Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 629: Kill first and tell later? frank!

Chapter 629: Kill first and tell later? frank!

Jiang Yi didn't think there was anything wrong, and nodded after hearing what Director Tian said.

"Okay, I don't have anything else to do today."

Seeing Jiang Yi agreeing so readily, Director Tian felt inexplicably guilty.

While eating, Jiang Yi also noticed that Director Tian seemed to be in contact with someone, but he didn't think much about it.

After eating, Jiang Yi and Director Tian left together and went to the program team.

However, Jiang Yi frowned slightly when he discovered that the direction in which Director Tian took him did not seem to be towards the recording studio.

However, looking at the staff coming and going, Jiang Yi felt a little confused, but he still didn't ask any more questions.

All the way to the filming set.

Some of the surrounding staff had met Jiang Yi for the first time. After seeing Jiang Yi, their gestures and expressions became familiar.

A staff member walked up to Jiang Yi, with a smile on his face and a hint of respect, "Teacher Jiang Yi, you are here, let's try on the clothes now. These clothes are only the first edition." , if you feel there is something inappropriate, you can just say it directly."


Jiang Yi still didn't react, but his body subconsciously followed the staff to the clothing room.

Director Tian followed Jiang Yi.

After going to the clothing room and looking at the clothes on display, Jiang Yi finally understood. He came over and turned to look at Manager Tian next to him.

After meeting Jiang Yi's gaze, Director Tian coughed slightly guiltily.

If other people knew that CCTV wanted to invite them to participate in the filming of the documentary, they would just regard it as a pie falling from the sky.

But for Jiang Yi, this might just be regarded as an extra thing. Moreover, Director Tian also knows that Jiang Yi has no intention of developing in this direction.

Therefore, today's move somewhat had the meaning of killing first and then replaying later. Thinking of Jiang Yi's attitude towards him just now, it was inevitable that the man had a guilty conscience at this time.

"Who is Director Tian?" Jiang Yi asked.

The staff next to him noticed that something seemed a little wrong and subconsciously glanced at Director Tian.

Manager Tian waved his hand, "If it's okay, go to the side and sort things out first."

The staff nodded and quickly walked away. After everyone left,

Only then did Director Tian look at Jiang Yi.

"Teacher Jiang Yi, I am indeed unkind in this matter. But I really have no choice but to make this move. In fact, it is not because of the theme song that I asked Teacher Jiang Yi to come here today."

"It's not about the theme song? That's why."

The doubts on Jiang Yi's face were even deeper.

"Teacher Jiang Yi, do you remember the last time I told you that the content of the documentary has been rectified? Because of this reason, many historical figures will be added to the documentary. This time, Teacher Jiang Yi, you are here. I want Teacher Jiang Yi to try out some of the characters that will appear in the documentary, and I hope Teacher Jiang Yi can participate in the documentary."

Although Jiang Yi still remembered what Director Tian said to him last time, he really didn't expect that Director Tian and the others would reach out to him with this idea.

Just as Director Tian was about to continue speaking, someone came over from the other side, and it was the director of this documentary. After Director Tian saw the director, he immediately felt as if he had seen a savior. The director was also a human being. After noticing the look in Director Tian's eyes, he roughly guessed what was going on. At this time, he came over with a smile on his face. With a smile.

"Lao Tian has something to do with you. Come over to Jiang Yi and let me talk to him." The director walked up to the two of them and said.

Director Tian glanced at Jiang Yi and nodded before leaving.

And Jiang Yi's eyes fell on the director. "Director."

"This is Jiang Yi's idea. In fact, Lao Tian told me that I agreed to it. I know it may be a bit unkind, but, you also know the situation now." The director sighed helplessly when he said this. One breath.

Don’t look at the fact that there seem to be a lot of popular celebrity actors in the entertainment industry. There are many popular TV series that brag every day about how good the protagonist’s acting skills are, how popular they are, and how popular their traffic is. But in fact, they can be picked out. There are not many people who can play those characters in history.

Especially those monarchs and generals. Except for some veteran actors in the entire entertainment industry, there are really not many actors among the new generation who can watch them.

But these roles cannot be ignored.

No matter how many times he looked at it, only Jiang Yi could do it.

The director is the director who previously filmed Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty. Because they have collaborated before, Jiang Yi also knows what kind of person he is.

Seeing him like this at this moment, although Jiang Yi did feel a little unhappy in his heart about being put on a par with others, this dissatisfaction was quickly dissipated.

"Okay, director, I know what you mean. Since I'm standing here to listen to what I have to say, it means that I have no intention of giving up my job and leaving."

After hearing Jiang Yi's words, the director's face lit up with joy.

"But if something similar happens again in the future, I hope you can tell me directly that there is no need to go through so many twists and turns. After all, this is not the first time we have cooperated, and there is no need for us to do this with each other. Yes." Jiang Yi continued.

Hearing Jiang Yi's blunt words, a bit of subtlety flashed across the faces of these directors, and then they nodded, "It's true that our heads are a little confused, okay, let's settle it! But this documentary may It will take a long time, so..."

Jiang Yi didn't think there was any problem with this.

"Okay I know that theme song thing."

"Don't worry about the theme song. You can think about it slowly after the final content of the documentary is finalized."

After getting the exact answer, Jiang Yi paused and swallowed the words that came to his lips.

After the matter was agreed upon, the director looked not far away. The staff member I was looking at and the costume designer next to him waved to them. After seeing the director's actions, they left immediately. come over.

"Okay, let's try on Jiang Yi's clothes and makeup first."

Because they need to be infinitely close to real people in history, these things have to go through many revisions, and their costumes made today are all first editions.

The costumer nodded and took Jiang Yi to the side.

After lifting the cloth covering the shelf, a complete set of clothes appeared in front of Jiang Yi. Next to the set of clothes, was a set of armor that shone with a cold light.

(End of this chapter)

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