Chapter 599 What a disaster!

The crew quickly released a statement and a solution.

After Jiang Yi learned this in the hospital, the expression on his face was very calm.

Next to her, Mei Rou stuffed an apple into Jiang Yi's hand.

"Director Zhang also contacted me this morning. Anyway, the main thing is to let Jiang Yi recover from your injuries first."

After confirming that Jiang Yi's condition was indeed not serious, Mei Rou's mood had gradually calmed down. When talking about this, she was much calmer than before.

Jiang Yi nodded.

"I know."

As the saying goes, it takes 100 days to break the muscles and bones. Although Jiang Yi doesn't have to be as exaggerated as 100 days, there is definitely a period of time where he needs to take good care of himself.

Not to mention other things from the crew, at least these action scenes have to be moved to the end.

Mei Rou was sitting next to her, peeling an orange in her hand, looking a little distracted.

Jiang Yi noticed Mei Rou's abnormality and turned to look at Mei Rou.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

As Jiang Yi spoke, he walked up to Mei Rou and raised his other hand to touch Mei Rou's forehead. Mei Rou has been in the hospital for the past two days and you have been running up and down with her. She looks exhausted. A lot.

Plus it's so cold in Kyoto now, Jiang Yi is really worried that Mei Rou might be sick.

After hearing Jiang Yi's voice, Mei Rou subconsciously raised her head. After seeing the worry in Jiang Yi's eyes, Mei Rou shook her head slightly.

"I'm fine, I was just thinking..."

Mei Rou hesitated, but still said the next words.

"I was just thinking that if I hadn't persuaded you at that time, you wouldn't have accepted the drama, and these things wouldn't have happened."

Unexpectedly, Mei Rou was actually thinking about this matter, and Jiang Yi felt dumbfounded for a moment.

But Jiang Yi also knew what kind of temper Mei Rou was, and knew that Mei Rou must have been thinking about this matter in her heart. If she didn't tell her clearly, it might leave a knot in her heart.

Think of this.

Jiang Yi sat down next to Mei Rou.

"This matter has nothing to do with you. You should also know that if I haven't made a decision myself, no matter how much others say, it won't have much effect."

Jiang Yi's character is indeed like this, and Mei Rou knows it too.

Hearing Jiang Yi say this, Mei Rou's tense body relaxed slightly.

"So I thought about this matter first. Even if it is really because I agreed to do this movie that these things happened, it is also because of my own reasons. You don't have to think about it."

Jiang Yi said and patted Mei Rou on the shoulder.

"Besides, it's just an accident. There are certain risks. Is it because of this reason that I have stayed away from such things that may be dangerous? Then I don't have to do anything. ! I can only feel anxious every day!"

When speaking later, Jiang Yi's tone deliberately added a bit of ridicule, and the atmosphere in the originally dull ward changed instantly.

Mei Rou knew that Jiang Yi said this to comfort her, and she felt really better at the moment.

After letting out a long breath, Mei Rou nodded and then stood up.

"You're right, I suddenly got into trouble."

"This is also because caring leads to chaos." Jiang Yi stood up and the distance between the two people was very close.

Mei Rou's face turned slightly red. Just when Jiang Yi was about to continue saying something, there was a knock on the door of the ward.

Mei Rou took two steps back as if waking up from a dream and put a little distance away from Jiang Yi. She felt her cheeks were a little hot. She took several deep breaths and then walked to the door of the ward and opened it.

The person at the door of the ward was Xue Qianqian, still carrying something in his hand.

"I'll go find a doctor to find out about your current situation, and you two can talk."

After Mei Rou said these words, she left, leaving the ward to Jiang Yi and Xue Qianqian.

"Jiang Yi, what did Jiang Yi say about you? You are really in trouble!"

I had been busy preparing for the concert for the past two days. I only found out about Jiang Yi's injury and admission to the hospital when I had some free time. I kept going to see him again with my things.

Looking at the black and blue under Xue Qianqian's eyes, Jiang Yi took an orange and threw it over.

"You came here just to say these sarcastic words!"

"Of course not, why am I here to care about you? Not only do you not appreciate it, but you treat me like this!"

Xue Qianqian took the orange and walked into the ward, putting down what he was holding.

"But to be honest, I was really shocked when I saw the news."

He had filmed a few movies before, but he never hung up Wei Ya in those movies. However, during the concert, there were times when he was hung up several times because of the stage needs. He could indeed know if something happened to Wei Ya. What serious consequences will it bring.

Fortunately, Jiang Yi was fine.

"When did the doctor say your injury will heal?"

Looking at the plaster tied on Jiang Yi's hand, Xue Qianqian asked.

"The cast will be removed in about half a month, and I will be discharged from the hospital in two days."

The doctor kept Jiang Yi in the hospital for a few more days simply because the cut on Jiang Yi's back was a bit deep and he was afraid of infection and inflammation, so he kept Jiang Yi for two more days.

If nothing else happens in two days, you can be discharged from the hospital and then come back to have the stitches removed.

In fact, Jiang Yi sometimes feels a little scared when he thinks about the previous incident.

After all, he is not a god.

Even if there is a system on him, it is impossible to bring him back to life.

"It's fine. I originally wanted to tell you about the variety show, but looking at you now, you'd better recover well and don't be in a hurry about this matter."

Xue Qianqian is not so eager to exploit patients.

"You have some conscience." Jiang Yi glanced at him.

Xue Qianqian didn't say anything else when he came to see Jiang Yi. The two of them just chatted wordlessly in the ward.

After chatting for nearly half an hour, Jiang Yi stopped talking first.

"Okay, enough gossip. Tell me, do you have anything else to do when you come to me today?"

During this period, the relationship with Xue Qianqian was pretty good, and Jiang Yi thought he understood him fairly well.

Although Xue Qianqian didn't show any clues on the surface, judging from his occasional absent-mindedness, Jiang Yi concluded that he came to see him for other reasons.

Sure enough, after hearing Jiang Yi speak, Xue Qianqian raised his head and touched his nose as if he was embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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