Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 571 Chapter 569 Don’t use me as a gunman next time!

Chapter 571: Don’t use me as a spear user next time!

In the bathroom.

Jiang Yi washed his hands and turned around, only to see the person standing at the door.

It was the man who was arguing with Zhou Xi before, his name was Chen Yuansong.

At this time, Chen Yuansong walked up to Jiang Yi and seemed to have something to say to him.

"Jiang Yi, you must have heard what we said when you came in before!" Chen Yuansong spoke first.

It was a bit strange why he suddenly said this to himself, but Jiang Yi nodded anyway.

"I heard a little bit, but not everything. What's wrong?"

After Jiang Yi said this, the expression on Chen Yuansong's face became a little subtle. He looked angry but also unwilling.

He was indeed unwilling.

He and Zhou Xi almost joined the team at the same time, but after joining, the treatment was completely different.

They all seem to be the same on the surface, but the difference is that Zhou Xi has a good background, but he has nothing.

Chen Yuansong didn't care about this at first. He felt that as long as he relied on his own strength, he would be able to shine.

But slowly he discovered that just having strength was not enough.

Just like Zhou Xi deliberately showed during the last New Year's Eve concert.

Chen Yuansong was certain that if it was another person among them who had done such a thing that day, the punishment he would receive would definitely not be as mild as Zhou Xi's.

And this didn't just happen this time.

The same was true for Zhou Xi when the team was rehearsing.

His people more or less have some opinions about him, but because of his status, they have never stated them openly.

Chen Yuansong had the same mentality before, but after a few times, he really couldn't stand it anymore.

Only then did Zhou Xi fail to hold back his emotions when Zhou Xi did something like this again today.

Looking at Jiang Yi in front of him, Chen Yuansong was thinking about something else.

"Jiang Yi, you should have seen Zhou Xi's appearance during the last New Year's Eve concert. He has no intention of changing his appearance at all. If he goes to the Spring Festival Gala with us in this state, then... …”

Chen Yuansong didn't say the next words, but Jiang Yi already understood what he meant.

Looking at the person in front of him, he seemed to gradually understand what he meant by what he said to him.

But the look on Jiang Yi's face remained unchanged.

"Captain Ye will handle this matter properly, or do you not believe that Commander Ye can resolve this matter fairly and justly?"

After Jiang Yi finished speaking, Chen Yuansong's expression changed slightly.

Captain Ye is indeed not such a person, but he will still be wary of Zhou Xi's identity and background.

But what Chen Yuansong wants to do is not like this.

He walked to the sink and turned on the faucet.

"I didn't mean that. I just thought his behavior was inappropriate. I learned from Captain Ye that you will be guiding Zhou Xi alone in the future, right?"

As he spoke, Chen Yuansong cast his eyes on Jiang Yi again, and Jiang Yi was not surprised that he knew about this.

Just nodded.

"Yes." By now, Jiang Yi could probably guess what Chen Yuansong was thinking.

When he was still in the team, his relationship with Chen Yuansong was indeed neither close nor far away. Although it was not bad, it was not good enough to say these things.

But today he suddenly came to talk to himself about this, and it seemed a little subtle no matter how he thought about it.

Especially after hearing what he said, this feeling became even deeper.

Jiang Yi sighed. The situation in the team was indeed the same as before.

As long as there are people, no matter what kind of place it is, there will always be intrigues.

At this time, Chen Yuansong had already turned off the faucet.

He didn't speak, just slowly wiped his hands with paper.

During this process, Jiang Yi did not speak first. The atmosphere between the two of them seemed to become a bit stalemate for a while, as if they were waiting for who could lose his composure and speak first.

But Jiang Yi didn't have much time to spend with him here.

"If there's nothing else to say, I'll leave first."

After saying this, Jiang Yi was about to turn around and leave. At this time, Chen Yuansong couldn't hold back his anger. He took two quick steps and stopped him in front of Jiang Yi, and then his eyes fell on Jiang Yi.

"Jiang Yi, if you really teach him, aren't you afraid that he will ruin your reputation in the future?"

Chen Yuansong looked at Jiang Yi, not missing any subtle change in expression on his face.

But after Jiang Yi heard what Chen Yuansong said, he only felt a little ridiculous.

"What is this? How else can he ruin my reputation?"

After sighing, Jiang Yi patted Chen Yuansong on the shoulder.

"I understand what you mean, and I also know what you want to say, but..."

The expression on his face darkened slightly.

Jiang Yi's eyes showed a bit of fierceness.

"This kind of behavior that wants to use me as a gunman in the name of doing my best, please don't use it in front of me next time. Both your words and your methods are too low-level. "

Even if it weren't for the slightest affection in the past, Jiang Yi wouldn't have stood here to listen to him finish these words.

After listening to what he said, Jiang Yi only discovered one thing, and that was that he wasted another few minutes of his time.

Chen Yuansong didn't expect Jiang Yi to say such words. He looked a little worried for a moment, and a bit of panic flashed in his eyes.

"Jiang Yi, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand you?"

Seeing that he was still pretending to be stupid, Jiang Yi didn't mean to expose him and just nodded.

"Okay, then just think that I was just talking nonsense, but in this case, I don't want you to hear someone say it in my ears for a second time. I think Captain Ye doesn't want to know such a thing."

After saying this, Jiang Yi didn't look at Chen Yuansong again, but left directly. He really didn't want to waste time here anymore.

Chen Yuansong stood there and looked at Jiang Yi's back, the expression on his face darkening little by little.

At this moment, the sound of water flushing suddenly came from the cubicle behind him, and then someone opened the door slowly and walked out.

Chen Yuansong looked back subconsciously, and when he realized that the person who came out was actually Zhou Xi, the expression on his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

However, Zhou Xi had no intention of talking to Chen Yuansong. He just glanced at him and left with the same expressionless expression.

(End of this chapter)

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