Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 596 The crew is filming! Wia fracture is thrilling at high altitude! ?

Chapter 596 Returning to the crew to film! Wia fracture is thrilling at high altitude! ?

Just like what Mei Rou said.

Even faster than he said, the incident exploded on the Internet the next day.

In the beginning, there were still fans who were struggling and unwilling to believe the facts, but after the official announcement, these fans disappeared.

At the same time, the people who came to eat the melon after hearing the news were even more shocked and dumbfounded by the shocking giant melon.

"Don't let me take a break. I really feel like my brain is a little overloaded right now! What's going on!?"

"Am I right? These are the people I'm thinking of!? What the hell!!!"

"Suddenly I thought of what those divine prophets said during the Live Broadcast of Longing for Life! It turned out that the house really collapsed, so the program team got the news one step ahead and asked Jiang Yi to save the situation temporarily, right?"

"Then I suggest you check out the person Lao Xue saved. He may also have some problems."

"No, what is going on in your entertainment industry? If the house collapses, it will collapse together!?"

"Damn my youth! I'm going to chop him with a knife now! If you can't control your lower body, then don't do it!!!"

"Sisters upstairs, calm down."

"Calm down, luckily I was rude to Teacher Jiang Yi because of this matter before. Now that I think about it, I really deserve to die!"

"I'll kill you all!"

There was an uproar on the Internet for a while because of this incident.

But these did not affect Jiang Yi at all.

As for the melon-eating crowd whose attention was drawn away by this matter, they had no intention of paying attention to anything else.

This matter has been raging for several days, and until Jiang Yi and the others came back from their vacation, the hot searches about this matter on the Internet were still high.

Until I returned to the set for filming, some staff were still discussing this matter.

Several of the younger girls had red eyes, wiping tears while gnashing their teeth and cursing.

His eyes swept over their bodies. Jiang Yi saw Zhang Yimou in front, talking to Li Lianjie and the others.

After seeing Jiang Yi coming, Zhang Yimou walked to Jiang Yi's side.

"Jiang Yi, we are going to shoot a fight scene later. Do you have any questions here?"

After hearing Zhang Yimou's words, Jiang Yi shook his head.

"Don't worry, Director Zhang, I don't have any problems here."

"No problem, it's just that you need to use wires later. It should be your first time to use wires. I will ask the staff to take you there first to get used to it. If there is anything wrong, please tell me immediately."

After all, there is still a certain risk in hanging a wire. It has not happened before that someone fell off a wire and was injured and sent to the hospital.

Naturally, Zhang Yimou would not allow such a low-level mistake to happen on his crew.

This was really the first time Jiang Yi experienced this feeling.

I turned around and went to get used to it with the staff next to me.

The staff tied the safety rope firmly around Jiang Yi, "Teacher Jiang Yi, our staff below will teach you how to relax your body later. If your body becomes stiff at high altitudes, it will cause... It’s also very stiff.”

The staff warned carefully.

Jiang Yi also took the staff's words to heart.

After fixing the safety god, the staff stepped back and turned to look at the staff in charge of Wia.

"Okay, no problem, let's try it here first!"

The people over there also responded after hearing the sound.

Although I said I was mentally prepared, I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous.

Jiang Yi took a deep breath and felt his feet slowly rising into the air, giving him a feeling of weightlessness.

The blood pressure slowly rose to the highest point, and Jiang Yi gradually overcame this feeling. But just when Jiang Yi was about to breathe a sigh of relief, he suddenly felt something strange.

His expression suddenly changed. When Jiang Yi was about to speak, it was already a step too late. A rope suddenly broke, and Jiang Yi instantly lost his balance in the air!

"Teacher Jiang Yi!"

"Brother Jiang!"

The staff below also became panicked.

After Zhang Yimou heard the movement here, he immediately turned his head and looked over. When he saw this scene, his expression instantly became ugly.

"Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and get the mat!"

Zhang Yimou shouted at the other staff, and then looked at the staff controlling Wia.

"Can you put the person down slowly?"

The staff looked pale at this moment.

"No, Director Zhang, when the rope broke just now, it seemed to be stuck somewhere else. There is nothing we can do now..."

"Didn't I tell you before that you should check everything carefully and make sure there are no problems before letting Jiang Yi try it? How on earth do you do things!"

Zhang Yimou was so angry that his whole body felt numb.

But he also knew that now was not the time to be angry. The most important thing was to put Jiang Yi down safely.

Except for the initial moment of panic, Jiang Yi forced himself to calm down quickly.

He looked up at the other surviving safety rope, not sure how long this safety rope could last.

If this safety rope is also broken, he will fall directly.

Although there were cushions underneath, Jiang Yi was now at least seven or eight meters away from the ground. If he fell from this distance, it would be easy to break off his hands and feet.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Yi looked around, trying to find a way to save himself.

After looking around, Jiang Yi really saw a place.

It is the beam on the palace.

There is about two meters away from Jiang Yi's current position.

If he wanted to get to the beam, Jiang Yi could only take some risks and let himself swing over.

But if it doesn't move, the safety rope may break in a second.

While Jiang Yi was thinking, he suddenly heard a slight sound.

Basically, in such a chaotic scene, this sound should be easily ignored.

But Jiang Yi heard it.

I looked up and saw that there was a screw at the top that seemed to be loose.

"Oh shit……"

Jiang Yi cursed.

After looking at the ground and then at the beam next to him, Jiang Yi gritted his teeth.

"Damn it, if you give it a try, you will die!"

Instead of waiting here, Jiang Yi thought it would be better to give it a try!

After making the decision, Jiang Yi forced himself to relax his body, and then slowly began to shake his body.

After noticing this, the staff below all looked over, and all of them looked a little pale.

They all knew in their hearts what would happen to them if something happened to Jiang Yi today.

(End of this chapter)

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