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Chapter 582 Accept the olive branch offered by Zhang Yimou! !

Chapter 582 Accept the olive branch offered by Zhang Yimou! !

He turned around in disbelief and looked over, only to find that Jiang Yi had stopped next to a woman wearing a black down jacket.

The woman wore a mask that blocked most of her face, but Zhao Lusi still recognized the person.

He is Jiang Yi's agent.

Mei Rou glanced at Zhao Lusi, who was not far away, and then returned her gaze to Jiang Yi.

"what happened?"

Hearing Mei Rou's question, Jiang Yi looked innocent, "It has nothing to do with me. She suddenly came up and asked me to treat me to dinner as an apology."

"You agreed?"

Mei Rou asked back.

Jiang Yi immediately shook his head, as if Zhao Lusi was some kind of savage beast that he wished he could get rid of immediately.

"How can it be!"

Seeing Jiang Yi's reaction, Mei Rou nodded, "You don't have to agree. The scandal between the two of you has just subsided. Now if there are rumors about eating together again, all the previous efforts will be in vain! This Zhao Lusi also knows this very well, so there is no need to go to the Hongmen Banquet!"

Listening to what Mei Rou said, Jiang Yi didn't show any objection.

Originally, she wanted to leave directly, but after thinking for a few seconds, Mei Rou took Jiang Yi and returned to Zhao Lusi.

"I also heard what Jiang Yi said about what happened just now. Since what happened before was just a misunderstanding, in order to avoid suspicion and avoid causing other unnecessary troubles, it is indeed easy for people to catch up on things like eating. It’s not necessary.”

When facing Zhao Lusi, Mei Rou's expression was several times colder than when facing Jiang Yi.

Mei Rou originally had such a temperament.

Concerned about the staff coming and going around at this time, Zhao Lusi showed a smile that was uglier than crying.

"Yes, I didn't think carefully..."

Regardless of Zhao Lusi's expression at this time, Mei Rou left with Jiang Yi.

Zhao Lusi looked at Jiang Yi's back and gritted her back teeth so hard that it hurt her palms to prevent her from completely losing control of her emotions.

When Mei Rou was talking to Zhao Lusi, Jiang Yi just stood behind Mei Rou the whole time, looking at him with a smile and not even giving Zhao Lusi a look.

After walking some distance, Jiang Yi still looked at Mei Rou.

Mei Rou couldn't stand being looked at like this.

"Why do you keep looking at me? Is there something wrong with my face?"

Simply stopping, Mei Rou turned to look at Jiang Yi.

When Jiang Yi was about to speak, Zhang Yimou walked over from the corridor on the other side.

After swallowing the words in her mouth, Mei Rou noticed Jiang Yi's strangeness and turned her head to look over.

After Zhang Yimou saw Jiang Yi, the smile on his face became deeper.

He raised his feet and walked over here.

"Jiang Yi, I happen to be looking for you too."

Zhang Yimou looked at Jiang Yi and said.

During the recent period, he could tell that Jiang Yi's attitude had softened a lot compared to before, so he wanted to strike while the iron was hot.

That book has been in his hands for several years. It is really rare to meet such a suitable person!

No matter what, he wanted to convince Jiang Yi!

After listening to Zhang Yimou's words, when Jiang Yi was about to speak, he turned his head and glanced at Mei Rou beside him. Thinking of what Mei Rou said to him last time, Jiang Yi paused and swallowed what he originally wanted to say. next time.

"Director Zhang, I happen to have something to tell you."

What kind of character is Zhang Yimou? As soon as Jiang Yi's eyes changed, Zhang Yimou knew what Jiang Yi probably meant.

He was immediately overjoyed!

"That's good, let's go to the lounge next to it and have a good chat!" Mei Rou also knew Jiang Yi very well and knew that Jiang Yi would not say this to Zhang Yimou at this time if he hadn't thought about it yet.

So you can probably guess his final answer.

Jiang Yi could think clearly, and Mei Rou was also very happy for him.

She did not enter the lounge with Zhang Yimou and Jiang Yi, but waited for them outside.

In the lounge at this time.

Zhang Yimou looked at Jiang Yi.

"Jiang Yi, have you thought it through?"

After hearing Zhang Yimou's words, Jiang Yi simply nodded.

After making a decision, Jiang Yi will not hesitate and look forward and backward.

"Yes, I want to take a look at the book you are holding in your hand, Director Zhang. If it is suitable, there is no problem on my side."

Although there were already speculations, Zhang Yimou was still excited when he heard Jiang Yi's words.

To be honest, my face was almost broken from laughter.

"Of course it's no problem! When I get back, I'll have someone send you the script! If you have any questions, just ask Jiang Yi!"

Seeing Zhang Yimou agreeing so readily, Jiang Yi also let out a sigh of relief.

After all, this was not a convenient place to talk, so after a preliminary discussion, the two walked out of the lounge.

When the two of them came out, Mei Rou looked at the expressions on their faces and knew that the matter was probably settled.

Saying goodbye to Zhang Yimou, Jiang Yi returned to Mei Rou.

"I promised Director Zhang that the book will be delivered in two days." Before Mei Rou spoke, Jiang Yi spoke first.

Hearing Jiang Yi's words, Mei Rou showed a smile.

"Okay! I have said before that no matter what decision you make, I will support you! I will contact Director Zhang about this matter in the future. You don't have to worry about it. You just need to read the book and join the group. Got it!"

Hearing Mei Rou's words, Jiang Yi nodded.

When meeting Captain Ye, Jiang Yi also told Captain Ye about this matter.

Although the group would not restrict these things, Jiang Yi felt that it was reasonable and reasonable for him to say it in advance.

After Captain Ye heard what Jiang Yi said, his face showed a bit of surprise.

However, she knew that Jiang Yi always had his own ideas, and she also knew Zhang Yimou's reputation in the circle, so she just thought about it briefly and smiled.

"Okay! When the time comes, I will take the rest of the group to the cinema to support you! Jiang Yi, please don't let me off the hook, otherwise I will ask questions for you when the time comes!"

Hearing Captain Ye's words, Jiang Yi's expression was dull, but his eyes were full of confidence.

"Don't worry, Captain, I won't embarrass you!"

Not to mention other things, Jiang Yi is also very confident with the actor's acting skills redeemed from the system!

But at the same time, he was also a little curious about what the notebook Zhang Yimou was holding looked like.

Let out a long breath.

Jiang Yi suddenly realized that someone was looking at him. He turned his head and found that the corner over there was empty and there was no one at all.

A bit of strangeness flashed through his heart, but Jiang Yi didn't take it to heart.

(End of this chapter)

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