Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 600 Even though the body is mortal, it is not made of iron!

Chapter 600 Even though the body is mortal, it is not made of iron!

"Hey, why don't you say it's Jiang Yi and you know me! There is really something wrong."

Originally, Xue Qianqian had wanted to talk to Jiang Yi about this matter before, but he suddenly forgot about it. When he came here today, he thought about it, but he also thought that Jiang Yi was a patient and it was hard to tell him directly.

"Say what you have to say, don't hesitate."

"There is someone who wants Jiang Yi to save him." Xue Qianqian looked at Jiang Yi and said.

Jiang Yi raised his eyebrows slightly.


During the few days when Jiang Yi was injured and hospitalized, except for the initial post on Weibo to report that he was safe, there was no movement from Jiang Yi for several days. Netizens were scratching their heads and could not get any news from Jiang Yi.

"Teacher Jiang Yi, have you forgotten that you still have fans?"

"Teacher Jiang Yi should still be in the hospital these days. As for the crew, it's better to wait until the injury is healed before going!"

"It's really too dangerous. If something like this happens again, tsk tsk tsk..."

"Please wait a little longer, it won't happen anymore!"

"There haven't been any other interesting things recently, and there haven't been any good songs. I miss Teacher Jiang Yi so much!!"

Netizens gathered on Jiang Yi's Weibo and posted comments about one thing or another.

Jiang Yi is not very clear about these comments on the Internet.

He is busy with something at the moment.

But Mei Rou didn't agree with what he wanted to do.

"Jiang Yi, your injuries are not completely healed yet, so why..."

Seeing Jiang Yi's excited look, Mei Rou couldn't say the next words.

Jiang Yi turned around and looked at Mei Rou, who put down the things in her hands.

"Don't worry, there won't be any danger. Besides, I've already asked the doctor, and the doctor said it's fine, so don't worry."

Even though she said that, Mei Rou couldn't help but feel worried in her heart.

But seeing Jiang Yi like this, Mei Rou finally stopped trying to dissuade him.

Jiang Yi went to the airport that night.

After Jiang Yi boarded the plane, a paparazzi posted several photos online, and it was Jiang Yi who was taken.

After seeing the photos released by the paparazzi, netizens couldn't sit still.

"What's going on? Teacher Jiang Yi, you're still wearing a plaster on your hand, where are you going!"

"Teacher Jiang Yi, I beg you, can you take care of your body? Your body is not made of iron!"

"What's going on? It's so late at night that Jiang Yi has to catch a plane with his hand in plaster. Could it be that some announcement has been arranged for Jiang Yi!?"

"I want to know too! This can be considered as squeezing, right?"

"Don't talk nonsense upstairs. How can Sister Mei Rou squeeze Jiang Yi? I think it is probably Jiang Yi's own decision. After all, if Jiang Yi doesn't want to, Jiang Yi's character won't be able to pull eight horses! He's stubborn! You have to be like a bastard!"

"It's so funny. Sometimes I really can't tell the difference between you Jiang Yi's fans and Jiang Yi's negative fans."

"Teacher Jiang Yi: Are you polite when you call me a bastard!?"

But no matter how lively the discussion was online, Jiang Yi didn't release any news.

Netizens couldn't find out what was going on, but they wanted to know what was going on. They were all spinning around like ants on a hot pot.

Until a few days later, something that looked like a rehearsal video suddenly appeared on the Internet. The person who appears in the video is Huang Ling, one of the veteran female singers in the industry.

"Toward the cloud~"

"Over the mountain~"

"Inside the sea~"

"Where should I go in real life~"

The song sounds ethereal and sweet as soon as you open your mouth, as if it can reach the depths of people's souls.

But before netizens could appreciate it, a hand suddenly stretched out from the side and made a gesture, interrupting Huang Ling's singing.

"Teacher Huang Ling, your aura just now is still not quite right, your tone can be improved a little bit."

Although the speaker did not appear in the video, his voice is familiar to many netizens!

"Wait a minute, did I hear you right? The person speaking seems to be Jiang Yi!!"

"There's no way I heard wrong! There's absolutely no way I heard Teacher Jiang Yi's voice wrong!"

"Who has this hand and this voice besides Teacher Jiang Yi? I dare to use my luck in love for the rest of my life as a guarantee, this is definitely Teacher Jiang Yi!"

"You were a little too cruel upstairs."

"No, it's my confidence in myself and my understanding of Teacher Jiang Yi!"

"Is it possible that Teacher Jiang Yi caught a flight all night just for this reason!?"

"This song sounds great, and I haven't heard it before. Is it another new song by Teacher Jiang Yi!?"

In the video, which was discussed by netizens, Jiang Yi pointed out some of Huang Ling's small mistakes and then demonstrated it again in person.

Originally, netizens thought Huang Ling's song just now was pleasant enough, but until Jiang Yi's voice appeared, they instantly heard the difference between the two.

Jiang Yi's voice was even more melodious, as if it was fairy music coming from outside. It was so ethereal and beautiful that people couldn't help but fall in love with it.

There are still some differences in the pitches of male and female voices, but the contrast brought by this difference is very obvious.

If Huang Ling's singing just heard sounded like a mermaid's singing, what Jiang Yi was singing now was like holy music, the kind that could wash away people's souls and brush away the dust on their souls.

Just when they wanted to continue listening, the video stopped abruptly.

This is when the hearts of netizens are adjusted to the highest point. At this time, everyone is stuck and dissatisfied.

“That’s it, do you dare to release a little more!!”

"I've taken off my pants, and you're just going to show me this!?"

"Although what the brother above said is a bit ungentlemanly, the truth is this. Can't you show it more? Why do you keep doing this every time!?"

"It's the same trick every time, but every time I get hooked because of this trick."

"I'm just kidding. If other people were doing this kind of pretentious thing, I wouldn't look at it twice. But as for Jiang Yi, I really can't say no. I'm afraid that Jiang Yi will stop singing if he takes it seriously. , then I really want to cry to death."

"Are there any fans who are more humble than us!?"

"Please play more, or tell us when this song was sung? Will Teacher Jiang Yi also play! Or is there a version sung by Teacher Jiang Yi alone!"

"Teacher Huang Ling's singing is really as good as ever, and so is Teacher Jiang Yi. The two of them really make me feel like a feast!"

"Teacher Jiang Yi, you are still injured. If you act like this, I will cry to death!"

(End of this chapter)

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