to do something, but he can't?

Facing the agent's questions, he seemed slow and interested.

"How can we say there is no intersection? We are both musicians, right?"

At the end of the sentence, Jiang Yi himself laughed.

"His achievements are nothing. His resume on Baidu Encyclopedia is almost covered with diamonds. Just by looking at his resume, you can tell that he is a peacock. Fortunately, he is a great success."

"Such a person attaches great importance to face and reputation. This is the only thing he pursues throughout his life, and what he does will not be divorced from these two things."

"I would like to trouble our Ms. Mei Rou to find out what the other party is currently researching."

"I want to see if I can get in and get a piece of the pie."

When he said this, the other party's tone was somewhat malicious. Mei Rou on the other side of the phone couldn't help shaking the goosebumps on her body. Inexplicably, she felt a candle in her heart for Shen Heng, whom she had never met before. .

It's not good to offend anyone, but he must provoke Jiang Yi again and again, and he will burn himself by playing with fire.

(End of this chapter)

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