Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 628 I admit that I was a little ungrateful in the past!

Chapter 628 I admit that I was a little ungrateful in the past!

After the wrap-up party, the crew finally released various on-set behind-the-scenes and a few clips of the hero.

Netizens were originally intrigued by this movie. After the crew released these materials, countless netizens immediately flocked to it.

Putting aside everything else, Zhang Yimou is unrivaled in the entire Chinese entertainment industry in his control of the color of movie images.

This movie has a somewhat dark and cold tone throughout.

Rare warm colors also occur under specific circumstances

You can vaguely see it from those clips.

Among the clips released, the clips related to Jiang Yi have the highest number of views and comments.

In one of the videos, even Jiang Yi's person did not appear, only Jiang Yi's voice appeared.

It is a scene of two armies confronting each other and fighting on the battlefield.

Armor collided with armor, sharp blades cut the enemy's throat, blood spattered, the roar of war horses, and the sound of wind on the battlefield.

The warrior's cheek was stained with blood, and the blade was dripping with blood.

The battlefield was filled with blood.

And Jiang Yi's voice sounded just in time.

"What are the six countries?"

"I will lead the cavalry of Great Qin to conquer a huge territory!!"

Only these two words.

But looking at the clips in the video, people can’t help but be shocked.

Especially the sound of the war drums, which sounded like the blood all over the body began to boil, and something was screaming in the bones.

There are also many comments left by netizens under this video.

"I was eating, but when the war drums sounded, why did I get on the battlefield on horseback!?"

"The bowl in my hand suddenly turned into a saddle, and the chopsticks in my hand suddenly turned into a spear! I want to follow my ancestors to expand the territory!"

"Damn it, doesn't my ancestor just want an elixir of life? Why can't I give it to him!"

"Who on earth is saying that Jiang Yi has no acting skills? Not to mention other things, just based on these clips released by the crew and Jiang Yi's line skills, his acting will definitely not be bad, okay? At least it’s much better than some guys who can’t pronounce their lines clearly and have to use numbers instead!”

"I admit that I was a bit ungrateful before. Now I officially apologize to Teacher Jiang Yi. From now on, I will be Teacher Jiang Yi, your most loyal bitch, as long as you can stay in the entertainment industry!"

"Then I think it may be a dream. I guess that Teacher Jiang Yi will participate in the hero because of Lao Maozi. He doesn't seem to have much interest in the entertainment industry!"

"I didn't know who started it before, but many people on Douyin suddenly started to imitate Qin Shihuang. Just kidding, can their small bodies be able to support it!?"

"If Ying Zheng is really resurrected now, I think his image will not be much different from Jiang Yi's!"

As for the crew, they have also changed from the previous style of showing some tidbits as if they were life-threatening. They will drop two or three tidbits or a short plot from time to time every day. In short, it arouses the curiosity of netizens to the extreme!

the other side.

In the conference room.

After watching the video on the screen, the people in the conference room fell into silence. The leader turned around and saw the others.

"You should have seen what happened. Under such circumstances, do you still think Jiang Yi is not qualified for what you said? Or do you think there is someone more suitable than Jiang Yi!"

Unlike before when there was opposition to Jiang Yi's participation, this time everyone remained silent. After all, they were not blind.

After seeing this scene, Director Tian, ​​who had been sitting silently next to him, sighed silently in his heart and breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that this meeting that had been going on for several days was finally over.

But before he could relax for a few minutes, the person who just spoke turned his attention to him.

"Old Tian, ​​I'll leave this matter to you. After all, you have been communicating with Jiang Yi before, so I think it would be better to leave these matters to you."

When he first heard this, Director Tian didn't react for a while. It wasn't until a few seconds later that he nodded slowly.

Seeing that Director Tian agreed, the man turned his eyes away and then talked about other things.

I agreed, but Director Tian really didn't have any confidence at the moment.

Although the last time he went to find Jiang Yi, Jiang Yi had indeed promised himself that he would proceed in accordance with the contract signed before.

But I didn't tell him about my need to participate in the show last time, and I didn't mention it in the contract. If Jiang Yi refused, there would be no problem.

But when he thought about the past few days, Director Tian knew very well what would happen next if Jiang Yi refused.

But he agreed, and it was obvious that there was no room for him to go back on his words.

Director Tian could only grit his teeth and plan to ask Jiang Yi out, talk to him about this matter carefully, and Xiaozhi would be moved by emotion and reason. If there is really no other way, then you can only choose another method. After all, there is no way to force Jiang Yi.

The dining area is still in the previous private room.

After Jiang Yi received the call from Director Tian, ​​he rushed here as soon as possible.

The heroine was busy getting a physical album for Jiang Yi during this period. He also knew about it, but he did not accompany her today.

Seeing Jiang Yi coming alone, Director Tian quickly stood up and even wanted to pull the stool next to him with his own hands so that Jiang Yi could sit down.

Jiang Yi calmly rejected his move.

"Okay, Director Tian, ​​there is no need for us to engage in such hypocrisy. Just tell me that you came to me today because you have something to do. If you want to prepare to start recording, I have time here."

After hearing Jiang Yi's words, Director Tian touched his nose.

"I do have this plan..."

But there may still be some differences between the recording he mentioned and the recording Jiang Yi is going to do.

After thinking for a few minutes about the possibility of being rejected by Jiang Yi if he spoke directly, Director Tian finally had another idea.

"It's like this, let's eat first, and then after dinner, Teacher Jiang Yi, come back with me. There are some things that I need to discuss in detail with Teacher Jiang Yi and several leaders above us."

When he said these words, there was not even the slightest clue on the face of the person in charge of Congtian.

(End of this chapter)

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