Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 584 No one else can do this except you! !

Chapter 584 No one else can do this except you! !

Looking at Jiang Yi at this time, Zhang Yimou took a deep breath.

In fact, at the beginning, he really wanted to find some veteran actors in the industry to play this role, but no matter what, he always felt that it was a little bit wrong.

Unless the acting skills of those veteran actors have deteriorated, many of them are called emperor professionals!

One look and one movement can reveal the majesty that an emperor should have.

But Zhang Yimou always felt that it was not enough.

Now that he saw Jiang Yi, he realized what he felt was not enough before.

Because those veteran actors have played too many emperor roles and have rich experience, they are naturally comfortable playing the role of Ying Zheng.

But their performance lacked a bit of spirit!

In the movie "Hero".

Ying Zheng's aura is unstoppable!

He vowed to unify the six kingdoms and lead the Qin cavalry to bring them all under his command!

At such a stage, his eyes should be full of vigor!

However, those old actors are more or less lacking in these two points when performing their performances.

But today, in Jiang Yi's eyes, Zhang Yimou saw what he had always wanted to see!

Even for a moment, Zhang Yimou felt that Jiang Yi was not acting out King Qin Yingzheng but bringing King Qin Yingzheng to life in front of him!

After exhaling a long breath, Zhang Yimou's eyes were extremely firm.

Apart from Jiang Yi, no one else can fulfill this role!

"it is good!"

Zhang Yimou stood up directly, the excitement on his face couldn't be greater.

"Jiang Yi, this role is yours!"

When Zhang Yimou said this, he looked at the producer and assistant director next to him.

"How about it? Do you have any opinions on my decision now?"

The producer and the two assistant directors looked at each other and shook their heads with a wry smile.

This book has been in Zhang Yimou's hands for several years, and it's not like he hasn't found someone to try it out in the past few years.

But everyone, not to mention how Zhang Yimou felt, even they could feel that something was missing, and today with Jiang Yi, they did not feel this feeling of missing something!

If even Jiang Yi couldn't fulfill this role, they couldn't think of a second person who could.

"Director Zhang, it turns out you still have a vicious eye!"

The assistant director next to him sighed.

At this moment, Jiang Yi has broken away from the state just now, but there is still a little bit of the emotion in his eyes.

After looking at Zhang Yimou, Zhang Yimou instantly felt a chill on his back.

And only for this moment.

After this moment, the remaining power of Qin Shihuang in Jiang Yi's eyes disappeared.

Zhang Yimou swallowed and felt his mouth was extremely dry.

This was the first time that he felt such an almost suffocating pressure just by the remaining emotion in his eyes.

What he thought before was right!

Jiang Yi was born to be an actor!

It was not easy to persuade Jiang Yi to star in this drama. Zhang Yimou also knew that Jiang Yi would not give up his singing career easily, so he just took a deep breath to remind himself to take his time.

"Jiang Yi, believe me, your future in the entertainment industry will definitely be limitless!" Zhang Yimou sighed with emotion.

After Jiang Yi heard these words, he was neither humble nor arrogant, "Director Zhang, thank you very much. I feel hot when I hear these words."

"What's the point? You can definitely afford what I'm saying! Don't you know, these guys actually know that when I gave you this role, they all were dissatisfied and thought you couldn't do it. , now it seems that my vision is correct!"

Zhang Yimou patted Jiang Yi on the shoulder and sold out the other people without any courtesy.

After being derailed by Zhang Yimou, the other people were not angry, they just touched their noses and laughed.

"Otherwise, we can't compare to you, Director Zhang."

Jiang Yi listened to them and turned to look at Mei Rou who was standing in the corner.

Mei Rou also had a clear view of Jiang Yi's performance just now, and she was also happy for Jiang Yi from the bottom of her heart.

At this moment, after meeting Jiang Yi's eyes, he showed a bright smile and gave Jiang Yi a cheering gesture.

After seeing Mei Rou, Jiang Yi felt at ease.

"This film has been delayed for too long. Now that I have finally met the right person, I can't delay it any longer. Jiang Yi, you must be prepared to join the team as soon as possible!"

Zhang Yimou can't wait to start construction officially on the second day!

But he also knew that he couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry, so he had to prepare more carefully.

After listening to Zhang Yimou's words, Jiang Yi nodded.

"Don't worry, Director Zhang, I've already made arrangements here and there won't be any mistakes."

With Jiang Yi's words, Zhang Yimou felt relieved.

After that, the staff directly took the group contract and gave it to Jiang Yi to sign.

It wasn't until he saw Jiang Yi signing his name that Zhang Yimou felt completely relieved!

Everyone has seen Jiang Yi's interpretation of Qin Shihuang Yingzheng. If he was attacked again at the last moment, he would be really angry and vomiting blood!

"Okay, as for the remuneration, don't worry Jiang Yi, I will never let you suffer!"

Zhang Yimou has never been stingy in terms of remuneration for the actors he values!

Jiang Yi also smiled when he heard what Zhang Yimou said.

"Don't worry, Director Zhang. I still believe you. If there is nothing else to do today, I will go back first. There are also some other things that need to be arranged before joining the group."

Hearing this, Zhang Yimou nodded simply, "You have to make good arrangements. If you have any questions, you can contact me at any time!"

After Jiang Yi agreed, he walked to Mei Rou's side, and then he and Mei Rou left the audition room.

"How is it? My acting skills just now are okay!?"

After looking at Mei Rou next to him, Jiang Yi spoke with uncontrollable pride in his tone.

Seeing Jiang Yi's appearance, Mei Rou felt funny and helpless, but she also did not hesitate to praise her.

"Director Zhang said that, what do you think! My evaluation may not be as professional as Director Zhang, but from my observation of other actors in the entertainment industry, you are definitely not worse than any of them!"

Hearing Mei Rou's praise for him, Jiang Yi's smile deepened a little. It is no exaggeration to say that his face almost burst from laughter.

"Okay, let's wrap it up. We're going to join the group soon, and other things that need to be resolved must be resolved to avoid unnecessary complications."

Seeing Jiang Yi's worthless look, Mei Rou sighed helplessly, but the smile on his face was no less than Jiang Yi's.

(End of this chapter)

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