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Chapter 583 Wherever he is, there is the world

Chapter 583 Wherever he is, there is the world

The next day after returning, Jiang Yi received the script from Zhang Yimou.

And the name of this script is "Hero".

Jiang Yi knew about this movie. After the movie came out in his previous life, it attracted countless people's discussions, and the comments about this movie were also polarized.

The film is set in the late Warring States Period.

At that time, seven heroes rose up together, and Qin was undoubtedly the most powerful among them!

As for Qin Shihuang Yingzheng, his ambitions did not stop there. What he wanted to do was to annex the six countries and unify the world!

It's just that people from other six countries naturally can't watch such a thing happen, so the knights from various countries headed by Wuming and others plan to assassinate Ying Zheng.

But in the end, after knowing that the essence of Ying Zheng's unification of the world was for the common people in the world, he no longer suffered from the pain of displacement and could enjoy a peaceful life, he gave up the assassination plan.

After Jiang Yi read two pages, he could not hide his surprise.

Because what Zhang Yimou gave him was actually Ying Zheng’s script!

In the entire movie, Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng does not appear in many scenes.

But every scene is top priority!

Jiang Yi really didn't expect that Zhang Yimou would give him such a role.

Generally speaking, for this kind of majestic and domineering emperor role, most directors in the industry will go to those experienced actors!

After reading the entire script, Jiang Yi let out a long breath.

His heart was beating violently.

It was like the first time he appeared on the singer's stage.

However, as the number of times increased, Jiang Yi's mood calmed down. He originally thought that he would never feel like this again.

Mei Rou took the water from the side and put it in front of Jiang Yi.

"How's it going? Do you have any questions about this script?"

Hearing Mei Rou's voice, Jiang Yi pulled away from his thoughts and could hardly control his emotions.

There was no need for Jiang Yi to answer, just by looking at his reaction, and relying on the tacit understanding between the two of them, Mei Rou was able to know what he was thinking in his heart at the moment.

So she was relieved.

She hoped that Jiang Yi had truly met the character she wanted to play.

"It seems that I don't have to worry. I will contact Director Zhang to discuss the next step with him."

three days later.

Jiang Yi, accompanied by Mei Rou, arrived at the address given to him by Zhang Yimou.

After getting out of the car, Jiang Yi discovered that this seemed to be an audition set.

After getting off the bus, a dedicated staff member came to pick you up.

After seeing Jiang Yi among the staff walking around, many people's eyes fell on Jiang Yi intentionally or unintentionally.

There was surprise and inquiry in his eyes, as if he was surprised as to why Jiang Yi appeared here.

Jiang Yi didn't pay too much attention to these sights and followed the staff to a room.

Zhang Yimou is already here waiting for Jiang Yi's arrival.

But besides Zhang Yimou, there were several other people in the room.

"Jiang Yi, you're finally here! Let me introduce you to our film's producer and two assistant directors!"

Seeing Jiang Yi's arrival, Zhang Yimou stood up from his chair and immediately took the initiative to introduce several other people in the room to him.

After seeing Zhang Yimou's attitude towards Jiang Yi, other people also showed unconcealable surprise on their faces. After all, Zhang Yimou has been in the industry for so many years, not to mention his current fame. Except for some old drama stars and seniors who have long been famous, I have never seen him be so eager for anyone!

Jiang Yi greeted them one by one.

But I still don't understand why I brought myself here.

Zhang Yimou seemed to have sensed Jiang Yi's thoughts. When he came over to say hello, he lowered his voice and spoke next to Jiang Yi.

"Although I am indeed very optimistic about Haoyou, you have to show some strength and show it to the producer and several assistant directors first, but I believe you will not let me down."

Jiang Yi was suddenly surprised when he heard this.

So I came here today to audition.

Originally, Zhang Yimou was worried that Jiang Yi might be a little angry when he found out about this, but Jiang Yi nodded unexpectedly and cooperated.

"Of course!"

Auditions are a normal process, right?

So you should also follow it.

Seeing Jiang Yi like this, Zhang Yimou's eyes grew even more appreciative, and then he returned to his seat and sat down.

"Then let's get started!"

After hearing Zhang Yimou's words, Jiang Yi took a deep breath and then put away the other complicated thoughts in his mind.

He lowered his head slightly, and when he raised his head again, his whole temperament was completely different from before!

Even though Jiang Yi was wrapped in an ordinary gray down jacket at the moment, he still couldn't stop the noble temperament exuding from him!

His eyes were not angry but powerful, and his expression was indifferent. It seemed that nothing could enter his eyes. Perhaps the word "looking down on the world" would be more accurate to describe Jiang Yi's current state.

Just a look!

At this moment, Zhang Yimou and the others seemed to have really seen the Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng, known as the emperor of the ages, truly descending in front of them!

Zhang Yimou, who had full confidence in Jiang Yi, was breathing rapidly now and was extremely excited, but he was afraid of disturbing Jiang Yi's current state. Can be pressed forcefully.

But Zhang Yimou was indeed overly worried.

Even if he made some noise at this moment, Jiang Yi wouldn't care at all.

In Jiang Yi's heart at this moment, he is Ying Zheng, and Ying Zheng is him!

Wherever he stands, there is the world!

Wherever he looks, it will also become the territory of his Great Qin!

With this kind of courage, even if Jiang Yi is just standing here, even if he is wearing simple clothes, the aura that makes people blush is still coming to him!

This powerful pressure makes people seem breathless!

Even when he looked over, people didn't dare to look directly at him!

At this moment, other people in the room were even breathing a little lighter, and everyone focused their attention on Jiang Yi, waiting for Jiang Yi's next move!

At this moment, Jiang Yi finally spoke.

"What are the six countries?"

"I want to lead the Qin cavalry to conquer a huge territory!!"

Just these two sentences, but the power revealed in them makes people unable to help but feel shocked! !

At this moment, Jiang Yi truly became one with Emperor Qin Yingzheng.

Just by frowning, you can control a person's life and death at will!

In the blink of an eye, a country is destroyed!

His eyes were full of majesty, and his eyes were unfathomable. It seemed that there were literally thousands of cavalry in front of him, waiting for his order to become the sharp sword he wanted!

(End of this chapter)

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