Chapter 595 My charming ancestor!

When Jiang Yi and the others went back after shopping for groceries, the person who took the photo in the first place also posted the photo online.

The background was a busy vegetable market, and everyone looked at the camera subconsciously. Jiang Yi even held two crabs in his other hand, with a genuine smile on his face.

"Teacher Jiang Yi's feeling is really irresistible! It feels like a flower on a high mountain voluntarily stepping down from the altar."

"It's the feeling of being an elite outside the family, but when you get home, you put on an apron and become a househusband."

"Such a sense of contrast!"

"I have to say, Brother Jiang is still handsome, even when I was in my prime, I was a little bit inferior to him!"

"Why don't you upstairs touch your conscience and say this carefully again?"

"There's nothing wrong with that. With Brother Jiang's looks, I would have to step aside even in my heyday, let alone now."

"When you talk about these words one or two times, you don't even type them out!"

While netizens were discussing this post on Weibo, Jiang Yi and the others had already prepared dinner.

The wind is blowing from the seaside.

After eating, Jiang Yi sat outside to enjoy the cool air.

My body and mind felt relaxed.

Wang Kaikai moved a stool and came close to Jiang Yi. Xiao Ou also ran over and surrounded Jiang Yi's feet.

"Teacher Jiang Yi, I also saw your makeup photo before. You are so handsome! I believe you can do it!"

Wang Kaikai turned to look at Jiang Yi, his eyes shining brightly.

Hearing what Wang Kaikai said, Jiang Yi turned his head and looked at him, but didn't say much.

Noon on day 2.

Jiang Yi was ready to leave.

Netizens in the live broadcast room suddenly cried out.

"Teacher Jiang Yi, can't you stay a little longer? You can stay one more day!"

"That's right! It's hard to show up once, can't you show up just a little longer!"

"What on earth do you guys do on the show? Don't you see the popularity is so high? Why don't you keep Jiang Yi for two more days of filming!"

"Teacher Jiang Yi, don't leave!"

"I think even if the program team wants to keep Teacher Jiang Yi, it won't work if Teacher Jiang Yi doesn't agree."

"Forget it, after watching Teacher Jiang Yi, I am already satisfied. Now I just look forward to the release of Heroes! Teacher Jiang Yi plays Ying Zheng so amazingly, my charming ancestor!"

"Don't you just want to live forever? Why can't you let him get his wish!? Why can't Tang Seng know something and go up to his ancestor and let him take a bite!?"

"Tang Seng: How ridiculous you are!"

"Tang Seng: Did this ridiculous internet violence fall on me in the end!?"

"Tang Monk: You are noble and awesome, why don't you let him take a bite!?"

"Laughing like crazy! But to be honest, if Qin Shihuang could live for a few more decades, China's territory would probably expand a lot, right?"

"That's for sure! Don't look at how charming our ancestors are!"

The topic among netizens unknowingly diverted to an inexplicable place.

Jiang Yi also left the show team.

But he didn't go to the airport. Instead, after dressing up in disguise, he arrived at the hotel he had booked with Mei Rou.

It was a rare opportunity to have such a good vacation, and of course he didn't want to miss it.

When Jiang Yi came, Mei Rou was already prepared. "Teacher Jiang Yi, Sister Mei Rou is already waiting for you inside." The assistant said happily when she saw Jiang Yi coming.

Although this trip to Hainan is said to be working overtime, in fact, what is the difference between this and a public trip? !

This kind of overtime is not too much for her at all. If there is more overtime in the future, she can just add more!

When he saw Mei Rou, Jiang Yi stopped.

Mei Rou is wearing a bright yellow dress.

He looked bright and bright. When he noticed someone coming in, he turned around and saw that it was Jiang Yi. The smile on his face was even more difficult to take away.

Sometimes Jiang Yi also feels that it is a pity for Mei Rou to be his manager.

But sometimes I'm glad.

"I have arranged everything. I will have a perfect holiday in the next three days."

While Mei Rou said this, she walked towards Jiang Yi.

Moreover, in order to prevent the vicious incident of illegitimate fans from happening like last time, Mei Rou also specially used a cover-up trick.

In short, the news that can be obtained from the outside is that Jiang Yi has returned by plane.

No one would have thought that Jiang Yi was actually still here.

"Then it's hard work for you."

Jiang Yi smiled.

Seeing Jiang Yi like this, Mei Rou's cheeks turned slightly red and she moved away unnaturally.

"I am your agent, these are what I should do."

Hearing what Mei Rou said, Jiang Yi frowned slightly. Just when he was about to say something, there was a knock on the door.

The assistant walked in.

Jiang Yi could only swallow the words that came to his lips.

"what happened?"

"Sister Mei Rou, the cruise you arranged before is almost ready to depart. You asked me to remind you."

The little assistant did not feel the subtle atmosphere in the room, and was still focused on the upcoming journey.

"Okay, I understand, we'll come right away."

Mei Rou felt that Jiang Yi seemed to have something to say just now, but after the assistant left, she did not speak and instead changed the subject.

"I and other people in the circle have also inquired about Wu Yifan, and the matter is probably true. Therefore, I have not responded to his fans and friends for the time being, in order to avoid unnecessary complications."

If it were other things, Mei Rou would definitely not be like this, but what Wu Yifan did was really sensitive and even violated the red line of the law.

In order to avoid being stained with the fishy smell, it is best to stay away from him at the moment.

"There are already dedicated people above investigating this matter, and the results are almost there. I guess this matter will explode in a few days."

When saying these words, Mei Rou's face showed a bit of disgust that could not be concealed. Of course, this disgust was directed at Wu Yifan.

As a woman, she is of course even more disgusted and disgusted by this kind of thing.

"Didn't you say you were on vacation? Then don't worry about these things. In short, they have nothing to do with us. They can say whatever they like about the comments on the Internet. Anyway, I don't take it to heart."

Seeing Mei Rou like this, Jiang Yi couldn't help but reach out and touch her hair.

What he said was what he truly meant.

Jiang Yi might have been affected before, but now he is able to turn a blind eye to those malicious remarks.

(End of this chapter)

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