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Chapter 572 Something important! ? Playground!

Chapter 572 Something important! ? Playground!

These things that happened did not affect Jiang Yi's mood.

Even for Jiang Yi, it was something he didn't need to worry about.

After all, this is not the first time this kind of thing has happened in the team. Captain Ye may not be aware of these things. It is just a small fuss between everyone, and there is no need to go online.

A few days later.

After another rehearsal, Jiang Yi left the art troupe.

Meirou had already driven her car and was waiting for him on the roadside.

After seeing Jiang Yi get into the car, Mei Rou turned her head and looked at him with a bit of confusion on her face.

"What happened today? Why do you suddenly want me to come over? Is there something dissatisfied about Fang Ming?"

After recruiting Fang Ming, Mei Rou basically stopped driving to pick up Jiang Yi, but today Jiang Yi suddenly asked her to pick him up in advance, which really made Mei Rou feel a bit strange.

But Jiang Yi looked mysterious.

"There is nothing dissatisfied, I just have something to tell you."

Seeing Jiang Yi's mysterious and serious look, Mei Rou couldn't help but calm down the expression on her face.

"What on earth is going on? Since it's so important, then don't talk to me anymore and tell me now!"

But under Mei Rou's gaze, Jiang Yi suddenly took out a bag from under the seat next to him.

Then he took out a cartoon headband and put it on Meirou's head.

Mei Rou subconsciously touched the hairband on her head, but was confused by Jiang Yi's sudden move.


Don't you have something important to say? Why did it suddenly become like this!

Although Mei Rou didn't say this, her eyes betrayed what she was thinking at the moment.

"It's a very important thing. I booked two tickets for the amusement park. Don't worry, they were definitely not booked with my own identity. Just so you can accompany me today."

Jiang Yi stared at Mei Rou's appearance for a few minutes, then nodded with satisfaction, and then continued to speak.

Mei Rou almost didn't understand what Jiang Yi meant by this.

"So you did this just to get me to go to the amusement park with you!?"

He looked at Jiang Yi in disbelief.

After seeing Jiang Yi nod, Mei Rou felt angry and funny for a moment.

Fortunately, he was still worried all the way, thinking about what had happened recently, for fear that something would go wrong again.

"Can you be any more boring?!"

Listening to Mei Rou's accusation, Jiang Yi smiled brightly.

"I don't think so at all. Okay, okay, drive quickly, otherwise you won't be able to catch up."

With a helpless sigh, Mei Rou took off the hairband on her head and put it aside, but still chose to listen to Jiang Yi's words.

An hour later.

The car stopped in the parking lot.

Jiang Yi was very well prepared, not only preparing headbands, but also hats and masks to hide his identity.

And even the hat is a plush one that comes with a scarf.

Seeing Jiang Yi take out these things, Mei Rou was stunned.

"You..." This seems to have been premeditated.

But don't say that after bringing all these things, you really can't tell your identity.

After all, it was wrapped up tightly.

The weather is cold in winter, so no one would think it strange to be wrapped up like this.

Taking Mei Rou all the way to the amusement park without any obstruction, Mei Rou couldn't help but feel a little wary while looking at the lively crowd.

After all, if Jiang Yi's identity is discovered here, it will be more of a loss than gain if any crowding incident occurs.

As if he noticed her nervousness, Jiang Yi bought two marshmallows from somewhere and handed one of them to Mei Rou.

"Don't be nervous, no one here is paying attention to us, everyone is thinking about how to have a wonderful weekend!"

Jiang Yi's words seemed to have some magical power, and they easily calmed down the uneasiness in Mei Rou's heart.

She subconsciously carefully observed the crowd around her, and indeed no one noticed the two of them who were now perfectly integrated into the crowd of tourists.

Everyone is doing their own thing happily.

"Okay, what do you want to play? I'll go with you!"

Seeing Mei Rou relax, the smile in Jiang Yi's eyes deepened.

Mei Rou felt a little strange that Jiang Yi suddenly brought her to the amusement park, but at this moment she just nodded happily.

Jiang Yi always has his own sense of proportion and reason in doing things, and Mei Rou chooses to believe him.

Although there were many people in the amusement park, Jiang Yi bought the most expensive ticket and enjoyed VIP treatment, so he didn't have to queue at all.

This also brought an excellent sense of experience to both of them.

On the roller coaster, Mei Rou couldn't help but grab Jiang Yi's hand beside her. Feeling the thrill of these falling words, she couldn't help but cheer.

Jiang Yi, who was beside him, turned to look at her after listening to her voice, the smile in his eyes becoming more obvious.

After getting off the roller coaster, Mei Rou's legs were a little weak, but she looked like she still had something to say. Just when she was about to turn around and talk to Jiang Yi next to her, two girls suddenly came over hesitantly.

"Hello? Are you Teacher Jiang Yi?"

The two girls were a little uneasy when they said this. They looked at Jiang Yi carefully while talking.

Jiang Yi was wearing a hat and a mask tightly. It was really hard to tell from his appearance for a while, but these two girls were both loyal fans of Jiang Yi, and it could be seen from their body shapes.

After hearing this, Mei Rou next to her immediately became tense.

Just when he was about to speak, Jiang Yi stepped in front of Mei Rou and gave her a look calmly.

After that, Jiang Yicai looked at the two girls.

"You have the wrong person." Jiang Yi deliberately changed his voice, which sounded completely different from usual.

One of the two girls breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Jiang Yi's voice, "I told you it couldn't be Teacher Jiang Yi, but you still don't believe it."

But the other girl still felt a bit similar. Just when she was about to continue speaking, she suddenly walked over from the side, and a large number of people rushed them away.

Jiang Yi took the opportunity to grab Mei Rou's hand and blend into the crowd, then ran away quickly.

The body temperature that was not her own penetrated the fabric and reached her skin. Mei Rou stared at her hand in astonishment. She didn't react for a moment and just followed Jiang Yi's steps subconsciously.

In the midst of the crowd, Meirou heard her heartbeat begin to beat violently, and it became louder.

(End of this chapter)

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